Presidential Debate--who watched?


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 10, 2008
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Upper Peninsula, MI
Now that I vented and no one yelled at me I will say this.....There are other people. I was going to vote for Mccain, but the more I see of both of them the more my skin crawls. So even tho I know it will be a wasted vote, I am writing in Ron Paul. Maybe someday, the write in will get elected and surprise us all, why not this election?


Enjoys Recycling
Aug 1, 2008
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roosmom said:
Maybe someday, the write in will get elected and surprise us all, why not this election?
From your mouth to God's ears. :fl


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
Quail_Antwerp said:
Well, I will flat out state it, I am voting for McCain when the time comes simply because I believe he is the lesser of two evils, not because I support him.

I in no way shape or form want Obama in the whitehouse! I am not for a socialized anything and I personally believe the socialization mind set is a boat load of crap!

I am against the government having any say whatsoever in anything that pertains to my personal life and livliehood.
+1, QA. I am going to hold my nose and vote for McCain, too. But I like Sarah Palin. I like her spunk. I don't care that she's supposedly inexperienced. I'm tired of all of the 'experience' in Washington. Time for a huge change - and that doesn't mean Nobama.

patandchickens said:
reinbeau said:
I will say I'm surprised to read what I have hear in a self-sufficiency forum.
Just goes to show, life is full of suprises and often more complex than one expects ;)

And then there are those who make more complexity with their very existence ;)


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Quail_Antwerp wrote:
Well, I will flat out state it, I am voting for McCain when the time comes simply because I believe he is the lesser of two evils, not because I support him.

I in no way shape or form want Obama in the whitehouse! I am not for a socialized anything and I personally believe the socialization mind set is a boat load of crap!

I am against the government having any say whatsoever in anything that pertains to my personal life and livliehood.

Now don't be shy with your opinion..HA HA HA

I am not sure....I am leaning toward McCain more than Obama. I like Palin also....definitely not alot of experience but like Reinbeau said, I am tired of the "usual" people also but for some reason, and I can't put my finger on it, Obama just worries me????? I am not sure why????

I don't know...til I walk in and vote I could go either way but more toward McCain..LOL

I think everyone is treating this thread great!!! :)


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Well, if we are going to write in a nominee...LOL...I am going to write in myself! :gig First thing I am gonna do as president, give all the people their rights back!! :cool:

But I like Sarah Palin. I like her spunk. I don't care that she's supposedly inexperienced. I'm tired of all of the 'experience' in Washington. .
What has all that experience got us??? DEBT! Lots of it! They are sooo experienced at spending our money, but where's the experience in listening to the people?

I like Palin, too, and really, I wish SHE was running for president!

We need someone inexperienced, IMO...someone who hasn't been sucked into the corruption and power hungry mongrels of this so called government.

We also need to start enforcing those timelimits on all the old farts that sit in Congress.....they haven't vacated their seats in YEARS. Move on, move out, get some fresh blood in there!

And h@ll yea! We get to vote on abortion this year! Bout d@mn time!

I mean, correct me if I am wrong, but isn't it supposed to be for the people, of the people, by the people???? Then I think it is time that we the people stand up and make them listen to WE THE PEOPLE!!

And since when do MINORITIES make the decisions for the country as a whole?? It's supposed to be the if the MAJORITY says no, deal with it!

yea yea I know, My opinion...and I know we all have them just like something else, so I'll go stick a cork in it now....


Politics really chap my @rse!


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 26, 2008
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South Central Michigan
Quail_Antwerp said:
What has all that experience got us??? DEBT! Lots of it! They are sooo experienced at spending our money, but where's the experience in listening to the people?
A couple of friendly arguments here. :)

First, I agree that our debt has gotten totally out of hand, and it's destroying American jobs and our nation's power. Which is one of the reasons I choose to vote Obama. While one might think that higher taxes and more governmental spending would increase our debt, that turns out to just be wrong. In the past 28 years, there's a clear pattern in our national debt that the more supposedly "conservative" the president, the more money gets frittered and our country goes into debt. Here's a graph made from White House documents:

As you can see, the national debt steadily declined from 1944 until 1980 with solid non-partisan effort. But then with the invention of Reagan's economic policy, which the current Republican party has adopted as "good," the national debt rose very sharply from 1980 until 1988, and then continued its meteoric rise from 1988-1992 with the first president Bush. Then, as you can see, under Clinton it turned around and started to decrease once again, thanks to his economic policies. And then, in 2000, it quickly begins rising again with the George W. Bush presidency, and continues to rise to this day. I think it's pretty clear that the "Reaganomics" that the current Republican party is selling as the answer to our problems is actually creating our economic problems. And so I vote for someone with similar values to Bill Clinton, whose economic policy actually reduced our debt.

Quail_Antwerp said:
And since when do MINORITIES make the decisions for the country as a whole?? It's supposed to be the if the MAJORITY says no, deal with it!
For a very long time, the minority's opinions have been held in equal regard to the majority, and for excellent reasons. For instance, in 1954, the majority of Americans wanted to keep schools segregated, but the U.S. government protected the rights of the African-American minority, and desegregated the schools. And it's a darn good thing they did, even though the majority didn't want it to happen.

For a better rant than mine, how about this inspiring speech given in 1926 by Senator James Reed of Missouri:

"I am getting a little tired of hearing about the sacred rights of the majority; that this is a country ruled by the majority; and that the majority has the right to have its way. This is not a country ruled by the majority. This is not a country of majority rule. The Constitution of the United States was written, in large part, to prevent majority rule. The Declaration of Independence was an announcement that there are limitations upon majority rule.

"The rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness were declared in the Declaration to be inalienable rights. They could not be given away by the citizen himself. Much less could they be taken away by temporary agents, sitting in legislative bodies, holding a limited authority of brief duration.

"The right to trial by jury can not be taken away by majority rule. The right for the habitation of the citizen to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures can not be taken away by majority rule. If it could have been so taken away, Volstead and his like would have invaded every home of America and fanaticism would have thrust its ugly face into every home of this land... Before you can trample upon certain rights of the American people you must have more than a majority, Sir, and I believe it to be true that there are certain rights which even by amending the Constitution of the United States, we can not take away from the citizens of the United States.

"Majority rule! Where is the logic or the reason to be found back of majority rule except in the mere necessity to dispatch business? The fact that a majority of 1 or 10 vote for a bill in the Senate is not a certification that the action is right. The majority has been wrong oftener than it has been right in all the course of time. The majority crucified Jesus Christ. The majority burned the Christians at the stake. The majority drove the Jews into exile and the ghetto. The majority established slavery. The majority set up innumerable gibbets. The majority chained to stakes and surrounded with circles of flame martyrs through all the ages of the world's history. The majority in China believe in a doctrine and follow a code of ethics different from ours. Either they are wrong or we are wrong. The majority in India follow a different code of ethics and have a different set of ideas than we, and they far out number us. Either they are wrong or we are wrong.

"The majority went down the pathway of the ages wearing gyves, which they voluntarily forged and fastened upon their arms; and when a minority arose headed by some brave soul, they hanged him upon a gibbet, they crucified him upon a cross, they pulled his limbs apart with horrible instruments of torture, and the majority stood there leering and jibing at the man who was the apostle of a better day.

"Majority rule without any limitation or curb upon the particular set of fools who happen to be placed for the moment in charge of the machinery of a government! The majority grinned and jeered when Columbus said the world was round. The majority threw him into a dungeon for having discovered a new world. The majority said that Galileo must recant or that Galileo must go to prison. The majority cut off the ears of John Pym because he dared advocate the liberty of the press. The majority to the South of the Mason and Dixon line established the horrible thing called slavery, and the majority north of it did likewise, and only turned reformer when slavery ceased to be profitable to them.

Majority rule!"


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Well I will conceed the points on the majority rule.

Segregation in any form is plain wrong, I will give you that. When I mentioned the minorities, I was more or less meaning the groups that are creating all of the politically correct hubbub. People get offended because someone said or did something they didn't like, so now we walk on eggshells and make sure we are politically correct in everything we do and say. THAT is wrong as well!

I don't think it will matter if we have a conservative or liberal president in office, our debt will continue to climb. I think we need to do away with political parties period, and let whoever wants to run for president run. If we end up with 20 names on the ballot, so be it! At least that way we have a choice of more than 2 or 3!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Here's a twist on this little post....I don't vote. Yep, I've heard all the usual comments about if you don't vote, you can't complain....well, I don't complain either! :lol: I've only voted once in my whole life and just because a friend of mine was running for sheriff..and that was a big mistake as well.

I know, I know...its our right, our duty, blah, blah, blah. I've never seen one candidate that was worth me exercising my right to vote, have never seen any candidate change a bad system into a better one yet and have given up hope of ever seeing this miracle happen.

I leave all the debating, stress, and hoopla to folks who have the time and the will to stay informed of such things and can make an informed decision. Me? I've got other things I'm concentrating my energy on in this life and that seems to keep me going. I ride out the storms, and the ebb and flow of the backwash from your voting decisions...and I don't complain that I didn't make them! :D

For what its worth, this Palin sounds like a real woman...hunts and everything! :)


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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You know, we met a man recently who doesn't vote either. My husband was complaining about Bush one day and this guy told him, "Well, ya'll can't blame anyone for the president except yerselves because my family and I don't vote."

He is right too!


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
Let's not turn this into a rah-rah session for anyone. I know the deficit is out of control, fueled by the trade deficit with China that started under Carter . We can to tit for tat with who started what, it isn't worth it. What we need to do is go forward. I want to go forward as a free citizen (and Quail_Antwerp, you are correct, it used to be of the people, by the people and for the people, substitute corporation for people now and you've got it right :rolleyes: ). And don't try to tell me that's all the Republicans. I live in a heavily Democratic state, we have lots and lots of rich Democrats living in their McMansions all over the place, making money in their evil capitalist jobs (and who, by the way, contribute the least per capita to charities, according to the lies, damned lies and statistics printed in local papers periodically). To get back to my point, I do not want the government in my business. I'm tired of others telling me how to keep myself safe. I've had it with worrying about my rights being whittled away by government. McCain is a big government Republican, he's shown that, but he isn't as big as Obama, who in my mind is nothing but a pawn being used by the people backing him to drive us closer and closer into a socialist state ala the EU.

With that, I'm still going to hold my nose and vote for McCain. If I had my druthers I'd be voting for Ron Paul, but I really believe throwing my vote away this cycle is too dangerous. I want the free, innovative United States of America, not the controlled, coddled nanny state we seem to be becoming :(