SHTF - Information?


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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Boyd said:
Beekissed said:
I do believe in the Rapture, I just know I won't be part of it Perhaps that's why I look to a grimmer future?
Okay...I'm intrigued. :) I'm trying to wrap my mind around someone who believes yet won't be going. Did you volunteer to stay behind to feed everyone's animals?

Nice of you but I don't think a believer in Christ and the Rapture will get to make that decision.

Bee, I think I've finally figured out why I don't always see eye to eye with you.
To see eye to eye both parties must be on the same level of perception. That is a rare and wonderful find! :)
Bee, in my youth and younger 20's was definitely not the same person that I am now. I do believe there are sins that are unforgivable, and I've committed every single one. The rest of my life since age of about 23 has been a penance (sp?) to the person I used to be, and what difference I can make to those I see, influence and interact with. My greatest hope and dream is to at least come close to evening the scales that I've tripped and unbalanced in my youth.
Boyd makes an interesting observation about believing in a Rapture, but not being included. Bee appears to disagree with that perception for her stated reasons.

It is one of the most difficult subjects I have ever explored, personally. I am also convinced that there are those of us who will be "left behind" but not because we do not BELIEVE, but because not only do WE BELIEVE, but that some believers have been CHOSEN to stay behind in order to rebuild and preserve what we have/had at the time of the Rapture. Not everyone who is Raptured will come back here. Many will go elsewhere. I'm not sure about the cars, but I will be happy to feed those animals.

There is an interesting book called "Mary's Message to the World" written by a lady (Annie Kirkwood) who is a nurse in Texas. Her book is very enlightening. I bought it in 1994 on a business trip for the Navy. It changed much of what I thought at that time by confirming what I had believed prior to that. In short, some are CHOSEN to stay behind BECAUSE they believe! Boyd may really be one of those. I have had the same belief since I was 8 years old. Certainly, that was before I could have committed any of what Boyd feels are "unpardonable" sins and before most consider the age of consent.

Having felt this for so long and now hearing someone else say it, confirms my feeling that I am NOT alone on this issue. Thank you Boyd.

We should converse further.
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Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
It is one of the most difficult subjects I have ever explored, personally. I am also convinced that there are those of us who will be "left behind" but not because we do not BELIEVE, but because not only do WE BELIEVE, but that some believers have been CHOSEN to stay behind in order to rebuild and preserve what we have/had at the time of the Rapture. Not everyone who is Raptured will come back here. Many will go elsewhere. I'm not sure about the cars, but I will be happy to feed those animals.
Interesting... but not really true according to the scriptures. If you believe any of it, I would guess that all of it would be true.
I try to believe all of the scriptures, so my belief is somewhat different.

But then, if we let this thread slide into a religious discourse, they will surely shut it down and that would be a crying shame. This is why I didn't refer to exactly WHY I don't intend to be here. I find no shame in and really love to discuss my belief in Jesus Christ but this forum discourages it due to arguments that always seem to follow.

Feel free to PM to discuss this further...I'm open to talking about my Saviour! :)


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
Can I just say thanks for keeping it civil/respectful and taking it to PM's.

And for the good laughs along the way. :)