When is it time for the Rainbow Bridge?


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
Bandito is 13.5. He's been a challenge all his life with us. Biting people. Peeing in the house at night. But he's devoted to me and we've had a good relationship. Now tho......

He's been diagnosed with Cushings Disease recently. He also has liver failure. The first round of pills for $191 for a month worked wonders on the Cushings. They gave me my cattle dog back. They made me go back in after the first two weeks to check the progression. That cost $320. The 30 mg pills are not managing it well. So here's another pill at 10 mg, to give him also. $91 I think. They said I'd need to come back every two weeks to check. That would be $320 every two weeks. I declined to do that. Not to mention the monthly cost of the pills.

Now.....I'm so sick of him. I'm angry all the time. Clearly the 30 mg is not cutting it anymore. He's voracious in his appetite. Tearing up boxes looking for food. At an entire loaf of bread that was packed to go to San Jose. Ate all his rx Galiprant while in San Jose. (I said if he dies then so be it. Not spending thousands at the emerg vet to save him. He didn't die). Ate cat food at son's house, until he had diah for days.

He now cries in the a.m. (6:15 a.m today) waking us up for food. He peed in the hallway, even after I let him out to do his business. I mean, it was 13 hours of pee on the carpet this a.m. at 6:30. His back legs won't let him stand up very long. His right paw sorta curls up and he falls over. Yet he can gallop down the hallway for bfast, lunch snack and dinner. He can trot around the property but has a hard time getting up the stairs to get back to the house.

I'm tired of him.
I'm sick of him.
I'm a selfish mom who wants to have some peace from this dog.
I'm not willing to spend the money for making the last of his life easier for me? What kind of monster am I?

I feel if I put him down, that its only for me. I would feel guilty that I was getting rid of a pest or a thorn in my side.

I don't know what to do.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
I have to agree with FJ. It sounds like his quality of life isn't any better than your quality of life. It may be time. Don't feel bad for wanting to have some peace in your life.

Years ago I worked with a mobile vet. We got called out to euthanize a dog. The owner felt much as you do....but she also felt bad about feeling that way. I'll never forget what the vet told her. He said that there are too many good dogs in the world to be held captive by a bad one.

So sorry you're in this position. Find peace for yourself. :hugs


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
If you have to ask the question, then it’s time. Being pragmatic, the farmer in me says you’ve spent enough to already have bought a new puppy. Your dog is incurable. He will not survive this disease. To treat it is just downright mean. He is not your grandma, he is not human and you cannot explain to him the torture you are putting him through

Take a few steps back in time when he was healthy. Remember him when y’all had fun together. Put yourself in a good frame of mind.

It is not selfish to release him from his pain and suffering. It is not selfish to not spend major portions of your monthly income on propping up a dying dog. It’s reality.

Your anger is misdirected. It is not the dogs fault, nor is it your fault. It just is. Let go of the anger, it is eating your soul. Take a deep breath, pray for peace and do what needs to be done. Bury him in the backyard in a flower bed and plant daffodils over him.

Put him to sleep, lay him to rest and celebrate his life in the spring.


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
You all know that we can count on Bay for being the compassionate, truthful, excellent pragmatist that she is.

You've brought tears to my eyes, because I needed these words of wisdom and experience. Thank you for allowing me to release him. Hugs to all my friends here.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
You all know that we can count on Bay for being the compassionate, truthful, excellent pragmatist that she is.

You've brought tears to my eyes, because I needed these words of wisdom and experience. Thank you for allowing me to release him. Hugs to all my friends here.
:love :hit:love:hit:love

I am both happy and sad for you. Big hugs.


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
you might say, "But he's just a dog." but he had a heck of a good life with someone who cared for him when many may have given up on him years ago.

just a dog but there was love and you'll miss him at times and soon forget the worst of it just like many forget childbirth or having their tonsils out or ... we're not really built to dwell on the worst pains for long as we'll just overload. so let him go and love him and his memories but the truth is when it is time to go i wish i could do it as easily for myself as we can for our loved pets. i'm glad you found some peace with the great responses from others. :) take care of yourself too. :)


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
I made an appt on Monday for tomorrow, Thursday at 9. But yesterday Bandito really failed hard. Barely could walk, only ate a hot dog, had to be carried out to pee.

I called all day to the vet and they finally returned my call late afternoon. I now have an appt for today at 2:45. Of course, today HE RALLIES!! But I know in my heart, not really. He pooped and peed in the house over night, and at 5 a.m. I could hear him trying to make it down the hall to the bedroom.

He got some chicken skin, his fav Kirkland biscuits, and got to lick one dinner plate which was chicken in pasta sauce.

Hubs won't go with me, so I'll have to ask son to carry him into the vet and into the room for me this afternoon.