Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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not putting it up on facebook looks like im going to be very busy prepping for baby goats over this next week! :D
im a member of a mini Nubian group and posted that im interested in babies this spring...well a lady messaged me...shes got twin doelings, and they are too cute, willing to sell on the bottle (after a heavy online interview and I swear little short of a background and credit check lol)
so tonight I showed the pictures to my dad...whos suprising response was "when are they ready" so I told him about 1-1 1/2 weeks as bottle babies, shes waiting on the reg papers and will be disbudding this weekend so wants to be sure they recover fully form that and are doing well on the bottle....then the inevitable "price?" so I told him....and to my shock "ok tell her to put a hold on them, ask where to send a deposit!"
so I showed mum and sister and they seem to like them too, so ive asked or deposit info...
sooooo....this means ive got a busy week ahead...tomorrow im going to scour the back pasture and mark up any brush that needs to get chainsawed out put the electric in, and figure out with mum exactly where we want the banties to actually now thinking I could put the banty coop up by the rabbits, we want to fence the rabbitry/quail area in anyway so the banties would have acess to that area, be safe from the dogs and keep the compost turned and scratched (and keep any flies down)

then this weekend ill have dad attack the brush while me and my brother carefully pull down the leanto that's currently falling down, its got to come down so we can close the upper doors on the stalls. since the baby goats will be in there id prefer to have the doors completely closeable for safety.
once the brush is out I can put up the fence next week and hopefully the weekend after we can go get the babies. :)

anywho...its gonna be busy...and im super excited...
I said the other day I missed the girls and dad said "so do I actually" so I think its been bugging him that we couldn't bring them too...

but yeah, no word on facebook yet, don't want to post anything until they are home, but one is a pretty buckskin girl, the other a buckskin with white, and she has a perfectly shaped heart over her back.
sister is thinking Chino (cappuchino) and Latte for names (shes a coffee snob lol)
so yeah...

they'll be disbudded, on the bottle, tetnus, and FULL REGISTRATION :D this is exciting! im like a kid in a candystore right now lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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I promise ill post pics as soon as the deposit is placed :) I just want to be sure nothing is jinxed first lol.

doing ok yesterday was cold and wet, hit the town inthe morning to do some stuff, and then came home and put up the shelves in the bed area...gonna clear off my tank stand soon and bring in my 55 gal and start getting that all set up,
I got a betta yesterday and id forgotton since I haven't had fish in my 55 for a few months, how much I LOVE just sitting back watching the fish...

today was chilly but sunshine so me and dad worked on the back pasture...other than some more chainsawing and a couple insulators its ready for wire...
I whent along the back and side fence with the bypass pruners and took out as much general "in the way" branches and such as I could to make an easy path for dad to get around with the chainsaw...
he spent most of today working on the left side that was heavy with wild rose and wild it took a long time, but we did manage to get halfway along the back by the time dinner ws called and it got too dark.
the rest of the back fenceline shouldn't take long, and assuming dad doesn't go chainsaw crazy the right side fence shouldn't take long at all either., once that's done ill turn off the fence and run the lines and hopefully by Monday evening we'll have a functional electric fence around the back pasture.
the stall that will be the goat stall also had to have some work done...its a gravel floor and thanks to whatever (likely the previous owner and the assistance of a groundhog) the gravel was piled almost 3 ft high in 1 corner and dibs ect everywhere I took a shovel and rake and evened everything out in there...gonna put a layer of thick cardboard down then shavings eventually wants to concrete the stall floors, but right now the grounds too soft to haul a couple thousand lbs of concrete mix up to the barn...
I also got one of my rubber troughs in...theres som galvanized in the paddock but they are much too tall even for adult full sized dairy goats...
going to put a couple of cinder blocks in front (and one inside) to make a step up for the babies...(and a step out incase swimming lessons are on their to do
the galvanized troughts however will make great brooders for baby ducks/chicks :)

so yeah...needless to say, my body HURTS right ive stopped im beyond aching and in the painfull stage, gonna go take some tylanol and climb into bed and watch something mindless on Netflix until I fall asleep lol
hoping to finnish the chainsawing and insulators tomorrow, and try to get the rotted leanto that's blocking the stalls upper doors removed too. need to be able to close them up at night once the babies come home.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well, holy heck I ache...
not enough right now to be an issue but I know im going to feel this for the next week
today we hit the brush again, chainsawed like crazy drug and chopped brush pilled up burnable sized logs, and I strung the rest of the fence on the back pasture...we now have a top and bottom strand along the chainlinked sections and 4 strands along the back.
be dad and bro are scratched up, poked and prodded, blistered and bruised and used muscles wed all forgotten we even had...BUT...all the brush around the back pastue fence is down, theres a 3-4ft wide path cleared around the perimeter for fence checking, we took out aproximatly 100 large (6ft tall and across) autumn olive and Japanese privet bushes...and a butt load of wild rose and blackberries (hoping they grow back along the back sides of the fence away form the electric (and goats) though :))
once most of it was done dad decided he wanted to hack out a few more along with some lower branches on the huge pines we had along the front of the pasture (blocking all hopes of a view into the pasture, so while he and bro did that I strung the electric lines.

we still need to tamper down the gravel in the stall, and lay a good base of shavings down...
get a couple bales of hay in
and remove the leanto on the back which has rotted and fallen onto the top stall (dutch door) doors wedging them firmly OPEN...I want to be able to close those to keep the barn secure once the babies are in there...

once the goat project is done we can start working on the next few...
ive got a job of getting my quail cages up to the rabbit area, and getting one of my small coops up there too, were going to fence that area off (and im going to add electric) and that area will be the banty cochins run too, figure wont do them any harm to scratch about under the bunny cages, but I will block off the undersides ofr the quail cages
since the compost bin is going up back there too he banties will have that to scratch about in aswell.

and then, once that's sorted, figuring out the orchard/fruit bushes is also on the list for the next week, weve got some raspberry and blueberries that need to go in and 4 more blueberries coming (gurnseys had a 2 for $2 and free shipping sale a few months back lol)
I do want some blackberries and dependant on how the raspberries do mabe more of those, and of course fruit trees...just got to figue out what kinds...(I wants them ALL lol)

and then from that point weve got to decide if this springs bird project is ducks or chickens...whichever we do this spring, we'll do the other in the fall...but we need yummy yummy eggs lol.

confirmed deposit arrived for the baby goats today
soooo...since they are now under deposit...



and yes...that's a perfect little heart!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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OK, where are they so I can go and sneak off w/them? :hide