Are we living our dreams?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
Thanx. Me too. I really wanted to show my family that I can get all the money I spent on DH's home back and take care of myself. Of course, maybe I can regardless....the take care part. Not so sure about the money part.
Well, I texted my supervisor about what I talked to administrator about and I spoke with my co-worker and she plans on talking to someone today, but not sure what she will say. I didn't talk to the charge nurse because she was really sick this weekend and is at doctors office right now. I had given her my best shot at fixing her herbally, but don't think she did all those things (she wouldn't have needed a doctor if she listened to me). But she started crying at lunch because she doesn't live on a farm, didn't inherit money from her parents, doesn't have a husband's support, etc....and she needs her job. I have another co-worker, but I honestly don't know how she gets thru her med pass so fast and have time for all those cigarette breaks, but I have a suspicion and I don't pass meds like that. Obamacare and all this new computer nursing &^%* is the biggest mistake I have ever seen in nursing. About the only thing worse is a big company that wants to make all its money at the suffering of the little people.
Well, my grandpa had a little burial policy and we didn't know. It was only for $1,000. He must have also forgotten he had it. He died 3 years ago. So Momma died a year later and she would have gotten half that money, so now the $500 will have to be split 3 ways. So I have been trying to think of something my grandparents would be proud of me for, to spend my $166.66 on. She was head cook at our local hospital. He had been in WW II and worked years on boats, until he became disabled and just farmed out of his homestead, until he got really old. I'm thinking I should start a project, with that money and see how much I can grow with it or invest it wisely, but never rely on in cash it in completely. Any ideas??? Its only 166.66....I have been mulling it over in my head for weeks. That money, put in my bank account will just be used to pay bills or buy food or gas. I want to have it, as something I got from Grandpa.
When I'm scared, I slaughter. IDK why, but I do. I guess it helps calm my fears because I know I have food and have reduced my expenses. I think I might slaughter this week.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Lol wyodreamer, you're not so bad yourself, I hope you're inter view goes well! ;)

I hope something resolves with the job, Rhoda. Nobody should have to work like that.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
I spoke with my new DON, who I don't really know yet, yesterday and it didn't go so well. Apparently the other nurses didn't complain to her yet....but they all looking for other jobs, so its a good thing, if she really just hired 4 new nurses, like she said (or threatened...not sure). Well, basically I don't think she cares if she looses me, but the administrator seems to want to listen to me and resolve whatever problems we have and at least acted like he cared.
I will talk to my aids and tell them how hard my job is and how much pain I'm in when I can never sit down and see if I can get them to bring the people to me, instead of parking them in their rooms and to check with often. I will sit while I pour. He told me to get whatever help, I need from the charge nurse and supervisor. I wil hang on, at least until I send my book in and get a tax refund. But it would be nice if BIL starts paying me some money he owes me for a rescue job I did for him in December.
I guess I have lost trust and respect for my DON. It is good for me that I never have to work with her. I work with the weekend crew. I don't even plan on attending any mandatory nurses meetings. She talks so easily about me leaving some of my little people that I love so much....well, y'all just wouldn't believe it. I'll hold out until I see an open door.
Well, today is my 49th birthday and its 3 years since my grandfather passed....6 months after my grandmother. Well, I was dreaming and so many things wrong with my dream. First of all, DH (who no longer lives with me) and I are driving, with all of our kids (some of them are grown and they wouldn't all fit in our vehicles anyways), and we driving along the bayou, heading north and there are 2 ambulances in front of my grandparents house and I start crying....sobbing, uncontrollably, because I just know one of them must be dead (hello???) So DH turns the surburban around and I run in the house and Mawmaw is fine and Grandpa just needed personal care and my Paran (godfather) is fussing Mawmaw and I tell her to call me when she needs help and she just looks at me and smiles.......and I wake up and realize they both gone, and so is Momma and I'm 49.
Well, I am Catholic, so that dream has more meaning than a lot of people would realize and I won't get into it exactly, but it helped me plan my day. I'll probably be down to earth today. Its a good time to clean up for spring. My Papere (my other grandfather) told me a good time to start fig trees would be on my birthday. I have slaughtering to do, which will not only cut expenses, but clean out stalls, which I could use because the silkie rooster jumped on DS 2 days ago and if he did that to a huge man, he won't have any problems doing it to a 7 year old little girl. And yes, I will pray today.


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
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oh Rhoda_bruce i so know how you feel about your job. i retired 2 years ago after 25 years of nursing simply because i couldn't take it anymore. i wasn't 65 but between Obamacare and health care just out for the $ now and big companies who don't give a hoot about the patients or their staff i just had to go. it has left me strapped financially but at least I'm able to breathe now. i raise most of my food and just take it a day at a time to make ends meet. i hope and pray that things work out for you. and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! i hope you enjoy that mean old silkie rooster.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
Lol....thanx. I was busy, but didn't do everything I'd imagined or thought of to do....obviously. You can't expect me to be that energetic. The roo is a bit cocky, so I tried to catch him and put him with some silkie pullets, alone, in a tractor, but I have a stupid net, which was really intended for catching fish. It bends and you have to be really good with mechanics to imagine how you will catch anything. He won't live long, if he angers me too much, but I normally keep my eyes on roos anyways and I'm already breaking one of my biggest rules by allowing him to stay with my blue copper maran roo. I never have more than one roo together. I had a beautiful RIR, which was supposed to be show quality a while back, but you talk about CRAZY....After I got what I wanted out of him, he outsmarted me....sorta and got out of the stall I had him in and was gonna attack ME....of all people. Not a good idea at all. He was caught and when my 2 little ones saw me coming from the barn holding him, they started jumping and screaming, with delight. Everyone hated him. He was about the most delicious chicken I've ever eaten. But the silkie isn't even old. You wouldn't think he'd be that crazy. He is only just old enough to begin mating and his, ever so slightly younger sisters aren't even giving me eggs. Its a new breed for me though. Momma loved them and I only got them because I wanted help with my duck and goose eggs, cuz they so hard to hatch sometimes.
Well, I was on call today and thank God the phone didn't ring....from the nursing home anyways.
I did kill a muscovy drake and took 3 of his younger sisters away from his younger brothers....a clutch their momma had last, which I need to finish off. Well the girls are in the coop with Mom and older sisters and Dad and all the surviving brothers are on death row, finishing off. I was filthy, but I think the stalls will stay drier with less ducks to mess up. If only those muscovies weren't such good fliers. They bigger than the pekings and rouens, which can't fly...but yet they can fly very well.
My middle child had a temper tantrum a few months ago and has been staying with DH ever since, but she came see me today and brought me flowers and cheese cake. DH wanted her to bring a few loads of firelogs home and I talked with her before she left and told her when she is tired of killing herself working for almost no money, and living check to check with no future to come talk to me, so we can get her back on track. Somebody say a prayer about that please. She is too young to be so uneducated and throw in the towel. I shared with her some of my problems with work and some of the things I want to work on in the months to come, depending on finances. She didn't seem too hopeful, until my list of things I feel I have to offer grew to a sizeable amount. When I got to honey, she told me she was suffering with allergies. I offered to give her a vinegar I had fixed already, but she is deadset on honey. Really she wants to be a nurse....poor child.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Happy birthday! I hope you were able to relax a little on your birthday!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I hear ya on the muscovey's flying! There's a bunch of them at the farm. And, since I don't pen up my chickens at this time of year since their water freezes solid, I have at least one of them going in my hen house and eating my feed. If she decides to start laying in there, and goes broody, I'll be keeping those ducklings.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
My DH's family had a few volunteer muscovies... the big drake used to go out in the main pasture and pick fights with the geese- he'd take on several at once, and win.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
:bow:barnieNot happy...My Chinese gander is dead. It is mating season and the waterfowl projects know no limits. He was very badly abused, I applied meds, eye drops, put him in a stall, that I emptied, just for him. I had to combine drakes, intended for table, to do so, which resulted in more abuses...which resulted in another bird dispatched. Well, Gonzo survived the weekend, but DS found him dead today.
By tomorrow, I will probably kill 2 ganders and one very lucky bird gets to live with 3 ladies. Hope he knows what to do with them.
Well, I think I want to plan a menu for a week and go shopping, alone afterwards. Maybe I don't have to. Maybe I can just clean the freezer and work around that. I feel good when I take care of myself and I want some power food. I might flop, but its what I'm thinking. I have scovy on the stove right now. Maybe I can put something green on the side.
And I want some really strong muscles. Some of my aids can probably beat me up if they wanted to....I have lost so much strength. I sat down a lot this weekend. The DON came in because she was called in about supplies we didn't have, but I never laid eyes on her. I was missing some internal nutrition bags I needed to put on feeding pumps for 2 of my patients, but I just found some unused, empty bags, which we had for a different type of pump, cut off the tubings....then cut off the insertion part of our current tubings and basically catherized the bag with our tubings. If you don't have the proper supplies, then look at what you do have and improvise.

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