Sham Wow Instead of Paper Towel


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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But 2dream....even your sig says --once the last tree is felled.

Your paper towels might be the last tree?

Don't get me wrong at all here---LOL---I use paper towels but I am weaning myself off them. A big supply of rags is simple as with linen napkins. They are reusable and I am slowly switching over. SLOWLY! LOL

not being radical, but changes do have to be made on this earth if we truly want to have the next generations enjoy a tree, or a stream, or clean water.

Never say you won't give up those paper towels, you might like I am trying to do..LOL


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
I bought a couple big packs of white wash cloths and hand towles that I use for cleaning up stuff to minimize my paper towel usage.

I also love my plastic baggies, I do wash and re-use but I also try to use reusable plastic bowls with lids when ever I can. Trouble is they take up too much space!


Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
FarmerChick said:
But 2dream....even your sig says --once the last tree is felled.

Your paper towels might be the last tree?

Don't get me wrong at all here---LOL---I use paper towels but I am weaning myself off them. A big supply of rags is simple as with linen napkins. They are reusable and I am slowly switching over. SLOWLY! LOL

not being radical, but changes do have to be made on this earth if we truly want to have the next generations enjoy a tree, or a stream, or clean water.

Never say you won't give up those paper towels, you might like I am trying to do..LOL
FC - Not taken wrong at all. I surely hope those paper towels I just bought today are not the last tree. I do conserve in lots of areas. Fuel effiecient car, hang out laundry when possible, combine trips to shop, etc. But time for me is a major problem. 8 hour work day with a 1 hour comute each way. Thats 10 hours. Taking care of animals and garden plus normal everyday chores while I cook from scratch every night. Cloth towels are great but I still have to wash them which uses more energy and water.
Actually until my mother had her stroke and moved in with me I used very little in the paper towel line. Now I seem to be making up for lost time. LOL Before I used a roll maybe in a week and a half to two weeks. Now I use a roll every 3 or 4 days.

I have to pick my battles and right now paper towels is just not anywhere near the top of that list. However, I don't subscribe to any mags, or newspapers and save the return envelopes out of junk mail to use for what few bills I actually mail. Most everything I do is on line. I don't buy drinks in plastic bottles very often and the only boxed foods I buy is commercial cereal and that is only because of my mom. So I figure for all I do wrong, all the right takes up some of the slack.

I did fill out the form for the free sham wow. Thanks for that link. Those will come in handy.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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I hear you 2dream. A 10 hr work day and that isn't all of it. we don't even include the work at home in a true work day. I know...I do those days also. WOOF!

I was just busting you and I am weaning off towels too. I use them and I don't think my roll was the last tree either..HA HAHA

Like anything it is give and take in this life. If a paper towel makes life easy while doing other good deeds, so be it! :)

And believe me, the things you listed that are good, so many do not even do any of them so you are way ahead of the game in my book!!


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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So I got the towels I ordered from the company I put in my first post.

I recommend that if you order that you order the extra heavy type. Those made for the kitchen are thinner and will wear out faster.


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
I use cloth diapers for a lot of things. I do have paper towels but go through a roll maybe every other month. Weaning off the ziplocks is going pretty well. I'd love to eliminate all plastic containers but I have to send DS's lunch to school in something other than glass.


Sustainable Newbie
Aug 15, 2009
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big brown horse said:
My name is Sally and I am a paper towel addict. :hide I have been thinking of ways to try to break myself from them. I am sooo glad you posted this!

I'm going to Trader Joes soon, so I will look for them!

(I do use cloth napkins for everything else.)

Now any ideas to break my ziplock addiction? :hide
Hi there:

I wash and re-use the small disposable cups,containers and glass jars that I get free when buying salsa, pasta sauce, sour cream, yogurt, etc. I wash them and use them to store small items all around the house. I use a piece of masking tape to label the contents. I prefer the clear plastic containers to save stuff in the fridge. I have been using less zip loc bags since I switched.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 15, 2009
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Jonestown PA
I just saw these towels at walmart last night and looked at the paper towels in my cart and almost sunk through the floor :hide It is $10 for the box of sham wows and $6 something for the big pack of paper towels. That is not a bog difference to get a box and try them out. And if they work it's GREAT!


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 21, 2009
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Pragmatic Country
I did some research on the ShamWow guy, Vince.

His name is Offer "Vince" Schlomi and he is from Israel, originally. He also goes by the name of "Vince Offer."

Mr. Schlomi owns the rights to both the ShamWow towel and to the kitchen gadget, The Slap Chopper. Alongside the now, sadly, departed Billy Mays, he has brought the concept of the sales pitchman back into our consciousness. He has become wildly successful with both of these simple products, and his trademark pitch lines, "Call now, because we can't do this all day..." and "... your gonna love my nuts!"

Oddly, these products were a stopgap for Vince after he was ousted from the Church of Scientology. Vince sees himself as a writer, comedian and producer of cinematic film and has one credit to his name, "The Underground Comedy Movie"

But he fell afoul of and was discredited by the Scientolgists for his direct to DVD movie (marketed via infomercial, a la "Girls Gone Wild"). The film was not well received by anyone, least of all the cults leadership. They tried him in one of their kangaroo courts over it and booted him from the religion. This led to the loss of his Hollywood contacts within the Church and any funds from his supporters which he may have hoped for.

Vince filed a 2004 suit in retaliation, on a "quest to expose the human cruelty and destructive practices committed by the Church of Scientology." He ultimately dropped the case, later that year, but not after being responsible for many members of the Church leaving. Other law suits ensued from the making of the movie, none of which went anywhere for Vince.

He recently made news of another sort when he was arrested for punching a prostitute in February of 2009. It seems his "date," Sasha Harris, bit down on his tongue and wouldn't let go, so he resorted to a moment of painful reaction by slugging the girl. Both declined comment in the matter and neither he nor the "lady" were charged in the incident.

But, in the weird way that Life sometimes works, it is the last-ditch selling of home gadgets that has earned him his greatest notoriety. Love him or hate him, he is proof that persistence and a hook-line pitch can beat many odds. If he proves anything else, it is that there is still room in this increasingly homogenized world for eccentric, larger than life characters.

Go Vince! I for one am waiting to see what's for sale next. But please hurry, my friend. After all, I can't wait all day....


Lush who can't use a cheese grater
Jul 20, 2009
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He's from Israel????

The prostitute, was she a she or a she/he?

I laugh every time I hear him say "You're gonna love my nuts!"

Thanks, Davaroo, for filling in the Vince void.

An Israeli named Vince?????????