Search results

  1. Z

    Roasted Garlic

    Our local store has garlic bulbs 6/$1. I am thinking about roasting a bunch and then pressure canning them in half pints. Has anyone else done this, recipes, hints? We eat a lot of garlic as is, and I am always looking for more ways to enjoy it. I figure if DH and I both have strong garlic...
  2. Z

    I found a Mother...

    I found a Mother of Vinegar in DH's apple juice container that has been in the refrigerator for like... months. The AJ is still sweet and good, there doesn't look like there is any other sort of contamination, just this nice gelatinous Mother floating around. I think it's not doing much to...
  3. Z

    Nutrition Facts

    I will be selling at Farmer's Market this summer, and I am starting some write-ups for some of the more unusual produce. I found this amazing website that actually has data for things like New Zealand spinach and watercress. Put your food in the search, or go by...
  4. Z

    A gentle reminder....

    So far this group has been quite considerate in keeping the hunting topics in this new category. May I offer a gentle reminder to please, please not post dead animal pictures in other categories where those of us who object to such sights have no warning before the image pops up on the screen...
  5. Z

    Making rugs

    I am in need of new porch rugs for wiping feet. I have previously made a small rug by crocheting ripped up scrap jeans. It was a bit thick, but nice and long wearing for inside use. I also can think through how to braid a rug, although I have never tried it. Who here makes rugs? What...
  6. Z

    Zenbirder - living alongside nature

    Well here goes, I am a bit sensitive but I'll take a chance and let y'all know a bit more about me. Everyone I know thinks of me as wierd, but in a good way. 01. Name? Susan 02. Gender? I grew two kids inside of me. 03. Disneyworld or Disneyland? Neither, crowds scare me. 04. What is your...
  7. Z

    Home made kitty litter

    I am tired of buying kitty litter, it seems an unnecessary expense. Plus I try to conserve so I scoop for too long without changing it out and my siamese rebells by leaving gifts in other locations. :o The cats do use a pile of pea gravel in the back yard, so I am wondering what could be mixed...
  8. Z

    Long keeping winter squashes

    I am interested to know more about the winter squashes people grow, I am doing some experimentation but there are so many out there to try. My personal goal is to find good keepers that taste good. I would like to know variety and species, seed company if known, how long they keep on...
  9. Z

    Eggplants & Aubergines

    So on my walk through the garden this morning I noticed that there are way more eggplant than I will use before frost. How do any of you save them, freezing or ??? PS - I just love the English word "Aubergine" better than Eggplant!
  10. Z

    Homemade Soymilk and Soy Yogurt

    My newest "Big Girl Toy" is a soy milk making machine. I am so pleased and it is paying for it's self in a very few months. We eat some dairy, but I don't want a cow and we feel the large scale dairys are not humane. So we switched to soymilk a year or so back and like it fine. But that...