RTR- Living the Good Life


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 11, 2008
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roosmom- your right about not worrying, it does no good and doesnt change anything. Thank you for all your encouraging words!

Susan- I think its just my personality. I know I'm so awesome (lol) that I don't have to have the "stuff" to make me feel good about myself. I was just lucky that I grew up in a community where most people didnt have much either. And now that I'm here I could just plain care less about their "stuff" I have my own hobbies, goals, and dreams that don't involve guitar hero, or clubbing every night.

dacjohns- thank you, I think I have the *BEST* parents. I'm so appreciative of them. I don't know about your daughter, but as long as you two still have a close relationship, thats all that matters in the end.

Henrietta- Thank you too! I know it can't be easy, especially with really young kids who dont understand why the "Smiths" get this while we dont. Just keep instilling your values.

spiderman- I was biting my nails the ENTIRE time. Like nervous as heck when it went into overtime! We play Mississippi State then Auburn both home games. Then onto Florida for the SEC championship! <- I'm so nervous about that game!!!

ETA: oh duh! I wanted to post. Lol.

Is anyone else a "bit" worried about the upcoming Obama presidency? I saw a youtube clip of how this woman "wasn't going to have to worry about putting gas in her car or paying her mortgage" Oh jeeze. I'm struggling as it is, I can't afford someone else's mortgage!

DH killed another deer. Yippie.. except ummm there's no where to put it. So... I don't know what to do with it when it gets back from the processor. So if I do find somewhere to store it... looks like I don't have to worry about meat anymore, just sides and I decided to stock up on rice... rice and deer doesn't sound like it'd go good together.

Oh and can someone please explain why being called a hippie is an insult? I got called one today and it just really hurt my feelings. I'm not exactly a hippie, kinda young to be one...


Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Jul 25, 2008
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Urban Idaho.
Hippy. I think it is because of the stereotype; unbathed, drug using, non-productive member of society, granola eating, Birkenstock wearing, liberal.

I tried to convince the guys on my crew that I was a hippy and they wouldn't buy it. Guess my caring for the environment and other hippy tendencies wasn't enough.

I am worried about the future but not really because of Obama. I think I would be just as worried with McCain. I think when Obama gets his feet on the ground, which will have to be quickly, he will realize that his high ideas aren't going to do what he wants. The people aren't going to stand for it. Those people that think they won't have to worry about gas and house payments are the same ones that don't worry now.

I hope I'm not being overly optimistic about this.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 10, 2008
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Upper Peninsula, MI
RTR, I cannot even discuss politics, I get these tight bands in my chest, a little SOB. NOPE cant even discuss it. But yes, I am concerned. All any of us can do is wait and see. MAYBE it will be ok. Remember, we are all in this together.

intimidating :D

I dont know any hippies.....I only know people who are more AWARE than others.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Is anyone else a "bit" worried about the upcoming Obama presidency? I saw a youtube clip of how this woman "wasn't going to have to worry about putting gas in her car or paying her mortgage" Oh jeeze. I'm struggling as it is, I can't afford someone else's mortgage!

*******it is happening RIGHT now under Bush--some DO NOT struggle now with costs, others do. Nothing will truly change in that. I struggle, under Obama will I not struggle the same....if yes, then not for a while....so I don't speculate yet.

hippy---we all got hippy in us. some admit it, others don't..HA HA...hippy to me is a good word, to others, bad....don't let that ever matter what others say! I know you dont'!!!!


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 11, 2008
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I was just confused about the hippie (I like spelling it with an ie) because i just don't find anything derogatory about it. If I choose to "save the polar bears" thats my decision. I'm not out yelling at people because they put an aluminum can in the paper part of the recycling bin.... It just sort of hurt my feelings because I knew he meant it to be deragorty.

The Obama thing- I didn't vote, i figured it didn't matter who won really. I just didn't realize he had somehow made people believe he would take care of everything. I'm totally against socialism but it looks like its started anyway. Gr..


LOL roosmom, you are just so awesome.

I have a rant.

Why why why doesn't DH at least help out with the dishes and the laundry while he isn't working? I mean that would save me like an hour out of the day and give me extra study time. And while I'm on my ranting.
Why do I have to mark my race on job applications? Race isn't supposed to be an issue, and employers aren't allowed to ask. So why is it on the application? I've always marked prefer not to disclose, but I think somehow that makes it harder for me to get an interview.

OOO and onto other news. I might be getting my great aunts house. But ummm it needs a lot of work. I hate the area, and ummm I don't want to pay the price my family is asking for it, but I know they need the money I just don't feel its worth that price. But then I could have a real garden next summer, and get me some pet chickens! But still not so sure about that house. Like it needs more work than I have time to do... then again DH needs something to do...I dunno I just found out about 20 mins ago, and I'm just not sure about it. Probably won't do it after talking to my parents. Its still exciting though, because I've been wanting a house for a long time..


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 10, 2008
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Upper Peninsula, MI
When you figure out the hubby thing let us know....better yet dont let us know make us buy the book, make you millions and then you can buy whatever house you darn well want.
We bought his house for 13000. Put 3000.down and made payments on it LC. Parents gave (lent) me the dwn pyt which I had to pay back when house was paid off. It had no heat, windows were original (read 100yrs old). Kitchen had a large sag right down the middle length ways and blown in insulation that was seriously messed up. But, the foundation is good, doors close easily. It was cheap and ours after 5yrs. I wouldnt trade it for anything now, well, maybe a bit more land LOL.
What I am trying to say is.....You need to decide if you want to pay fair market value....YOU need to decide whether you could live in the house and area. YOU need to decide if the house is something you can live with. You need to decide if it is a stepping stone (not real good idea in this day) or a keeper. YOU decide (you and hubby), but whatever you decide, dont give up.
If the roof is straight, then the rest can be fixed, it just depends how long you can live with it. I lived with it for about eight years. You do what you can with what you have.
Oh and by the way, if you think the dishes thing gets old.....try remodeling a house together. ROTFL EVILLY


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I was wondering how many of us actually talk about division of duties before we get married? I know I didn't....didn't talk about much of anything serious~ just love, love, love...... *sigh* :rolleyes:

Maybe they should have a class in school that instructs youngsters on how to approach marriage a little more seriously and realistically. I've tried to teach my boys household chores and cooking, but I don't think I actually sat down and explained how to keep a woman happy around the house.

Note to self: Have "The Talk" with my boys.

I've always told them what to look for in a woman....just never told them what to be (in regards to household duties) as a man.

Good luck on the renovations, RTR! On the man AND the house! :lol:


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Beekissed said:
I was wondering how many of us actually talk about division of duties before we get married? I know I didn't....didn't talk about much of anything serious~ just love, love, love...... *sigh* :rolleyes:
OH we had the talk before we got married! I let him know, HE is in charge of outside duties and the house is mine...well that lasted until baby #1 arrived...........

now we both do everything :)


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
That's the best partnership, I think! When you have each other's back, so to speak. In the Bible God called Eve Adam's "helpmeet" or helpmate. And it was good!

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