Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I actually had a pretty good day. I was able to do the laundry I wanted as well as the housework B4 leaving for the farm. Bible study got done early, so rather than getting gas after my allergists, I went B4. That meant I had more time to spend in Wal-Mart b4 heading to the chiropractor's, and I STILL got there early. Since I got there early, I was able to leave early and went to Lowe's. I think I have everything I need now to finish my next chicken house.

From Lowes, I headed to the farm and gave Stormy his 3rd feeding, took care of the chickens, and unloaded the supplies I bought. And, I think I have another broody! If she's still acting broody tomorrow, I'll set her up on some eggs.

When I was done at the farm, I headed home. I got the laundry off the line and took care of the animals. Then I ate a bit, relaxed a bit, then headed for my run. Got home B4 it was dark, so I got the trash out-including some I brought home from the farm and some I had in the truck. I have a delay feature on my washer, so I have a load in there all set to wash in the morning.

Now I'm relaxing for a bit B4 heading to bed.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Yesterday was messed up. I had to pick up hubby Tuesday night quite unexpectedly. He wasn't sure if he was going to take my truck to work on Wednesday or what, so I had to cancel my riding lesson. Well, he didn't go to work. I got some housework done as well as some laundry while I waited for him so we could go and pick up his car. Finally I took the bike and went to the farm, got everyone fed, then went home. I called him when I was ready to come home so we could go and get his car when I got home.

I got home, and he was making some phone calls and doing some research. I finally asked him, can't you do that after you get home? I FINALLY got him to come w/me so we could get his car. We hit a detour going to get it, so by the time I was finally able to leave and head for the farm, it was after noon! I got Stormy fed, then headed to work. Even though I didn't have my lesson, I still had to go to work. I was able to get about 3 3/4 hours in B4 heading back to the farm.

I get to the farm, give Stormy his 3rd feeding, get the chickens taken care of and realized I had forgotten a couple of moldy bales of hay EH told me to take, so I had to run back and get them. Get home, get the goats taken care of and was too beat to do anything else. So, I relaxed for a bit, got my shower and went to bed.

Hubby took off again today-and is taking off tomorrow as well. So, I slept in a bit today. Then when I got up I did some laundry, some dishes, made potato salad and left. At the farm, I was able to clean my field as well as get rid of a whole pile of weeds then mow. When I was done that, I gave Stormy his lunch. While he was eating it, I got the electric moved in the field. Then I relaxed for a bit while I ate my lunch.

After lunch, I started working more on my next chicken house. I have the base in place. It's pretty level. And I got some of the boards cut for the frame and painted. I don't want to paint it in my chicken area-I end up w/painted chickens!

And I have another broody! My barred rock has gone broody. I was not expecting that. KN used to have some, and they never went broody, so I was under the impression that they weren't a broody breed. I had one part of my broody area free so I set up the house for her, then stapled some plastic mesh over the door so she couldn't get out. I put 7 eggs in, then put her in. Of course, she tried to get out. I can see in the house from the farm lane, so I checked on her a few times. The last time I checked on her was right B4 I left. And it looked likes she's settled down to sitting on the eggs. I check on her again tomorrow and if she looks content, I'll take the mesh off and move the water outside. If this works, it will make my life so much easier.

Once I got home, I relaxed for a bit, then went out and fed animals and worked in the garden. Came in, cleaned the bathroom, then took my shower. Now I'm relaxing for a bit B4 heading to bed.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Same here! I've never yet been able to get one to brood in there. I've tried various ways to move them, and so far, nothing has worked, so we'll see. But, she can't go anywhere, and can't really do anything but eat, drink and sit on eggs. If she seems good today, I may remove the mesh. Or, I could wait and do it tomorrow. I would have rather done this on Wednesday, but just didn't have the time.

Hubby is still asleep. I'm playing on the computer for a bit more, then I'm getting to work. I have too much to do to wait around on him. I want to leave early enough to be able to hopefully finish the chicken house today. They had originally been calling for rain today, but they've changed the forecast. So, I have a lot I want to do. And I'm not getting it done sitting here. So, my list for today is:

1. Dishes
2. Normal animal chores-both at the farm and at home
3. Work w/horses
4. Work on chicken house
5. Do some weeding by my tack shed
6. Work in the yard/garden/orchard
7. Housework

I don't know how long it will take to make my chicken house. And since I'm painting the pieces B4 putting them together, I figure I'll have times when I'm waiting for the paint to dry. So I figure that will be a good time to work w/horses or pull weeds. I'm hoping to see a big difference by the time I leave.

And since it's not going to be wet out, I should be able to do a lot outside as well. Plus, if at all possible, I want to get more housework done. I should be working in the basement. But that bothers hubby's allergies, so I can't do that today. Maybe since he'll be home we can work on the mess he made in the living room. I'd really like to have my living room back.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today wasn't that bad. I actually had all of the dishes washed this morning. Of course, that didn't last, but it was nice while it lasted. And, I got some housework done B4 I left.

I checked on my broody when I got to the farm. And, she has settled! I took the mesh out and she didn't even think about getting up and leaving! So for the first time I won't have to try to keep hens out. I won't have to put something up to block her in a nesting box. And I won't have to worry about chicks falling out once they hatch!

I was able to get more of the chicken house done. If I wasn't painting as I went, it meant I didn't get as much done. But, I had to wait for paint to dry. But, most of the framework is done. And, all of the major framing is up! I just need to do some minor boards, and then I can do the nesting boxes, the doors, the window and the sides. And I'm hoping the roof is easier to get on this time than w/the last one.

I didn't do any weeding around my tack shed. Instead, I did some cleaning up as well as combining 2 manure forks to make one. The head wasn't the greatest, but it will do for keeping in my horse trailer. The handle had broken right at the bolt. So, I was able to drill it some, then use pliers to pull out what didn't fall out. I used this fork to clean up the manure in the parking area.

I put Misty in the RP. She did not want to listen to me. Instead, she just wanted to run around. She even kicked out in my direction a couple of times. I just continued to work w/her until she calmed down and started listening to me. I know her. She's going to give me trouble for a bit longer, then she's going to calm down and start listening to me the way I want.

I also work w/Licorice. I took her in the RP just so I had her in an enclosed area. And, we worked on her taking the bit. She is now taking it w/no problem, but is still wanting to throw her head up when I go to take it out. But, we worked on it, and she is starting to get it. She doesn't throw her head up as high, and sometimes, she'll actually keep her head down! If I can find another lunge line, I just might try some ground driving w/her.

I got home later than I expected and was ready to relax for just a bit, then go out feed the animals and do some weeding. But, hubby had dinner almost ready, so I ate first. Big mistake. It took me forever to get up and go out. By the time I got outside, it was getting dark. I was able to do some weeding, just not as much as I wanted to. But I think I have enough done so that after tomorrow I should be caught up on that!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Same here. She has 7 eggs under her.

So far this morning I've done a bunch of weeding and gotten clothes out on the line. I gave the goats so many weeds that they were basically just looking at me as if to say, we've had enough, thank you. Save some for later. This evening, I'll be getting plants in! Don't know that they'll do anything but at least they'll be in. And I'll also FINALLY be getting my flowers planted.

I'm now waiting on hubby. I thought we were going to leave a lot earlier than this. He has stuff he wants to get and I need chick feed and fly spray. We'll be going past TSC, so I might as well get it then.

When I go out to feed Stormy and take care of the chickens, I'm going to try to get the rest of the boards cut that I need for my framework. Then I'll try to paint them tomorrow as well as cut and paint for my nesting box. If I can get all of that done, then I know for sure I'll get it all done next week!


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
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glad your broody hen decided to stay put. i have a Muscovy hen that hatched out 19 ducklings last week. i knew she was sitting on a lot of eggs but never dreamed she would hatch that many. silly question but why didn't you put more than 7 eggs under her?

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
This is her first time on eggs. I can put 7 eggs in my incubator if she deserts the nest.


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 13, 2014
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Oooh! A broody, yay! :D hopefully a good hatch out! :3 chicks are just so darn adorbs!

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