Power Conserver
Hello all I am new to this journal thing so please bare with me.
I am married with 4 children 1-8 years old. We just bought our 1 acre of paradise in feb. And life has never been the same. Moved from Pensacola Florida to rural Alabama about an hour and a half from everyone we know. We live in a very small town but it is perfect. The first few days after the moving van pulled in it snowed. I dont think my hubby had every seen snow before I had to explain to him why our thing that had not made it into the house yet were white lol. Then after a few weeks my hubby decided to burn some moving boxes and cought our back property as well as the neighbors hay field on fire. I had to argurue with my 7 year old because he insisted the red pickup truck with a hose was not a real firetruck. I lost the fight when a woman maybe 1oo pounds wet steps out by herself and tries pulling this hose and could not get the water going. The town next to us sent another pickup truck and it ran out of water lol. My dh left me looking like the bluming idiot city slicker. I thought for sure they were going to send the moving van back to move us out. But they were real nice about it.
We have chickens now and have planted a garden on the .25 acres he burned lol. It is way bigger than the 30 x 30 i am use to so this will be a learning experience. we have 120 tomato plants 3 125 ft rows of beans and 15 125 ft rows of corn. And lots of crab grass. I have been weeding 1 row at a time and got about 1/2 way through the garden and realized row 1 was needing done again so I got a briliant idea to put leaves down. So I raked and raked and raked and even raked my neighbors yard (hey it was the least i could do) I piled leaves on 4 rows that are 2 ft wide and 125 ft long. Thats alot of work. Did I mention I only had 2 5gal buckets to haul them lol. (city folk) I thought I was brilliant they looked so perfect. I thought well no more hoeing those rows brilliant. Well crab grass grows through leaves even. So I get another brain storm chicken tractor even if they do one row that is one row less i have to do. So we made it yesterday put the chickens in and all they did was lay down so i thought well it must be to hot to work so i put them back into their pen and walla they go to scratching and eating. So I try again today and the same happens they did dig alittle after watching me pull and tug weeds. so I am undersatanding now it is me against crab grass I will prevail but I may be pushing up daisies at the end of harvest.
I am married with 4 children 1-8 years old. We just bought our 1 acre of paradise in feb. And life has never been the same. Moved from Pensacola Florida to rural Alabama about an hour and a half from everyone we know. We live in a very small town but it is perfect. The first few days after the moving van pulled in it snowed. I dont think my hubby had every seen snow before I had to explain to him why our thing that had not made it into the house yet were white lol. Then after a few weeks my hubby decided to burn some moving boxes and cought our back property as well as the neighbors hay field on fire. I had to argurue with my 7 year old because he insisted the red pickup truck with a hose was not a real firetruck. I lost the fight when a woman maybe 1oo pounds wet steps out by herself and tries pulling this hose and could not get the water going. The town next to us sent another pickup truck and it ran out of water lol. My dh left me looking like the bluming idiot city slicker. I thought for sure they were going to send the moving van back to move us out. But they were real nice about it.
We have chickens now and have planted a garden on the .25 acres he burned lol. It is way bigger than the 30 x 30 i am use to so this will be a learning experience. we have 120 tomato plants 3 125 ft rows of beans and 15 125 ft rows of corn. And lots of crab grass. I have been weeding 1 row at a time and got about 1/2 way through the garden and realized row 1 was needing done again so I got a briliant idea to put leaves down. So I raked and raked and raked and even raked my neighbors yard (hey it was the least i could do) I piled leaves on 4 rows that are 2 ft wide and 125 ft long. Thats alot of work. Did I mention I only had 2 5gal buckets to haul them lol. (city folk) I thought I was brilliant they looked so perfect. I thought well no more hoeing those rows brilliant. Well crab grass grows through leaves even. So I get another brain storm chicken tractor even if they do one row that is one row less i have to do. So we made it yesterday put the chickens in and all they did was lay down so i thought well it must be to hot to work so i put them back into their pen and walla they go to scratching and eating. So I try again today and the same happens they did dig alittle after watching me pull and tug weeds. so I am undersatanding now it is me against crab grass I will prevail but I may be pushing up daisies at the end of harvest.