100 Things Challenge - Join Me!


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
Wildsky said:
If you can't remember when last you used it - toss it.
NOOOOOO!!!!! That just means I couldn't find it or forgot I had it....it is like getting a present, finding it again! (Just what is "it" btw? :D )

Notice I haven't added anything to my box with three items in it yet.... :/


Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Nebraska Sandhills
freemotion said:
Wildsky said:
If you can't remember when last you used it - toss it.
NOOOOOO!!!!! That just means I couldn't find it or forgot I had it....it is like getting a present, finding it again! (Just what is "it" btw? :D )

Notice I haven't added anything to my box with three items in it yet.... :/
:gig Better than what my sister says, she figures if I haven't used it in 2 years, I should throw it away :ep I prefer the idea that if I can't remember when I used it - then its out, that way I can still keep my wedding dress and veil. :th


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 9, 2009
Reaction score
Chase, BC Canada
IMO having one of anything small and cheep, that tends to run out or fails is silly. I don't think having more than one pen should count as having more than one item. A pen in each room where there is writing done, or near a phone is hardly clutter.

To each their own on this of course, but for me to get a new pen it's a 20 minute drive to the village, and if I want a good pen it's an hour to town. Clearly since I have a large farmhouse, not an small apartment having a few pens should not burden me, and it's smarter than risking an extra trip to town.

If your backpacking around the world and carrying everything on your back one pen and one pencil would be right.

As for used it, I tend to think ahead, not in the past. Logically will I ever use this again? When/why and is that worth keeping it for?

More and more I'm looking into renting things that just get used once or twice a year too, like the rototiller, we did not replace it when it died.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
I thought about the one pen, one pencil idea some more. I did it down in my sewing room / she-cave I fuss around in a pile of knitting needles, paint brushes, sharpies, tortillons and stumps. For down here, I am keeping one mechanical pencil LOADED with extra "lead," a pen and a sharpie. That's all I really need.

I need 2 - 3 pencils in my purse - I lose them! And when I get to my desk, I'm going to dramatically reduce up there. The guy does have a point. Have few wnough things that you CAN take care of them. And enjoy having high quality items (so you definitely want to keep track of them).

My fiance is definitely NOT doing this challenegs - actually he has no idea what I am up to - so I can steal his pens/pencils if I need to. Plus, I'm in a rural community and there's a dollar store not far away. So even if I'm down to 4, it's really not a big deal.

Chicken - maybe a box in the garage for extras would work. Keep one pencil in the house. But you bought a pack of 8 or 12. So put the leftovers neatly in a box, and save it until you lose it or need to replace it. That way, you cut down "clutter," but you are being smart by avoiding frustration and extra gas miles.

(Clutter in quotes because we all have different definitions!)


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
Today, I am going back to the city I was from before I moved to the middle of effing nowhere. I'm still bitter!


Anyway, I'm looking for fabric to make a curtain around my sotrage shelves. Even if it is neat and organized, it is still visual clutter, which is still a problem for me. It competes for my attention.

I have problems with information processing due to my "brain cooties," so anything I do to reduce clutter - of any kind - is a big help.

My fiance will be gone this weekend, so I'll have opportunity to tear my stuff apart without him asking questions!


Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
Reaction score
Interesting about visual clutter. I have a collection of DVDs and books. I love having them there but I hate seeing them! All those spines of different colors jumbled up on a shelf. And the DVDs are shiny too, which makes it worse. At my last place, I got a huge old dresser and organized them inside the drawers. At this place I want to build a long, shallow shelf in my hallway, where I won't see them, but I was still thinking of putting a fabric skirt over them to further streamline them visually.

I think that's why I so loved the food storage in the wall covered by a tapestry here lately.

I can handle a bit of decorating clutter. But DVDs and such just bother me. And I can NOT get my kitchen counters as empty as I want them, though I put away most appliances, even the ones I use almost every day.

I don't mind so much having stuff. I just don't want to SEE it, LOL.


Wild Hare
Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
USDA Zone 3b/4a
ohiofarmgirl said:
only 92 to go! ha! whoooot!

You have to start somewhere. And if you're not obsessing over it like I am, it's not bad!

I boxed up my too-small clothes. They are very flattering (when I fit them) and my weight fluctuates a lot, so they're going into boxes in the basement.

I went through my closet (again!) and I think I am done in there finally.

I made another sacrifice today. I LOVE a beautifully-made bed that looks like it's from a magazine. 10 pillows! But I end up just moving those pillows aroung all the time. My fiance doesn't like dragging the pillows off the bed every night. (he has asked for turn-down service :lol: ). I stuff them into my closet - visual clutter. I took off the cases and stored 6 pillows for future use when we have overnight guests. I'm a little sad, but I know it will make my life better.

I went shopping and replaced a very worn pair of jeans (I'll keep the old pair and darn them, but I need one nice pair of jeans.) I looked for shirts at thrift sales for hours, but didn't find anything nice enough to add to my pared-down wardrobe. I did, however, find a parka-style winter coat to replace my too-small coat.

Not nearly down to 100 Things and it's already changing my spending habits!


As far as visual clutter, I'm going to buy a couple more (matching) baskets for my closet to hide my hunting and work clothes that DON'T count towards my 100 Things.