Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I honestly don't know how I'm going to make it thru the next 3 days. I was ready to scream and/or throw something.

Went to the farm early. I would have loved to have stayed since we weren't working on the apartment, but since we had the chance for rain, we weren't doing it. I told hubby B4 I left that I wanted to work on the living room. I didn't eat first, figured I'd do that when I got home.

Got home, and got something to eat. Then, I sat in a chair and read a book waiting for hubby to say he was ready to do stuff. I finally got tired of waiting, so I practiced the piano for a bit. He still wasn't ready. So I loaded the dishwasher. While I was loading it, he said he wanted to pickle the last of the hot peppers. So, I got some jars to put in as well. Got that all done he still wasn't doing anything, so I washed a bunch of pots and pans that I don't put in the dishwasher. Then I made some chocolate chip banana bread. He still wasn't ready to do anything. That's when I found out that he was looking for a recipe for his peppers. He couldn't find the one he used B4. I walked in the kitchen, and picked up the recipe from where he left it. I tried to work on the living room, but wasn't having much luck. Then I decided to iron shirts. He bothered me the whole time. I do not know how many times I answered the SAME questions about water bathing. I finally left around 3:30 to go and feed Stormy. Plus, RU is away, so I had to feed horses for her.

I'm on my way out to the farm and my phone rings. It's my husband. He asked me the SAME questions I had just answered B4 I left about water bathing. :he

Got everyone fed, and came home. I'm tired. I haven't slept good in weeks! I might get one good night sleep every week, but that's it. Otherwise, I'm waking up w/hot flashes and night sweats. So he's saying he wants me to go the doctor to find out why I'm tired all the time. And then he starts in on the horses. If they're too much for me, I should get rid of them. He can't pay his bills. (He can, he just wants me to get rid of them) And, I'm getting more and more tired of hearing it.

He's barely shut up all day. And, when he wasn't talking, he had the radio playing. I finally had to shut it off. I couldn't take the noise any more. I'm not used to noise all day long. I'm used to quiet. I'm keyed up and tense. I just want to get away.


Jun 27, 2011
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I'll keep you in my prayers for the next few days. I'm used to having DH around most of the time now but it wasn't easy getting used to. I like my alone time whether it is to do housework, cook or just read. He usually leaves me alone when I start asking him for help.:)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I'm sorry you are going through this. I remember after my sister passed away I couldn't remember if I took my last breath. At work, I'd do the same things over and over because I couldn't remember if I'd done it right the first time. These are hard days and stress is at its highest. I'll keep you and your DH in my prayers.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
This isn't due to losing his mother. This is normal for when he's home because of his drinking. He doesn't shut up, asks a million questions over and over again, and plays the radio. Plus, if he's home, he thinks I should be as well.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today was better. I got some of the living room clean, got some stuff cleaned out of MILs, practiced the piano, fed the horses, got feed bagged, put hay out, fed the goats, did a load of laundry and cleaned part of the field. I went to dump the cart, but the cotter pin that holds the hitch pin on the cart came off while I was hauling it. So, I pulled the cart over by the fence and left it. I'll have to get a new one tomorrow.

I may be getting a load of wood chips. They're doing a bunch of work in the area, and I told them they could dump a load in my yard. If they do, I'll be putting it in my garden. I plan on getting horse manure on (hopefully next week), then once that's on, add leaves, sawdust, wood chips, old hay, etc. Then, I'll let it cook over the winter and see what it's like in the spring.

I've been complaining for some time that my truck is really pulling to the right. Hubby finally looked at it and found out that the one tire had a big bulge in it. He was able to find a good pair of almost new used tires for about what he would have paid for one! So, I now have decent tires on the front of my truck! And, he should be able to get a pair for the back in a couple of weeks. We knew it was getting to where it needed new tires, but since we're hoping to get a better truck in the spring, we don't want to put a lot of money in it. As long as the tires are good, I should be OK until next year!


Jun 27, 2011
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Sure glad he looked at that tire! And if you are tired sometimes, it's because you do so much!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I know! It has nothing to do w/a health issue, just the amount of work I get done. Right now, I'm waiting for about another hour, then I'm going in the woods to do wood! We're almost out of seasoned wood and we could get a few inches of snow next week! It depends on the track a storm system takes.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Holy cow Deb---snow next week and a few inches to boot? yikes. get yourself alot of wood :) hope it misses ya!

I think our southern region will have a bad winter. I am getting ready for the stupid ice storms that come our way.

Let's all think WARM!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I haven't checked the forecast lately, so I don't know what they're saying. But, I hope it misses us! I'm not ready for snow yet!

Got a load of wood today. It took awhile-especially since 1 of the trees I cut didn't fall the way I wanted it to. It's now leaning up against another tree. I'm sure we get a windy day, it will come the rest of the way down. So, Monday I'll be starting to cut this wood up. I have enough dry, seasoned wood to last until then.

My 4 young roos have GOT to go. Last night when I went to put away my chickens, I had trouble getting one of the hens in the pen. And as soon as I got her in, she got jumped by 2 of them. Ralph tried his hardest to rescue her, but while he was busy getting them off of her, the other 2 went for her. So, I got involved. I was able to get all 4 of the boys into my broody pen, then shut the door. I got them some food and water and let both KN and CL know they were in there and NOT to let them out. (They feed for me mornings on the weekend) I still had trouble rounding up the chickens today, but at least once they got in the pen, they weren't jumped on. I think they appreciated that.

Hubby's made a big mess in the kitchen again, so I guess tomorrow I'm going to be cleaning it up

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well today is back to a normal schedule. Hubby has left for work so I can get some stuff done w/out tripping over him. I definitely have to do wood. They're calling for a mix of rain and snow tomorrow! The farrier is supposed to come out, but I don't know that he will now. So, my list for today:

1. Practice piano (done)
2. Clean living room (I've done part of it. This evening, I'm going to have hubby help me move the couch and chairs so I can vacuum under them)
3. Feed animals
4. Clean field and move RB feeder
5. Work w/Stormy
6. Feed Stormy, bag feed, put out hay and take care of the chickens
7. Work on wood
8. Work in flower gardens-I want to get them ready for the asparagus and rhubarb. Hopefully I can get them moved this week.
9. Feed goats
10. Make and eat dinner
11. Dishes
12. Fold and put away laundry
13. Work on the computer
14. Go to bed.

W/the shorter daylight hours, I'm not doing as much, so I shouldn't have to collapse tonight.

Almost forgot so say, I took a walk in the woods yesterday. It was pretty windy, so I wanted to check out that tree. It fell! I should be able to get close to a whole pickup load just from that!