Anyone have any home remedies for migraines?


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 15, 2009
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I woke up with one at 5:30am this morning with one. After getting sick several times i laid down and fell back asleep till 1ish this afternoon. The only useful treatment I've had for these is feirocet. Problem is, being the only one that has worked, my body has built up a resistance to this drug, and it makes me incapable of operating/functioning normally.

Been to a chiropractor, I've had acupuncture, I've even seen a hypnotist. Any natural pain relievers other than chewing raw poppies :)


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
Here is one my daughter's doctor recomended and it helps me a lot. At first sign of a migraine, take some ibuprophen ( I take two), drink some coca cola, put an ice pack on your neck and lie down in a dark and comfortable place. This has worked wonders for me. I may be a bit tired and still have a mild headache after about 1/2 hour, but I am able to function normally most times.
My daughter has really severe migraines and it works for her sometimes. Feverfew is supposed to be good for migraines, as well as cannabis.
I make sure I always have a coca cola around and an icepack in the freezer. We have a big jar of ibuprophen. LOL


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 15, 2009
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Michigan has just legalized the Medical MJ, and in my youth I tried it to kill migraines and it worked. Since I was entering the workforce I havn't tried it in close to 16 years. Not sure how this law is going to shape up :(

Feverfew? I am going to have to look that up. How does it work?

I am just trying to move away from the narcotic painkillers... (I believe mine is an opiate but not 100% sure)


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
I just checked out one of my favorite herbals: "The Family Herbal" by Barbara & Peter Theiss. They claim to have had wondefull results with a "Migraine Tea.
6 parts rosemary leaves
4 parts peppermint leaves
4 parts balm leaves
4 parts sweet violet
3 parts feverfew 1/2 part sweet violet flowers
This tea has a very fine flavor and so can be enjoyed daily for many months."
Feverfew is a medicinal plant used in headache therapy that has caused a great stir since its rediscovery in England. A few decades back there were reports of migraine sufferers who reduced their attacks by chewing one or two leaves of the plant on a daily basis. But two new double-blind studies carried out in London support the theory that taking the leaves of feverfew prophylactically can reduce or prevent migraine attacks. Today, it is used as a simple tea or in tea blends."
I have made several home remedies out of this book and found them to be valid.


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
In the web between your thumb and forefinger...about an inch to and inch and a half up into your hand there will be a very tender spot. Get it with the thumb and index finger of the other hand and squeeze it. This will usually bring immediate relief, and at worst will take the edge off the migraine. Do it on both hands. Sometimes you will also find tender spots along the shoulder and neck area, get your significant other to find them and press them for you. There may also be some around your big toe area. Do both feet


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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Over the years I have been able to help three people with serious migraine with the following homeopathic combination remedies.
They come from this company but you do not purchase them at this site.

The first case was the worst. She was the sister in law of a friend who lived on the opposite side of the country so I never did get to meet her. The woman had two small children but her headaches were so bad she had to have someone else care for them as she had to stay in a dark room, in bed all day. She had been to many specialists and had many tests done. No one could help her.

We sent her the following products:

After taking them three times a day as well as immediately upon onset of symptoms she was well within one month and started caring for her children again. In the second month she also started a job. The last I heard she stopped taking the remedies as she was well.

I personally use the first two for headaches all the time. I never use tylenol or anything else. Sometimes I only need to use one, the spigelon if it is a frontal headache, the gelsemium if it is coming on from the lower back of the head.. The chelidionium is for true migraine as it will help detox the liver. There is always liver involvement with true migraine, ask any Oriental Medical Doctor... and this is why conventional medicine ususaly can not cure migraines....they don't recognize the liver involvement.

With these type of remedies I have found that if I get a new brown dropper bottle and pour half of a remdey into it and add spring or distilled water and a table spoon of brandy or everclear I can get double my value on my purchase. I do this all the time for my Heel remedy for asthma, as I have a touch of reactive airway to chemicals.

In homeopathy a dose is a vibrational quality, not a solid or liquid measure of any particular the size of the dose is irrelevant, only the potency is important....I know, sounds weird....but I've been using this stuff for 30 years, and sometimes in some very serious situations, if you have the correct remedy, it works.


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
Here is a detailed version from a massage therapist:

That spot in the web of the thumb is an acupuncture/acupressure point that is also effective for diarhea and constipation. It is NOT for women who are pregnant or trying to get pregnant, if the body is considering expelling the fetus, this point will encourage that more strongly.

The point is actually not in the web but on the bone (metacarpal) that is in the hand between the index finger and the wrist. It is about halfway along the edge of the bone, and you will feel a small divot in the bone that will be slightly tender. While the point is out of balance, it may not be a depression but may be raised, and will be very tender. For maximum results, press the point and hold it, the direction of the pressure should be towards the opposite side of the wrist.

Learned this from an acupuncturist that I was an assistant teacher for while he was teaching a group of massage therapy students.

If you have a spouse who can gently rub your face and head thoroughly, too, there are many valuable points there, too. Just be thorough and gentle but firm and he/she will get all the points. Move the scalp and such and even pulling fistfuls of hair gently helps some people quite a bit.

Neck and shoulders, too, of course.

FD, what parts of the plants are used, especially sweet violet...are those just common violets? And what is balm? I have lemon balm....


Lovin' The Homestead
May 10, 2009
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Lochbuie, CO
My husband used to go see the chiropractor for them. He used to get one a week. Now, it's more like one every couple of months. He hasn't seen our chiropractor in several months and is doing ok. I can tell he needs an adjustment though because his headaches are increasing in frequency. If you do get migraines regularly, be sure to get the paperwork for Family Medical Leave of Absense from your work for your doctor to fill out. Then, the chance of them firing you for a chronic condition is significantly lowered.


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 15, 2009
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Living in michigan, I've been out of work since christmas with no hope in sight. If I didn't love my lil piece of heaven, I'd already moved out of state. At work, Id used to have to carry a puke bucket around with me while out in the warehouse.

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