WHAT is your favorite way to save $?


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
Do a search here for laundry soap under "Roll your own" and you will find several variations. I just made four gallons. I used 1/2 bar of grated fels-naptha, melted in two quarts of water. Then I stirred in 1/2 cup each of borax and washing soda. I poured that into a gallon of hot water in a big jug, then used two more quarts of hot water to rinse my equipment and pan and brought the total water up to two gallons. Made two batches. Use half-cup per load.

It is not completely scent-free, but the clothes come out scent-free, especially if you put some white vinegar into the rinse cycle. I am fairly sensitive to scents, and I can tolerate this. Melting the fels is the only tough part for me.

I did try the recipe with my homemade, completely unscented goat's milk soap and someone else's homemade castille soap, and it wasn't enough cleaning power for my water, washing machine, or my dirt! So I went back to fels. Others do just fine with using other soaps, though.
