TanksHill...Roll on!!

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big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
Dace said:
Wow Girl you have a lot of chickens!

I love the variety of your eggs. As I said before DH wants white eggs, but I find that kind of funny because he eats what I set in front of him and he would never know if his eggs came from green, brown or white eggs :rolleyes:...but I figure I will indulge him for the rare occasion he is in the kitchen.
Dace, what you need are some white egg props! You can get them at the craft shops...just get some white ones and have them laying about with your other eggs while you are cooking. :lol:

That harvest is to die for!!!!


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
big brown horse said:
Dace said:
Wow Girl you have a lot of chickens!

I love the variety of your eggs. As I said before DH wants white eggs, but I find that kind of funny because he eats what I set in front of him and he would never know if his eggs came from green, brown or white eggs :rolleyes:...but I figure I will indulge him for the rare occasion he is in the kitchen.
Dace, what you need are some white egg props! You can get them at the craft shops...just get some white ones and have them laying about with your other eggs while you are cooking. :lol:

That harvest is to die for!!!!
Oh now that is just evil! UNfortunatley he knows that we do not have any white egg layers :rolleyes:


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Sunday August 2nd

Keeping busy this weekend. I am catching up on a ton of outdoor stuff. Stopped in at the local Lowe's and picked up a bit of mulch and manure. Yes I had to buy it. Spent Fri afternoon pulling half dead zucchini and such out of the garden beds. Removed the two cuc trellis. Picked the last of my carrots.

Sat I got up early and worked on pulling weeds around my driveway and front porch. I swept off the porch and the front steps. I put out my "Eggs for Sale" sign for the first time Sat am. I thought it would catch the eye of the garage sale crowd. I did not have anyone stop on Sat but I have sold 3 dozen today. whoo hoo!!! I also canned the rest of my cuc's. Thank goodness I am finished with those. I am ready to move on to something else. Tomato sauce here I come!!!!!!

In the garden I amended soil and pulled weeds. Gave my eggplants some attention. They are looking good. I have at least 3 good size fruits growing. Bell peppers are still producing very well. I have one bush that is turning red. I can't wait to taste them. I put in some new lettuce seeds, added some acorn and spag squash. I also moved a cucumber trellis to a new bed and re planted some slicing for diner salads.

My elderly German neighbor gave me some cabbage starts last week. I have been babying them along. When they get going I will post pics. Hers grow to be about the size of bowling balls. Not sure of the type. just know that she gave me like 1/2 a head in the early spring and it was enough for two diners. Yum!!!

This morning I have fed and watered my hens. Watered the garden. I had to start a new batch of yogurt. My dd 6yo has discovered that she likes it with a bit of honey. This is a major step for her and I want to have it ready when she wants more. Oh, She even tried wheat berries in it today. :ya

I have two loaves of bread rising in the oven and a batch of alfalfa on the counter going for it's first soak. Thinking about starting some mung beans as well.

My dh wet golfing today. He has been in a tournament every August with friends for the past 10 years. This year he told them he could not play. It is normally a 4 day thing and they stay in a hotel and do guy stuff at night. No I don't ask. Mostly I don't want to know.
I trust my dh. He has come home and told me stories about a married friend flirting with a waitress. he was baffled by this guys behavior. Told me all about it. Anyways, because they are playing near our home today he just went for the day.

Goodness it is amazing what I can accomplish on my own in a day. :D

All is good though.

have a great day!! gina


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
Will you come spend a weekend with me. LOL Boy have I got plans for you. I am tired just reading all you did. There are several of you ladies that make me feel guilty. Well......not guilty enough to do all that work.
I think with no rain and a garden that was bust this year I just don't have my heart in trying to grow anything else. We are just gonna plow under and forget it. (Said knowing that once DH plows everything under and I see all that fresh earth I will have to plant something.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
2 dream, I really did not do all that much. It was a three day period of time. and remember I only have a small garden not a huge farm like some around here.

I have read stories about the early Americans just broad casting seeds along the river banks as they traveled. Then on their return trips they harvested what grew. I imagine kinda a survival of the fittest in the plant world. maybe you could do something like that. After your husband plows just throw the seeds. :D


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
Ummmm I like that survival of the fittest broadcast idea. I might give that a try. Of course I will have to do it on the sly and then forbid grass cutting. LOL DH might not go for that not cutting the grass. And of course snakes are an issue so that means I won't wade off into the unpulled weeds to pick a single thing.
Oh well, it was a nice thought for a few minutes.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Tuesday August 4th

Sunday was a good day for egg sales. With my sign at the bottom of the drive I sold 5 dozen eggs. Then I had a neighbor who grows organic heirloom tomatoes stop by. She asked if I wanted to trade. I said sure. They opened up their car and had a huge laundry basket full. They said I could have whatever I wanted. I gave them two dozen ex large eggs for one huge bowl of tomatoes. I figured it was a great deal. I am in the process of canning tom sauce. I have 6 quarts and 1 pt from about 2/3 of the bowl. I figure it was a pretty great trade.

The kicker is that this young man who was with her. His family ownes an organic heirloom tom farm in North County where I live. He said that sometimes they can have anywhere from 10 lbs to 500lbs of tomatoes they can't ship. Must have a minimum two day shelf life wherever they end up I guess. Anyways he started asking about caning and the cost of jars etc... We ended up discussing our local farmers market and how with my help he could bottled the sauce and sell it. I said I would love to help and that he should stop back by and I would give him a sample of the sauce I made. :ya:ya :fl

My sauce is nothing special. I do however use the whole foods blender and leave the skins on. which may be a even better selling point.

We will see what happens. If I don't here from them soon I will walk down to the lady's house. she has a huge terraced garden and a couple of kids. It will be the neighborly thing to do. :D

My husband was very surprised with how easy it was for my eggs to sell. I sold out of the large eggs in no time flat. I do have several dozen of the smaller eggs from my younger hens. Maybe I will just try to sell those at a lesser rate. They should be big in no time. Well I am rolling around the idea of picking up another 12 birds. When school starts down the hill I am afraid I will not be able to keep up with demand. This would mean another coop and maybe some fencing. Not sure if I want to commit until we know whats up with the work stuff.

Could be great money though. Hummmmm????

Well have a great day. Gina


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
That all sounds awesome! Your own sauce biz....very cool :)

Nice to hear that you are selling eggs too....any excuse for more chickens eh? :bun
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