What did you do in your garden today?


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
On the foot of Mt Rainier
What should I do with this PR pumpkin- winter butterscotch squash? It is in the kitchen window and have no clue whether to put it in the garden or let it die. It has one leaf besides the two first one. I even forgot about her,lol Advise

View attachment 20482View attachment 20483

Big pot in a sunny room with supplemental light and have a nice big houseplant this winter.


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
They say it will be in the highest 60's so you will like it. I might stay inside eith ac like I am right now,lol

60s is perfect, 70s is warm, 80s gets tougher and i hide more. lucky right now that nothing needs to be done right now in a hurry. waiting for the fog and dew to burn off so i can get out there and check on things and then back at it.

breezes certainly help. :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
What should I do with this PR pumpkin- winter butterscotch squash? It is in the kitchen window and have no clue whether to put it in the garden or let it die. It has one leaf besides the two first one. I even forgot about her,lol Advise

View attachment 20482View attachment 20483

sadly, it may not really do much at all they need a lot of light to be productive plus pollinators (so you'd have to do it by hand if the bees or other bugs aren't up to it). putting it outside would do it in the first frost.

the squash here are winding down now and some are even ready to harvest but i'll let them cure outside until we're due for some frosts.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 14, 2022
Reaction score
SW, Michigan - Zone 6a
Thanks everyone. Got up and pucked all of my mess. Worked on the dried herbs from the garage. All in bags and in the freezer. Then let the animals out,had an intercalation with hub and just didn't fell like cooking. Got the babies in and someone was in front door, so walked around yard and heard the neighbors kids saying to another kid that they can look because there are holes in the fence. So I asked them to look for what? And they ran away. About had it with them. So attended to another neighbor that walked to me to bring us a handmade card. After that, I told hub to just follow me and keep his distance while I had a conversation with neighbors. Did not walked into their property. She came out nicely and I told her that if her hub was home I would like to talk to both. She got him and I told them that I am a veteran and that there is nothing negative on my records. No alcohol, no drugs ever. But when I moved here they were very welcoming but since I told them about a privacy fence, things went south. However, the reason of my visit is to make you aware about me seeing they children with binoculars and that in the afternoon they were to look into my property. He went bipolar on me again and said he was not going to deal with nothing with the kids and became completely irrated. I told her that I had checked with the Stare police and that is a misdemeanor. That all I wanted is for then to explain to the children about invading other people's privacy and unfortunately seems like it will be up to her. He turned around and said that I was illegally having animals in my property and lights that interrupt their children sleep. I said that I was withing the county law and he screamed at me that I need 5 access and that I can only have 5 chickens. Well, I have my papers that say that I can have all the poultry I want as long as I provide suitable living conditions and that the light is not illegal but provided by the electric company and that I will protect my animals from anything and anyone. He left cursing up a storm and I told her that I was sorry that she has a bipolar husband so that next time I will make a full report to the authorities. He screamed back that I should move to a farm so I told him back, I live in rural country and if he wants, I will buy him out so he can move.

Wow, this is a full dramatic episode of R&R Homstead,lol