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  1. T

    Kefir Cheese anyone?

    I am wondering if anyone is using their kefir to make cheese? And if so, what kinds? I've been to "Dom's Kefir Cheese Making Site" at and made a few batches of Kefir Leban, which seems to be the base for all his/her (?) kefir cheese recipes...
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    I got home from work and went out to collect eggs

    ... in one of the coops, I noticed something strange - I don't remember what I saw that seemed "off", but whatever it was, it compelled me to lift a board that was lying on the ground. Under the board were several holes in the dirt. It took me a moment to process EXACTLY what I was seeing... :ep...
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    Another Laundry Question...

    Last Summer I washed a comforter in my machine and forgot it wa sthere and it soured. I have washed it a gazillion times since then trying to remove the odor and it just won't leave :he I have tried a variety of products and combinations of products including vinegar, ammonia, a bit of bleach...
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    Ladies, may I ask you a question in private?

    I'm having a really tough time time today... it's "the change" and my hormones (or lack thereof?) have me on the roller coaster ride of my life today. between the power surges (hot flashes) and the emotional bursts, I think I'm losing my mind. I am taking Black Cohosh, and I am about 45 days...
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    Stung by a really big black fire ant...

    I was stung a couple days ago by a single fire ant - the big black kind, not the little red kind. It climbed up my leg inside my pants and stung me several times on my thigh before I was able to get inside the house and remove the offending insect from inside my clothing. Within an hour the site...
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    Greetings from Vail, Arizona

    Hi all! This is Stephanie. I live with my husband, Mark on a single desert acre about 20 miles east of Tucson, Arizona in a small town called Vail. He bought this place about 3 years ago because he didn't want neighbors living on top of him. Other than putting in a driveway, clearing a pad to...