100 Things Challenge - Join Me!


Enjoys Recycling
Nov 30, 2008
Reaction score
freemotion said:
Wildsky said:
If you can't remember when last you used it - toss it.
NOOOOOO!!!!! That just means I couldn't find it or forgot I had it....it is like getting a present, finding it again! (Just what is "it" btw? :D )

Notice I haven't added anything to my box with three items in it yet.... :/
That's exactly what one of the hoarders said on TLC's show last week (rerun) . Going through the piles ,and rediscovering items was like getting a present all over again !
I can so see myself in some of those people. My dad,too.
Watching shows like Clean House and the hoarding shows on TLC (I think.....forget the name) Have really helped me.
I buy things IMAGINING what I will do with them. I'll organize the office,or bake halloween cookies with the kids........ Then they sit,collecting dust. It's more about the person I WANT to be,but I'm really not.
So ,I've really been purging the last year. Our son's school is having a yard sale this month and we will empty the storage unit and many closets . The house looks better and it's so much easier to keep clean.
I'll have to get back to you on what we purge :D


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
I was thinking about a curtain to hide some storage shelves in my sewing room and then I had a thought: "Why not get rid of the shelves!"

So I cleared off my stuff - donated some more - and repurposed the shelves in an under-stairs storage area that wasn't used. Plus I finally got ALL of my fiance's backpacking stuff out of my sewing room! :weee

I bought bed risers and fit the last 3 boxes under the bed. I'm still not ready to show photos of my sewing room, but I think I'm finally ready to show off my new closet!

DSCN2532 by tortoise11, on Flickr

And just for fun... My fiance's closet. :love

DSCN2537 by tortoise11, on Flickr


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
Blackbird said:
Awesome job!!
Thank you. :D But don't forget that I've spend 20 - 30 hours on this in the last week!!

So none of you get to feel bad about your three items in a box. :hugs


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 16, 2010
Reaction score
Santa Barbara
Nice tort!! We have a huge walk in closest that's bigger then most peoples rooms. People ask what do we do with all that space? Why the dog sleeps in there :gig LOL our huge, 80+ lb lab puppy grabs old sheets and "nests" in there. Our clothes are either in the dryer, or in it.

Finished grandpas desk, now mine! Will share pics :D My mom deemed it my "woman cave" since my fiance has the rest of the house.


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 24, 2009
Reaction score
Central Pennsyltucky
My goodness, I could EASILY cut 100 things out. It's just finding the motivation, lol. I crap you not, I have at LEAST a dozen garbage bags full of clothes in my garage. Not to mention baby items from birth to 18 months that the boys no longer use. I also have some furniture, just all kinds of stuff that I need to redd up. I could honestly probably fill up 3 truck loads of stuff. :/ Now, finding time to actually go through, wash everything (it's been in the garage for over a year now, most of it), sort and organise it and then put it up for a yardsale, pfft. Call me selfish, but with the scant bit of cash I have, I really would like to get at least a bit of cash out of it instead of donating it all. I'm all for donating, but hey, I need the cash just as much as the donatees.


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
MissJames said:
freemotion said:
Wildsky said:
If you can't remember when last you used it - toss it.
NOOOOOO!!!!! That just means I couldn't find it or forgot I had it....it is like getting a present, finding it again! (Just what is "it" btw? :D )

Notice I haven't added anything to my box with three items in it yet.... :/
That's exactly what one of the hoarders said on TLC's show last week (rerun) . Going through the piles ,and rediscovering items was like getting a present all over again !
Oh crap!!!! :ep

At least I'm not buying useless junk anymore. No more doodads or decorative items. The only things I buy now, in the last few years, really, have been items needed to be more ss. I just have to start getting rid of stuff I don't use in order to make room. Adding several hundred jars takes up a lot of space! Even if I do always fill them.

Now the winemaking kick.... :rolleyes:


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 26, 2009
Reaction score
Jawja, y'all
This is why I love Freecycle so much. I get a real kick out of offering stuff that's been sitting around collecting dust, and finding folks so excited about getting it. So much more fun than just pitching it or taking it to Goodwill (although that does feel good, just getting rid of it).


Enjoys Recycling
Nov 30, 2008
Reaction score
Bettacreek said:
My goodness, I could EASILY cut 100 things out. It's just finding the motivation, lol. I crap you not, I have at LEAST a dozen garbage bags full of clothes in my garage. Not to mention baby items from birth to 18 months that the boys no longer use. I also have some furniture, just all kinds of stuff that I need to redd up. I could honestly probably fill up 3 truck loads of stuff. :/ Now, finding time to actually go through, wash everything (it's been in the garage for over a year now, most of it), sort and organise it and then put it up for a yardsale, pfft. Call me selfish, but with the scant bit of cash I have, I really would like to get at least a bit of cash out of it instead of donating it all. I'm all for donating, but hey, I need the cash just as much as the donatees.
This is a Win Win situation ! Do not feel guilty or selfish !!!! Everyone is looking for a bargain. Why shouldn't you resell what you paid good money for?
Just do 10 or 15 minutes a day working through your piles. Add a bag of clothes to the laundry each week and have a box or container by the dryer or line to pop the for sale items into..
Write a list of the items you want to seell and write down what you would do with that money. Put your items into categories ,so when you have enough of one category you can put it on craigslist. I'm suggesting categories instead of each piece to maximize your time.
Start with baby items or furniture, but start! When someone hands you cash for the sale that will motivate you to keep going!
Now go! Do as I say, not as I do ; )


Enjoys Recycling
Nov 30, 2008
Reaction score
tortoise said:
I was thinking about a curtain to hide some storage shelves in my sewing room and then I had a thought: "Why not get rid of the shelves!"

So I cleared off my stuff - donated some more - and repurposed the shelves in an under-stairs storage area that wasn't used. Plus I finally got ALL of my fiance's backpacking stuff out of my sewing room! :weee

I bought bed risers and fit the last 3 boxes under the bed. I'm still not ready to show photos of my sewing room, but I think I'm finally ready to show off my new closet!

DSCN2532 by tortoise11, on Flickr

And just for fun... My fiance's closet. :love

DSCN2537 by tortoise11, on Flickr
I' so glad you told us about getting rid of the shelves. I have that dilemma in my bedroom and just realized I should do the same thing. Thanks for the idea!
So, what are going to wear now??????? LOL