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  1. S

    Scrounging became CRIMINAL this weekend...

    The 4 wheeler was rigged with a GPS tracking device, which is how they got to our house so fast...and supposedly video camera. It is awful that the "good guys" have to ORCHESTRATE crime.....I know there is REAL, ACTUAL, BAD STUFF going on in our community. I feel for you Farmer Chick....hope...
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    Scrounging became CRIMINAL this weekend...

    Saturday my husband I and I were in town...nothing unusual there.... ON the way home we drove down the dirt road just passed the railroad tracks..(.we have found all kind of stuff up that road)people drop of like its a dump...we have found lumber, chain link fence, dogs...just all kind of...
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    Best way to approach someone with land purchase offer?

    When my sister and I were young, unmarried girls, we bought a mobile home that sat on a rented lot. We agreed that the first one to get married got to keep the trailer and the other one got the boot! (I got lucky and found a great guy....she's still single after 20 years!) My husband and I...
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    Thank you've said it far better than I did... My husband works in an industry that requires constant surveilance. Often this is inoccuous...often it results in the capture of some bad guys....BUT...he has made me more aware of surveilance in other areas of our life....just look at...
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    I got an advertisement call the other day from dish network or some other TV station supplier...they began their spiel with "The government is now requiring digital equipment in every home by the end of July" Now, I don't know about you, but I find that a little.....awkward? Is this truely...
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    Soap Making stores

    I started making soap a year and a half ago when my kids were working on Science projects in school. With 7 kids, I told them that they were going to investigate something MOM was interested in (remember science projects? MOM is the one who HELPS the most?) My oldest chose the chemistry of...
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    In a TOTAL banking meltdown..............

    My husband works in banking security for a company that has a number of bank affiliates over the sought east. There have been in increase in ATM robberies....where the robbers actually steal the ATM. In most cases, to don't get away with it. Some people are becoming desperate.
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    Soap Making stores

    Pringles cans make good soap molds. So do the lay's snacker cans. I bought a relly nice soap mold off e-bay. It was a little pricey, but the soap comes out in indivudual bars. No cutting involved is great.
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    Making your own soap is really enjoyable! You can use the basic ingredients in your own kitchen...I started making soap when my oldest daughter did a science project on the chemistry of soap making..Have not used store bought soap since! According to the post at e-how, you can use a couple of...
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    Glycerol??? is so much easier just to purchase your lye from a this time I can still find 16 ounce containers at my local grocery store (never use Draino!!)....however....if it does get to the point that you/we need to be that much more self-sufficient....her is a great description of...
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    Hi Tankshill....If you make soap, I would jump on this one....check out this information on using biodiesel glycerol in soap making. I do cold process soaps, but I love the transparent soaps you can get using glycerin... Good...
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    Vet Trip for heart worm Rx. Anyother ss way to deal with heart worms?

    Hi...I found these bits of info doing a google...these are from German Shepherd site... Here is another "formula" I found while researching proper dosages, anybody agree/disagree? Those who are giving .1cc per 10 pounds of straight 1% solution, there is a possiblitly of overdosing if just using...
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    Egg Prices

    i have a friend a couple of counties over...she was selling her eggs for $2.00 a dozen....they increased their prices...$2.25 if they are picked up from the farm...$3.00 delivered...she said she has more orders than ever.. I have been selling mine for $2.00 a dozen....I think I need to go...
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    Vet Trip for heart worm Rx. Anyother ss way to deal with heart worms?

    You definately have to have the rabies shot administered by a vet. You cannot order it from anywhere that I am aware a Rabies clinic, the vet would supply you with the same information they would if you had the shot done in the vet office. Do you have a university nearby that offers...
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    Vet Trip for heart worm Rx. Anyother ss way to deal with heart worms?

    Java can give your own basic shots....we get our 5way booster shots from our local feed a much, much less price than what they charge at the vet...(no office fee....) and giving the shot is not hard to do...the instructions come in the box...or just google how to do...
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    Whare am I? Alabama of course!

    Welcome hungryhensfarm! I have been to Valley! King Ford to be exact...bought a truck there years ago! Don't have the truck anymore tho... Russell County is not that far down the road from ya'll... Glad to know there are others likeminded, if not next door, at least in the next couple of...
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    Vet Trip for heart worm Rx. Anyother ss way to deal with heart worms?

    bigbrownhorse, do a google search on liquid ivermectin use as heaartworm preventative...I looked and there seem to be some dog breeds that have adverse reactions to this medicine...collies and other herding type breeds where what I safe, be sure before you use this on your dog...
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    Vet Trip for heart worm Rx. Anyother ss way to deal with heart worms?

    What I have is the liquid...I have large dogs (80 plus lbs)..I give to the first mark on the syringe...its really just a tiny bit...for a more perfect measure, you would need to know your dogs weight and then ask a vet....or maybe that info could be found on line somewhere.... My neighbor uses...
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    Vet Trip for heart worm Rx. Anyother ss way to deal with heart worms?

    We have a great vet that realizes dogs are dogs, not people. with 7 kids, I can't afford the expensive monthly heartworm treatments. My vet sold me a bottle of ivermectin horse wormer for about $40 ....this will treat my dogs for years to come! (As long as the medicine does not expire....The...
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    What did you do to save $ today?

    Oh yea....I'm making a huge batch of soap today, using up my little bits of this and that oils I had left over from previous batches...