Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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ooo that would be nice wouldn't it?!
ive definatly decided some how, some way im going on vacation either fall or just not sure hat kind of vacation I want yet, cruise? all inclusive beach front? (ha yeah right) a weekend on a dude ranch? who knows?! but I dfinatly need at minimum a long weekend of doing very little...

im trying to plan an orer to things to do so I can get something done this afternoon
I figure the 3 meat does can stay caged togehtr for now at least, theres been some light humping going on but no fighting yet...I can probably wait on that project for another week or so...
I do want to try and get their cage out of the barn though before Saturday (need to clean out under it anyway) so may have my brother help me carry the cage they are in out to the rabbitry later...
decided gonna just buy 2 more 30x30 and stack them and save the tractor building for growouts and meat kits.
the grow out tractor for the current babies is also not realy a must do this I think ill add that to next weeks list.
need dads help with the chicken coop (or hell simply complain that it wasn't built right or whatever...) so mabe I can get him to help me with that this weekend, that NEEDS doing as the chicks cant stay in the brooder much longer (they are getting big...)
so that realy leaves the goat pasture to hit the top of the I think im gonna finnish my coffee, don my boots and head up there, got to empty some junk out of the galvanized tub that's currently working as rash storage and gonna use that as a burn barrel and start tossing some of the brush in there, this stuff seems to burn pretty fast as is.
then I can work on the fence (and give dad and steven the job of building a coop) this weekend.

mabe that's the key...mabe Im just not taking charge and delegating enough...
either way hopefully the brush wont be too bad...unfortunalty im dealing with a metric ton of mile-a-minute back there so its gonna be thorny.
then once the goats are put to bed tonight ill hit the fenceline with the weedwacker and clean that up.
keep those fingers crossed!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Frodo is home safe, one of the angora boys whent home, and a young angora is under deposit to be picked up in a little over a week, traffic wasn't too bad and the weather co-operated, not a bad day, just wish my back wasn't super unhappy with me.
tomorrow I need to get back to working in the back pasture, the fenceline needs tending (heard the fence clicking tonight when tending the buns) so that's a job for tomorrow especially with the new boy whos not used to electric, need to be sure he gets a proper zap if he touches it, just in case...
and theres lots of brush to clear...its still to wet to burn :/ gotta move what I can into as few larger piles as possible so itll hopefully be a little easier when we CAN realy clear it.
so, if the weather, and my back, co-operate, that's the plan for tomorrow...back however may decide the plan sucks...
was REALY bad last night, moved in my slepe and suddenly woke up to excruciating spasms, SUCKED...if its still like this by Monday ill go to the drs...
otherwise pretty uneventful.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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Britesea, that's what I was thinking either sciatica or a pinched seemed to be easier last night and not so bad this morning...I pretty much sat all day yesterday (driving but still sat lol) so mabe that helped.
gonna be sat for 3 hours again today as im going to go pick up some rhodebar pullets an hour and a half away :) much cheaper than buying them online and they are already 2 weeks so should be ok without the lamp in the barn :D

I did weedwack the goat pasture fence line, neighbors huge shrub had gotten blown/lightlngin struck and flalend over onto our side/the fence so I had to lift an dpush that off (it would only go one way and that was onto their side...)
im actually pretty impressed my little electric battery weedwacker took out a butt load of milkweed, mile a minute and various other bits of stuffs and cleared the pasture fence in about 45 mins..the first batter faded about 15 ft from the finnishline lol but I had 2nd battery charged and ready. least that's done.

new guy Frodo is now out in the pasture with the others, didn't want to let him out until I was sure the fence has a good charge...
he seems to be ok, still calling and not realy compeltly intergrated but was nibbling on brush with the young'uns earlier :)

woke to 9 new babies in the nest box this morning, my e-lop doe thistle and my red rex buck has given me my first gen of giant velveteens (velveteens are elop and mini rex, im doing e-lop and standard)
and yeah...that's about it...

so time to get dressed then go get these chicks. then I think im going to spend the rest of the day doing very little


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well 3 hours of driving and all I have to show for it is 1 weak chick and 1 very weak chick...
picked up the chicks they all seemed fine, upright, bright eyed the time we got 1/2 way home 5 were dead...1 looks half dead (she has perked up a little with some sugar water) the last seems ok...
the car was MAX 81 degrees and that was when we stopped for gas and a potty break (we were gone for all of 10 mins, 15 TOPS...)

sister is realy upset, says she makes a terrible farmer...thought mabe it was too hot, but seriously these are partially feathered 2 week old chicks and the car was not that hot...(because I have the dogs I have a little thermometer in the back, and it read 81 at its highest when we got back in the car at the gas station) and the little freebie rooster seemed stressed and panty before that...I run the ac in my car at 76-78 so its not like it suddenly jumped from cool to hot, or hot to cold...

so frustrated.
sent the guy a message (as that's $40 plus 1/4 a tank of gas and 3 hours of my life) doubt itll get me very far but if nothing though I might contact paypal...I paid for healthy chicks and got mostly dead/dying ones.



Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks, the 6th of th e7 died in the night, the 7th (female thankfully) seems ok but was looking for her siblings so I put her in with mine, poops are normal and no signs of runy nose...
sent him an email about it and the response was "oh they much have got stressed in the car"
my respnce being "wel ive shipped and had shipped chicke and youngsters cross country in cardboard boxes by ups, driven longer distances than that to pick chicks up and NEVER seen chicks die like be re-evaluating your breeding flock if less than an hour in a temperature controled car (since most had died by the half way point) is THAT stressfull on the 2 week old chicks...)
hard and expensive lesson learned, next time ill stick with hatcheries and breeders who offer health and live arrival guarantee on their animals."

I mean I get you cant guarantee what happens to an animal once it leaves your care, but when I email you EXACTLY at the time I said I would be home, I couldn't have left the car sitting for more than 10 mins in order to make that time...and they didn't even make it to the house so didn't even have a chance to be fed something strange or exposed to something odd...ect...theres obviously an issue beyond "out of my control" me for 6 of 7 chicks to keel over like that, there obviously something not quite right going on.
he didn't even say "well ill let you know when the next hatch is and we can work something out" or anything ya know?! at least make an effort to sound more than "oh that sucks" ya know?! happens. ill get over it.
in GOOD news, another angora baby whent home today, marshmellow is now the pet of one of the most polite 3 yr olds ive ever met lol. (though to be honest im pretty sure hes daddies bunny lol)
that's all the current angora babies sold, just got 2 e-lop baby girls left from the "ready now" litters.
now lets hope I can get the next batch of babies sold when their time comes up :D
the batch of satin mixes already has 1 of 7 sold to be picked up next hoping the other 6 go just as easily, REW tned to be the hardest to sell though.
pink eyes freek people out lol.

not much else going on...


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well energy is low and my body hurts and I slept like *insert none family friendly word here* last night...
I managed to get the new window ac unit in my room done...hoping that will help with the sleeping issue, theres only 1 window in there and the door doesn't have a screen so even with the fan it was just circulating hot air...
wasn't going to cave to the ac monster, just wanted a screen and a larger fan (or ceiling fans) but dad whent in there yesterday morning and couldn't belive how stifling it was, (86 with the fan blowing and the window open, and it wasn't that temp outside...)
so he got me one, we put it in around lunch time and he apparently set it to 68, I was freezing by 2pm lol. so its now set at 78 which is pretty much where im quite happily comfortable :) ill drop it to 74 overnights as I do prefer it to be a little on the chilly side when im sleeping...

then we whent out, there was a ltitle craft fair my sister wanted to take a look at, and on the way home stopped at TSC and I picked up 2 30x30 cage kits for the meat does. they are in a 30x30 now all together that I made so im going ot use that as cage one on the bottom of the tower and stack the other 2 above with a sloped roof under the top 2 an a large catch box under the bottom one., hoping it works out the way I see it in my head.
thattl get those 3 out of the barn.
realy need to butcher evil bun this evening too, that then just leaves sisters dutch truffle to get housed and shes going to build a hutch for her neer the house (so she says, we'll see lol)
but ive got an adult angora supposed to be going home so assuming that pans out I can put her in that cage.
its one more thing to check off the to-do list

and its a LONG to-do list.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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DH and I were talking today about how darn near impossible it would be to live here without AC... possible yes - fun - NO!

Glad you got some heat relief!