Anyone struggling to eat out or from grocery stores? any clean eaters?


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
Have you ever considered just skipping meat? Or cutting it way back?


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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Lol considered it and tossed the idea away to be honest. I enjoy eating meat. That would also require me to cook seperate meals for the entire family and myself. They won't give up what they enjoy and I would feel horrid making them. Honestly I can eat all the meat I want as long as its really fresh. So either we process it or the local butcher does. I just have to convince my mother to stop trying to kill me. Even after months eating the meat from the butcher and noting that the meat from the grocery smells funny when we cook it, she still tries to slip it in. Ah well

Slowly but surely our diet improves as my stomach fights with the crap they sell at the grocery. We are already growing most of our veggies, working on growing all of our fruit. We have our own eggs and our raising some of our chicken meat and this spring it will bring us raising all our chicken meat. Why not beef too. I already gave up regular milk and am on to goats milk and in a year or so raw fresh cows milk.

But yea to answer your question honestly. I did consider it. I even did it for several months to help my tummy heal but honestly I was not cut out to be a vegetarian. I would probably wander around mooing all the time. I just prefer to eat the things that eat the grass. I just want those things not to be treated and infected with everything under the sun bad for you. Cutting it way back would not work for this either. I could still not eat anything from the grocery. Even the chicken makes me sick from there. For whatever reason even a small kid size portion of grocery store meat will have me in pain for days on end. I can eat a 20oz steak if I were so inclined from the butcher or a huge portion from one of our roosters and never even have a twitch of pain. Its the source of the meat and how to work around that. Its very limiting to not be able to go out to eat or even stop for a burger without getting sick.


Almost Self-Reliant
Feb 24, 2009
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Central Pennsyltucky
I wonder if it has more to do with what the commercial beasts were fed. Either way, I haven't bought beef in about a year. I can't afford butcher prices and store meat is varying shades of pink or brown. I like fresh bloody meat, not old half rotten crap. To be honest, I couldn't afford store beef either, even if I did for some reason want to eat that funk. Our lamb tastes better, is much, much fresher and it's cheaper to boot! Next year it should be even cheaper since I won't have to pay butcher fees. It's no wonder anyone would want to have local food, especially meat!


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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Bettacreek said:
I wonder if it has more to do with what the commercial beasts were fed. Either way, I haven't bought beef in about a year. I can't afford butcher prices and store meat is varying shades of pink or brown. I like fresh bloody meat, not old half rotten crap. To be honest, I couldn't afford store beef either, even if I did for some reason want to eat that funk. Our lamb tastes better, is much, much fresher and it's cheaper to boot! Next year it should be even cheaper since I won't have to pay butcher fees. It's no wonder anyone would want to have local food, especially meat!
That is the kicker. The butcher we are going to is actually cheaper than the grocery store. They have more customers than they can handle at times but I drive 45 minutes every months or so to stock up. I even buy the really nice cuts of meat when they put them in the discount freezer ( which is still fresher than the grocery I think). But yea I think feed and how they are kept and how they are butchered and how long the meats sits at the store and everything they treat the meat with. How can that not play a factor? I will be glad when we get the steer in the spring and can just start raising all our own meat. Honestly I eat the meat from the butcher all the time and I feel great. Heck I have been eating a bit more and lost like 5 pounds too. Go figure. But just a little store bought and my mom just keeps doing it. Granted she thinks its all in my head and if she just makes me think she is using the butcher kind then i won't get sick. Apparently being in pain and living in the bathroom is not proof that the theory was wrong either. But you know what she is 75 and she is not going to change and I told her I won't eat anything she cooks anymore. It might hurt her feelings but seriously.

The upside is that even my husband and the kids are noticing that they are not gassy or burp as much. They sure are not stinking up the potty as much. No one is asking for antacids. So cleaning things up is making a positive difference. I do think though that raising your own can only improve the safety and quality of the meat though. No one else will care about your families health as much as you do. Plain and simple.


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 14, 2009
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I would either buy butcher meat for your mom to cook,or simply stop eating anything she cooks.I refuse to get sick just to be polite.Good for you for refusing to eat more.If you did I was going to suggest a glass of kefir before the meals.Best just to refuse the meat meals,and stick with her baked goods :)


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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All the bad meats are out of the house now. ALL. The other bit of news is that my nephew noticed that our meat tasted better and he did not get such bad gas or indigestion so he asked my mom about it and she told him the problems I have been having. He ended up going and stocking up himself, especially after he saw that the prices were actually lower. So we have a convert.

I keep saying i am going to order kefir grains and I never do. I need to order up some water kefir until I am producing my own milk here. I have also cut milk out of my diet for the time being, until such time as there is enough goats and or cows milk for all of us. I buy kefir and its ok but sometimes its fizzy and sometimes its not. I just wonder how much benefit am I really getting and I am still consuming commercial cows milk. So I need to order that water kefir for now. The activated charcoal was super effective when I ate the meat though. I now keep it on hand and it will travel with me as well.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Wonder how that would work for hubby. He has problems ofter after eating out.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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heather don't feel bad. My mom poisons me every time i forget and eat there :lol: She doesn't mean to! She just uses non stick spray, which contains vegetable oil, which contains soybean oil, which I am highly sensitive to :hu I just quit eating there altogether.

On the eating clean, I have found that the further away we get from crappy processed foods, the worse it makes me feel when I consume it. Thank God above I can still eat a few candies though! I am a sugarholic ;) We are doing really well with venison this year, which is as close to not homegrown yet completely organic as you can get around here. The butcher meats are good around here as well, but inflated a good deal. It is difficult to find balance sometimes, I feel for you!!!


Power Conserver
Jul 24, 2012
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Battled something that felt like the flu ( no doctor visit or drugs) and the tummy bug ( again no doctor visit or drugs). Now my tummy though is upset again. Mine is not the only one though. The whole family battled this and the whole family is having a hard time getting their tummies back in line. Even foods I normally tolerate very well i cannot have right now. Suggestions? I know my immune system was taken down a bit with all this and I think I might have a bit of yeast overload going on.

I really need to find a way for us to eat. A lifestyle. Not a ton of little changes that help but don't fix the issues. Tonight I am feeling a touch gall bladderish. Its been a while since it even twinged but I had a weak moment and had a big glass of milk today. My tummy was very upset after that. Normally I can have some just not very much but apparently even a small glass is too much. Not sure if that is the after effects of this bug or my body changing as I clean up my diet.

I checked out the gaps diet and the intro diet for it. Not a chance in heck the family will go along with it. My husband will outright refuse and there is no winning with the kids if the husband is not on board. I won't even go into how my parents would react.

I have no had any apple cider vinegar for a week which might also be part of the problem. I ran out and MUST get some tomorrow. I really see a difference in tummy stuff when i take it regular. This week my tummy is upset, tongue got fuzzy even with brushing and I have indigestion.

Anywho if you found a site that has good info on clean eating and healing you body with the right foods please share. This is a long term trip for me but good guide maps would be very helpful.


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 23, 2010
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hope you feel better soon. Our family had the heeby jeebys thruout the holiday weeks and while they all got better it took weeks before my tummy stopped rebelling. I'm only lactose intolerant and had to have my gallbladder removed(which has it's own nightmare problems to be sure :sick ) So I kinda went into my self defense mode. I found that miso/tofu/wakame soup really does help me and while it has been a bit on the expensive side I've been having it for breakfast for weeks now. to the point that I'm using the instant stuff right now(with extra wakame) till I can get to the big town and hit the Asian market for more ingredients. I've also made my own Kimbap cuz I've also found for me going to the all you can eat buffets usually triggered a huge "no gallbladder attack" well there are a couple new buffets that we found that serve huge amounts of kimbap/sushi/cali rolls and seaweed salad and miso soup! along with the normal fare of most buffets. well if I stick to the miso soup and any of the kimbap/sushi/cali rolls and the salads and maybe only a bite or two of the fried stuff I don't suffer any more. we went right after the big outbreak here of the heeby jeebys and that was one of the only times my insides didn't wanna rush outside.
And on the mom issue-I gotta give ya a big :hugs cuz it is hard to hurt the ones ya love. My mom will "forget" that certain sugar free stuff gives me migraines and seizures and will still try to slip it to me cuz she thinks that sugar free has to be good for ya. She paid for the last trip to the ER due to that same little "problem" it doesn't take much for me to start twitching. normally I can taste that stuff and spit it out quick enuf. I still love her but her idea that if you don't know it is in there it won't hurt ya gets on my nerves..

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