Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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The senior citizen in their town also provides lunch AND transportation to and from. I hope they get there soon!

Doc appointment went pretty good. He thinks it's rotator cuff tendonitis. Gave me a cortisone injection, recommended physical therapy and if it's not resolved in a month to come back for another injection. If that doesn't do it - he'll recommend an MRI to see if I have a tear.

Got home form the doc appointment in time to pull a couple babies from a doe who went a day early. She's the old doe and needed a little assist. She had the first baby's head and one front leg out when I got home. I thought he was dead cuz his head was swollen and cold. I pulled him out and laid him aside and went in for the next one. Next one was a tiny little doe who was all wadded up in a ball with her head tucked down between her front legs and her hind feet up under her body... geeze! Took me about three attempts to get her head up enough to get past the cervix and into the birth canal. Then I looked at the first baby who promptly wrinkled his nose! So I dropped the second baby who was doing well and grabbed the first one. Held him upside down and thumped the heck out of him.... he was really, really weak. But - he was determined to live and after a little while the swelling in his head went down and he took some colostrum from a syringe. Wasn't long after that he was trying to get up. An hour later and he was doing much much better. The test will be in the morning to see if he fed himself through the night. I did see him at the udder once, so I'm hoping he's got it down.

That's about it for me ... I'm tired and my shoulder is sore from the shot...but I think the pain is somewhat duller than it was. Doc said it would take two days for maximum results, but I'm an optimist and am hoping it'll be all better by morning!

Night-night folks!


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
Yeah. Even though we know what happens to the males, we still want them to pull through. Americans as a group seem to always root for the underdog.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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So far the little guy is doing ok. I went ahead and started them both on a round of antibiotics just because of the circumstances of their delivery. The weather is really hot and humid and that's a perfect prescription for a bout of summer pneumonia in the best of circumstances... and their birth was anything BUT!

We're supposed to get another week of rain. Hard to believe I'm going to say that we could use a little bit. We've been dried out for awhile and the garden could use a good soaking.

I've got one more goat to deliver and she should go within the next day or so. Her bag has blown UP and she's staying off by herself more and more. Hoping that her delivery is fast and efficient and GIRLS! Don't need any more boys around here!

My daughter and two of the grandbabies came in Wednesday for a quick visit. I had NO idea they were coming! My husband, boss and co-workers ALL knew and no one gave it away, lol. In fact, that day I called my daughter and told her that I missed her and the kiddos and asked when I would see them. Her response " soon, Mom - very soon!" Little did I know that 'soon' would be a mere few hours, lol!!

The flip side of the visit was that she was actually coming to visit her grandmother (my former mother-in-law) who is not long for this world. Of course, I'm always happy to see my kids and grandkids - but I'm sorry for them because they are about to lose their grandmother.

Better get outside and get something done before the rain comes.

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Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Glad you got to spend the time w/your family.

Hope your last goat delivers soon and that it's the little girls you want!

We could use some rain as well. There's still places that are flooded from the last rain we got, but w/as hot as it's been, other places are dry as a bone.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Thanks, Deb! We had a blast.

I think maybe the goat will deliver tomorrow... maybe, lol.

DH and I went out this afternoon to take the hay fork off the tractor and hook up the mower. OMG - I guess we shouldn't have left the mower sit out all winter without lubricating it or something. We struggled and struggled! Our 'greatest neighbor in the world' offered to give us some pointers and help so we definitely took him up on his offer.

We just needed to take a wire brush to a few places, some penetrating oil and a hammer, lol, and we finally got the pto hooked up. And then... I got on the tractor to start it up and go mow and the stoopid thing wouldn't turn over. DH had driven it up and he left the key turned on... only for a few minutes, but I had trouble with the battery a few months ago. Obviously we should have replaced it then.

So, now it has been replaced and once that was done it cranked up like a brand new one. I got about 1/3 of the pasture mowed. Geeze, I've got some major thick, tough, cruddy stuff growing out there. I call it swamp grass, but I honestly have no idea what it is except for a PAIN IN MY pasture, lol. It bogs the tractor down so I have to take about 1/2 a cut at a time. It's seriously about 4 foot tall and thick, thick, thick! Hopefully tomorrow will stay dry enough for me to finish. :fl

Because our neighbor is so completely awesome DH picked him up a new set of jumper cables. We noticed that when he was trying to jump us off that his cables were looking a little worn out with bare wire showing through. Hopefully, that will make him more than willing to jump us off again if need be someday! He really is a great person.

I got a couple more goats wormed. I'm doing everybody with Ivomec Plus this round. I've been slowly getting them all done and the ones that have been wormed previously are looking wonderful. They're shiny and fattening up and just looking great.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I think that's great that you got him a gift. More often than not, helpful people don't want money, but a gift is different.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I agree! This particular neighbor was almost my son-in-law at one time, lol. He and my daughter were engaged right after high school, but it wasn't meant to be. It was a little awkward for awhile after they broke up, but we all got over it. His mother lives two doors down from me and he built a house right in between us. He and his wife (and their two kiddos) are stuck between all us old folks, lol, and he's always helping us all out.

We try to return the favor anyway we can. He likes my low-boy trailer better than his own so I let him use it anytime he wants and when he had a hand injury I mowed their yard when I mowed mine. Great neighbors are a blessing!

I got up right around 6 this morning determined to get some more mowing done before the rain set in - but I was too late. It rained during the night. I did at least get the critters their breakfast before the next round moved in. Looking at the radar isn't encouraging and it looks like we're in for a day of it. I'm going to hold back my complaints, at least for today, because the garden can use a good watering. Tomorrow might be another story, lol. "They" say we're in for a week of wetness...
(no comment)

Today will be a house work day with brief forays outside to check on the doe who's due. Guess I should set up the monitor on my next trip outside.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Yay - we got babies this afternoon! Two...more...bucklings... Some years are just like that. But, they are big and healthy.

It was mostly a house cleaning and back porch cleaning day. My back porch had been acting as a 'catch-all' and I don't like it. So, today I spent some time putting things away that had been dropped there. I cleaned all the glass topped patio furniture, swept and swept and swept, put away the extra dog house from the little dogs that passed, repotted a mulberry bush cutting that was out growing its pot and I still need to repot an aloe plant.

It rained pretty hard this morning, but all in all we didn't get that much after this morning. I'm wondering if I could have gotten a little more mowing done but was busy resting on my behind waiting on those goat babies for an hour or so. Maybe we'll get lucky tomorrow and not get all the rain they're calling for, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

Gracie, the wonder pup, made a liar out of me. I've been bragging on how great she is and today she was a total terror. She got into the garbage, she chewed the rug, she got a hairbrush off of the table and was chewing on that, then she pulled some peel and stick tiles up in the breezeway....OMG! She's now safely in her crate wondering what the heck happened to her reign of terror, lol!

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