Today's "to-do" list


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 22, 2009
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New Brunswick, Canada
framing fowl said:
What a doll! And what a fun idea for the "house." I've never heard of that before. Maybe someday if I ever have nieces and nephews, I can do that for them.
I have a book called 'Roots, Shoots, Buckets & Boots' I think... it's full of good gardens for kids. The sunflower house is one, there's a garden shaped like a pizza where you pick your toppings, a garden full of giant veggies, a garden where all the flowers come out at night, a tent made of bean and squash vines... it's fantastic... I'd love to try and do a lot of them since every one is something I would have loved as a little girl.

Tomorrow my mission is to get the sunflower house planted... and that's my only goal. I really want it to work for Aeryn and I think it might take a year or two of trial and error... by the time she can remember I want it to be really neat :)

Neko: I hate washing my crockpot too... lol


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 6, 2011
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Launceston, Tasmania
Neko-chan said:
New list for this week, and some sublists I can do in prep for our July party.

This Week:
-Wash crock pot DONE
-Wash dishes DONE
-Do some shopping DONE, except I have to go back and get the cranberries that were out of stock. :( No way am I going today though. Stupid rain.
-Rinse the dirt off the baby radishes and silverbeet DONE
-Sort out the grapes and let the remaining good few dry into raisins DONE
-Wipe the benchtops DONE
-Take out trash and recycling DONE
-Fold the washing
-Post some gifts I've been gathering

-Sweep the floor
-Make BS shampoo and pour it into the rinsed shampoo pump bottle
-Clean out and recycle the empty conditioner tubes
-Throw out the ridiculous collection of toothpaste tubes

-Sweep the floor
-Gather up the tp tubes and take them to the shed
-Scrub the bowl


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 13, 2011
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35 NW of Green Bay, WI
Bimpnottin said:
Here's what I'm hoping to get done this week, and it's going to be weird juggling.

Oldest starts summer school tomorrow and stupid bus garage still hasn't told us what time they are picking her up, so we hope it's the same as last year.

Drop kids at sitters done
go to church office and get scrip done
go to farm audit done
drive back to get kids done
go home and wait for oldest to get off bus done
pick strawberries, darn kids know that ours are getting ripe now. :barnie raining
put my crap away that is in middle of kitchen from craft show .... wait, make sure all is aired out and dry before I pack it away.... then move it middle of the floor crap can be moved, but still can't pack tent away. hope it's drying in the garage.
hope weather is good, so I can set up tent again, so it can dry out still rainingtry calling 4 farmers and try to set up audits for Wednesday. got 3 of the 4 set up for Weds. Going to be ticked if I can't get the 4th one set up and have to do that one on a different day. It'll mean driving 50 miles one way, instead of driving 100 miles total to do all 4.

Drop kids at sitters done
go to farm audit done - they were SOOOO disorganized - ugh
back to get kids done
home and wait for oldest on bus done
try to get to chiropractor - only been putting it off for 2 months - figures, he's on vacation this week.
kids to library to get summer reading card stamped and new books doesn't pay to go in to library, if can't go next door to chiropractor. Have to save up our minutes for next week.

-have to get at least one audit done today, has to be turned in by the 27th
-figure out if kids have clothes for stupid wedding this weekend (don't wanna go, but it's husband's cousin and his grandma played the "grandma card" where all her grandchildren will be home at the same time for the first time in years. She's lucky we love her! :rolleyes:

Thursday: - yeah, can't plan that far out.... will worry about that later in the week.


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
Yesterday I blew pretty much the whole day painting the kitchen/diningroom ceiling.... and unfortunately was soooo tired and sore by the end that I screwed up the finish on the dining room half, and will probably end up having to do it over. Sigh. But it should be a lot easier the second time, as it will be same color rather than covering over something much darker. As a consequence of all that painting I was pretty useless by the time dog class rolled around at dinnertime, but we got thru it without any major debacles, which under the circumstances I'm calling a success :p

Today is supposed to be showery all day (I hope they're right... none yet, but we really need the rain). So I'm not planning much outdoor stuff. Also I've got a cold and am feeling unambitious. Therefore, I think today's list is just:

-- grocery shopping, including more kleenex DONE, incl. rewarding self for painting efforts with a few small garden plants :p

-- major sorting out of kitchen cabinets (spices, etc etc)

-- contemplate making rhubarb marmalade; certainly at least *pick* some rhubarb, chop and freeze if not actually going to use it now seem to be out of sugar, so can't make marmalade today, how tragic ;)

-- make a big ol' vat o' potato salad IN PROGRESS

-- see if sheep need electronet moved they don't

-- raking/tidying/disposal in "under construction" areas of garden DID SOME... GIVING UP ON WORK FOR DAY NOW, OH WELL



Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
New Brunswick, Canada
hwillm1977 said:
Tomorrow my mission is to get the sunflower house planted... and that's my only goal.
I got it done! I can't wait to see them start poking up out of the ground. Once they start to sprout I'm going to try and take one picture a day until it looks like a house :)

Today I went for a walk with a friend, bought some clothes at the clothing depot and am working on getting laundry done.

Sell some steel doors that are taking up space in the shed.

Mow part of the lawn.

Bake some brown bread for the weekend.

Water the gardens if it doesn't rain again... they've been calling for showers for days, and nothing yet.

Plant some flowers in the planters and raised beds that don't have anything in them yet.

Fill in the square feet of the garden that things are doing poorly in (replacing broccoli with more lettuce, and squash with zuchini)

And of course, play with Aeryn :)


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 6, 2011
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Launceston, Tasmania
New list for this week, and some sublists I can do in prep for our July party.

-Readjust the doona cover, it's crooked again DONE
-Change the calendar in the bedroom over! Sheesh DONE
-Check Library website for books needing to go back DONE
-Call around for dried cranberries Called Whole Foods, they have them for 12.99/kg. Called Goodfoods, they have them, but yikes! 45.00/k for bulk, and 113gm for 8.50. I'm definitely going to the other place.
-Start a load of washing DONE
-Hang said washing and DO NOT forget that it's in the machine DONE! Beautiful day, sunshine and light breeze. The washing will love it.

This Week:
-Fold last weeks washing and put away DONE
-Post some gifts I've been gathering HALF DONE; it ain't cheap to mail stuff from here. :(
-Clean Windows Did the bedroom window and yuk! We have greeny-black mold growing on the panes and window frame (inside). I now realize I have to sand and wax the wooden sill as well. *sigh*
-Empty waste basket in bedroom DONE

-Sweep the floor
-Make BS shampoo and pour it into the rinsed shampoo pump bottle DONE
-Clean out and recycle the empty conditioner tubes DONE
-Throw out the ridiculous collection of toothpaste tubes DONE
-Empty the bin and sprinkle baking soda in the bottom DONE
-Clean the sink

-Sweep the floor
-Gather up the tp tubes and take them to the shed
-Scrub the bowl

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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RU will be home late tonight, and RU won't be at the farm tomorrow in all probability. So, while I don't have to feed RU's horses, I will have to do all the work that KN normally does! :barnie If I have the time, I'll get my field all cleaned out again (I haven't been able to keep up on it this week), and work on cleaning out Misty's stall. Next week, I can go back to a normal schedule.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Launceston, Tasmania
List for this week, and some sublists I can do in prep for our July party.

-Hang laundry again to finish drying DONE
-Set lamb chops out to thaw DONE
-Look up how to make wood polish
-Dust the computer desk DONE Or enough to look satisfactory. I realize now that I also really despise my husbands ADD modeling habits right now. Instead of finishing each model as they're started, he has them scattered all over in varying stages of unfinished, and many are held together with blu-tak! *sigh*
-Empty water bucket in bathroom
-Get dirty laundry into the machine DONE
-Take out trash DONE
-Wash the dishes DONE
-Set out the osso bucco to thaw for weekend dinner DONE
-Clean the mess in the kitchen sink (hubby and burnt toast, muttermutter...) DONE
-Make a trip to the compost bin

This Week:
-Clean Windows
-Buy a couple kilos dried cranberries
-Remember to call friend about coffee on Saturday, if she doesn't call
-Repot the peas and fennel

-Sweep the floor
-Clean the sink

-Sweep the floor
-Gather up the tp tubes and take them to the shed
-Scrub the bowl

-Dust (desperately)
-Clean up round the dining table


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Launceston, Tasmania
List for this week, and some sublists I can do in prep for our July party.

-Look up how to make wood polish
-Empty water bucket in bathroom DONE
-Make a trip to the compost bin
-Buy a couple kilos dried cranberries
-Remember to call friend about coffee on Saturday, if she doesn't call
-Make a stew

This Week:
-Clean Windows
-Repot the peas and fennel

-Sweep the floor
-Clean the sink

-Sweep the floor
-Gather up the tp tubes and take them to the shed
-Scrub the bowl

-Dust (desperately)
-Clean up round the dining table

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