Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
I'd like to get at least a house sized swamp cooler. This being desert we have low humidity even though we are close to the river so it would work here.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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ive heard good thigns about he swamp coolers for low humidity areas!

usually I can go without AC, (and most times ac is set too low for me) in tn I had a window unit in the bedroom, it got turned on an hour before bedtime and was on overnight again in the morning and that was only late june through beginning of open 2 windows in back, 2 in front and turn the ceiling fans on and it was no problem even with the humidity...
that's why I think had the storm door had a screen I would have been fine, a fan in 1 window to push and pull air through the space form one end to the other...but with just the 1 window to open the air had nowhere to go other than round in a big convection circle, gathering heat and never managing to cool (plus its only a 9" fan LOL!)

its nice in there right now at 78, hoping thatll mean a realy good nights sleep, gonna take 1/2 a muscle relaxer and a pain killer before bed, nice cool sleep! I haven't slept well in a couple weeks...and im almost certain it was the heat.

got the 2 new 30" rabbit cages built, got to drag the one they are in currently out tomorrow, and get them stacked and covered/sorted.
I may end up having to isolate ne of the goslings as he/she seems to have a beaten up wing and is weak in 1 side, I think its getting picked on and may put it with a buddy up in the barn for a few days to recoup. poor lil one. There is always one on the bottom of the totem pole I guess.

town tomorrow morning, then rabbit stuff to do in the afternoon...


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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I am trying to wean myself off of AC. I cant stand a hot house. I am miserable. Another reason to move to the North Woods. Maybe I can do without it during a short summer...

That is true. Someone is always on the bottom of the totem pole, but at our house the geese are usually at the top. My adults are hateful, are yours?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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yeah during the day I can handle, but sleeping...forget it, if its too hot I just cant...

I don't have any adult geeseys right now, I found them a new home when I moved, but my adults were actually realy sweet, ducks were always pushing them around and for the most part they just put up with it. im sure theyd be different during breeding season and they are sooo personable as babies lol.
unfortunately we lost weak goosey baby, brought her in and she seemed to eb doing better, but then she crashed overnight on the 2nd night. the othes however seem to be doing fine (and happier since I doubled the food ration lol.)

everything else is chugging along.
started the home reno on the house, fo far if stripped about 1000sqft of wallpaper, still have a bathroom and the kitchen to do, my body aches, sister has helped with some (though hers is a much more leasurely pace lol) and mums helped with what she could and brother helped some with cleanup, so its not like im doing it alone...but still *ACHEY* lol.
hoping to do the kitchen this afternoon, it wont take long.
dad had some quote in to come in and strip the paper and paint the whole house.
without trim and ceilings all 3 quotes came back in the 8000-10000 range...
so $440 at lowes yesterday we have everything we should need, including the paint for each room, we may need an extra gallon here or there, but even if we need DOUBLE the amounts we got its still a whole lot less than $8000.
dads got next week off, so were going to get as many rooms scrubbed, patched sanded and painted as possible in that time.
dad used to paint for a living (his dads company) and in the UK had his master painters cert and licence so once the walls are clean (of glue) patched and sanded, he can typically knock out the paint in a couple hours per room...
at minimum were hoping to get brother bedroom, office and hallway/stairs done this week, the downstairs livingroom is full of brothers boxes from the move because emum didn't want to have to move everything multiple times when it came time to decorate, same with the figure get those rooms one then we can start moving things out of the formal livingroom.

kitchens the big job...not only is that room getting stripped of 40yr old wallpaper and painted, but its getting a new floor, counter and backsplash too...the downstairs bath may get a bit of an overhaul too, new vanity top and sink and poss a new toilet.
ill probably offer my glass vessel sink since itll be a number of years before I get to building my house and I think a bath that typically would be used by guests needs a little something fancy lol. (plus its the bathroom I use the most lol.)

in animal world, things are going ok. Lost a baby bunny to friponil poisoning so had to replace him since I repeated bad advice to a buyer. sucks but they were incredibly understanding, sent another bunny that had already been paid for home yesterday too so that's 2 more babies gone home.
lots of babies in nestboxes right now too, wont be breeding anymore until aug though. hoping my tri-doe is bred though, shes due next week/beginning of aug.

goats are doing good, ruthie milks about 3lbs a day which is awesome. id like to find another oe in milk if I can, and then next spring add 2 more babies. 6 is my goal number.

so yeah pretty busy around here


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
I love a fresh coat of paint. It is amazing how something so simple can be so nice. I would almost never think of hiring someone to do it... I kinda enjoy painting myself. I don't know why they charge so darn much to paint... that just seems absurd! Glad yall can do it yourself!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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I like painting...but unfortuinatly I wont get a chance to do that was a master painter/decorator in the UK, so he can knock a room out in no time and "prefers to do it himself" lol.
so MY job became stripping wallpaper and scrubbing walls.
im HURTING...ive spent the past 4 days stripping wallpaper, still got 1 room left to strip...yesterday I started scrubbing walls, got the hall/stairs done, this morning got the upstairs bathroom done, and im going to work on the kitchen and downstairs bath next.
of course the siblings helped the first couple of days while it was a however about as interested in helping as they would be having their nails pulled off...and rather than fight and have them and dad are just getting to.
so im doing everything I can reach without a ladder and hes scrubbing everything above the door frames that I cant reach (my body will NOT co-operate with me tittering on a ladder right now.)
almost there though, and whats left should go fairly quickly. and after everythigns stripped and cleaned my job is pretty much over...

kinda bugs me that sister is on the "oh its ok to not help we know your back is sore" train...
reminds me that mum especially just doesn't get (or doesn't want to accept) that im pretty much constantly in physical pain and not just my back...I get it, he backs bad, mums knees and shoudlers are bad...they hurt, a lot...
but they forget that so do I...
I take tylanol extra strength 4 times a day, a flexeril efore bed every night the past few days because I hurt so back had issues anyway and with the fibro every inch of me aches...

dad however has made it a point to say thank you and that it looks that makes it worth trudging on even if no one else will.

when mum hirts she sits on the bed with her knee propped up...when sister hurts she sits and reads a book or plays on her phone...when I hurt, the rabbits still need feeding and the goat milking and everyone needs water and the walls needs I do it and try to fit the chill out stuff inbetween (like right now while im waiting for the goats milk to start setting curds for the cheese im making because you know...that happens too.)

anywho, enough complaining.
looks like the barn is getting a new roof soon and the house will be decorated soon and ill be able to sit back for a couple hours soon and do nothing for a little bit...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Oh boy... communal living works great if everybody does their part...

Sounds like you're doing a whole lotsa folks parts! ...'nuff said...!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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in bad news I managed to spill 1/2 a pot of still hot ricotta whey all over me...
in good news managed to salvage some AND my 2nd attempt at moz cheese (first attempt failed miserably) seems to have come off well :)
it melted and stretched like it was supposed to and is currently cooling in tubs. id say I got about 1 lbs of moz and probably, after loosing some, about 1/2 a cup of ricotta, (I got a whole cup out of the last batch so know i would have probably gotten about the same if i hadnt spilled it,) out of 1 gallon of milk, left with 1/2 gallon of whey thatll go on the plants once cooled.
fingers crossed, it actually looks like moz this time, it stretched and everything :)

got another gallon to use that I may try 1/2 for a cottage cheese and 1/2 for another batch of yogurt (going to double stain that one to try a greek)

and im in the midst of making ready for bed!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
It's tough when others get wrapped up in their own space so that they don't think of how you might be feeling.
Glad you're still chugging along and there isn't too much left to do. It is very satisfying when it's done!
The cheese sounds lovely! How you didn't get burned bad when it spilled.