Sunsaver, Livining Off-Grid In Suburbia- Happy Taconight America!


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
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Life does have a way of biting us in the behiney. When you least expect it. At least, going green, and healthy, is a good thing. I hope you can make a decent recovery, and not need a liver transplant in the future. Perhaps, changing your lifestyle (drinking), and such, will be good therapy...and you will find less of the desire to self medicate. I never drank, because my moms dad died from drinking too much. He was a mess, from what I heard. I didn't see the need to go there. And, diabetes in both sides of the family.


"What's that bright light up there?"
"It's the Sun."
"Are you sure it's not the planet Venus, or just a weather ballon?"
"I'm sure. The sun is shining. The darkest days are over, and it's only going to get brighter from here."
My internal dialog made a left turn into positive territory as i drove into town to see the doctor, to get more blood work done on my liver. Nearly all of the swelling that had troubled my legs and feet was gone, and after just a week of clean living i was feeling much better. The body's ability to heal itself once the stress or toxins that were damaging it are removed is amazing.
I can't really make an entertaining story out of this past weekend. It was the smallest, most pathetic Christmas gathering i've ever attended, just the five of us. Mom was really depressed and worried about my health, and none of the other kids could be here. I remained in a pretty good mood, considering that last week i thought i was about to die. And a couple of good things have come out of my diagnosis of cirrhosis (i love the way that rhymes). One is that i have quit drinking, which makes me a much more boring and healthy person. The other is that i am keeping my house cleaner than i ever have before. Last friday, when i truely believed i was at death's door, i looked at my surroundings. The house was a messy trainwreck and filthy dirty as well. It looked like an episode of "Hoarders" the TV show. 'Dear God,' i prayed, 'please let me live long enough to clean up this mess. I don't want anyone to have to come clean up my house.' Funny the things that you worry about once you've resigned to the fact that you're about to die. I wasn't worried about dying, or even of going to the wrong waiting room of the afterlife. I was only worried that my loved ones would have to deal with my mess in addition to my death. Silly, or just trying to be considrate?
The sun is shining! I can't stay couped up in this library all day. I have to get out into the garden. Chat with yall later! :)


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
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Hot Springs, Arkansas
I'm glad things are looking up for you. I like the way you look at the world now. You still have the same sense of humor, but brains stay organized a bit better- without an alcohol cloud in there. Your writing will probably flow easier.

It's amazing what we see when we take a fresh look at our places. lol I really need to build some shelves so this place wont be a mess.
Have fun in the garden. :)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Glad you're feeling better, and hope you can get that house cleaned up! I know the feeling. That's about how my house was looking when I was working. It still has a ways to go, but it is so much better.


Thanks, DD and DL. I do feel a whole lot better. I took in some firewood, swept the house and put things in their place. Then i went out into the garden and picked up some litter that had blown in from my neighbor's yard. I also pruned the rest of my grape vines before i ran out of steam. My oldest brother is coming in from Houston tonight to visit over my folks place, so i figured i would head that way early and stop back by the library en route. I really missed being able get online all weekend. But it looks like i will have a new computer soon, well a used laptop that a friend has promised to let me have. It will be really nice to be able to get online whenever i want.
The sunny weather has lifted my spirits tremendously. I'm dreaming about the coming springtime, the sight of berry bushes and almond trees in bloom, mulberries and blackberries with green tea for breakfast every morning. The spring is my favorite time of year, the rebirth of dead trees into pollen soaked blossums, the smell of clover, the sight of bluebells peeking out from the leaf litter of the forest floor. Nothing can compare to the excitement that i get when i see new shoots of raspberry and dewberry penetrating the surface of my peat filled propagation flats, trays of baby berryvines with years of fruitful potential ahead. Grapevines waving in the morning breeze, their leaves soaked in dew and twinkling in the morning sunshine; these are the things that i dream about all winter. But cabin fever or not, today is a good day. The sun is shining! :)


The sun was shining again today, but sadly, i had to work indoors all day. I still have need of money for those things i can't produce myself, like gasoline for my gas-guzzling old wreck of a truck, butter, cheese, milk and flour. I also like to go out sometimes. I would go stir crazy if i just stayed at home all day every day. I can do that for about a week, then i have to go somewhere, just to see other people. Don't want to start talking to a soccer ball. I'm already talking to my cats!:lol:
My health is gradually improving, and my strength is about back up to 50% of what it should be. I'm halfway healthy! I'm hoping by spring i will be strong enough to take on some big job or two, so i can get the money for a couple more solar panels. I would like to eventually have a thousand watts of solar power so i can run a 700 watt microwave. It's one of those luxury items that i really miss since i went off-grid. The microwave is great for heating up leftovers and for steaming veggies. Just rinse the veggies, put them in a microwave safe bowl and put an inverted dinner plate on top. Microwave on high for two minutes, then let stand for four minutes. Perfectly steamed veggies every time. Don't use plastic containers. They leach out toxic chemicals like dioxin and BPA when heated.
But i digress. The point is that my new diet of only organic veggies, and lots of dark fruits and greens, seems to be repairing my liver and reducing the pain and inflammation. It's well known that cherries are one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory agents you can buy. Why risk heart disease with ibuprofen or naproxen sodium, or liver disease with acetaminophen? I've never noticed any real relief from taking pills, and i suspect that many who do are just expirencing the placebo effect. They expect to get relief from the pill, so they do, regardless if it's just made of sugar. I have the ability to cure hic-ups, and i have never failed to cure a case of hic-ups, merely by convincing the person that i can. The evidence of this is the fact that i have never failed to cure a case of the hic-ups in less than 60 seconds (usually less than 30 seconds), except for one, stubborn drunk girl who would not pay attention. She took about a minute and a half to cure. :cool:


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
I'm with you on the pills and not wanting them... I never thought they did much in the first place anyway. I've found that essential oils do just as well as the drugs do and it is all natural!!


The library is closing for another 4 day weekend. :( See yall on tuesday. Bye!

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