Bee~ Journal of then...


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Amos, she has been nursing on all four. She just doesn't seem real aggressive and hungry, though she seems like she has a belly full all the time. I'm used to seeing calves really dig in and get some, with tail a twirling! Maybe that comes later, when she is bigger.

Free, I don't have access to stainless steel, but I don't think the metals will leach for the short amount of time it takes to get the milk from the cow to the jar. Maybe if it sat in it for awhile or was even heated in it. Hard enough to find a galvanized bucket these days! :rolleyes: I did a search and found that most milking equipment features stainless or galvanized steel holding tanks, so I think it will be okay.

Now, I do have stainless steel bowls in which to separate the cream when needed. Glass jars for storage.

I have a wire mesh strainer, but I'd like to really be sure of any foreign objects, hair, etc, that may fall into the milk. I will be clipping her sides and udder and washing really well, but it is never 100% assured. I'll experiment around. If I remember correctly, the coffee filters take longer than the cotton and the cotton does a great job....not to mention re-usable! That's always good!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Today I bought milking paraphenalia. It feels good to be coming closer to this whole milking project.

Today we tried to teach Shade how to walk with the use of a calf halter.....she is a total brat!!! She fought it all the way and finally just layed down on the ground, stiffened her legs and acted like we were killing her! Of course, this didn't make Blossom any too happy. :rolleyes:

So, this evening we switched to a dog collar and it was only slightly more successful. We are going to keep working each evening to accomplish this goal. Tomorrow we are going to lead Blossom and Shade together so that Shade will get the idea and not fight it so hard. Total brat! :p

She is almost the exact color of our chocolate lab, his fancy dress collar looks great on her! :D

Trying to get the place ready for company, having company this weekend and the next. Planted some clematis, roses, perennials, wild flowers, zinnias and some weird-named shrubby thing with pretty yellow and pink flowers.

This has been total H-E-double hockey sticks week at work. I can't describe to you how happy I am to see Friday!!! :weee

Everyone decided to go bad all at once and its just my boss and I to run the show. Our little 5 year old girl with a brain tumor died on Tues., the same day our 97 yr. old lady that we've had for some time decided to go. At the same time, one of our other patients had a small stroke, fell and needed sutures to his head, and decided to go back to the nursing home to live. Meanwhile, our little 1 yr. old baby is getting worse and worse. :(

Like I said....this week has been tough! Not to mention trying to find a time it isn't raining to put in a garden.....still not accomplished this. Also getting ready for company, getting ready to say good-bye to my youngest for the summer and getting ready to start milking every day.

Then....lo and herniated disc starts yelling for attention and I'm having neuralgia clear into both feet, which burn and tingle like hitting an electric fence.

Praying, praying.....and praying again for peace and calm, no stress and no pain. :bow


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Thank God there are people like you Bee.

I will be praying for peace and healing this weekend.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Thank you, Farm. :love :hugs

I try not to let it affect me and try not to take it home, but it hangs around my heart like a fog and makes me tearful at the strangest times.

The little girl had a very bad death experience and those tend to leave quite an impression. On the other hand, the older lady had a peaceful transition, with time to speak love to each family member, lots of reminiscing and then a small sleep to wake up in the next world. No struggle, no distress.....just a peaceful, sweet sleep. I wish they could all be that way. :(


Lovin' The Homestead
May 10, 2009
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Lochbuie, CO
Bee, my grandmother passed away last year and I can't tell you how much the caregivers meant to our family. They helped us to understand that even in passing away she would still have moments of clarity occassionally and other moments where she was completely out of it. She ended up living for 3 weeks without intaking any food (living will) which was far longer than anyone expected. But it was good because it gave my brother and I an opportunity to fly down to say goodbye and my grandmother a chance to meet my daughter. Even during that time, she was so loving to my daughter and recognized her as my baby (she adored ALL babies). Man, I miss my grandmother. The sorrow you feel right now is what helps to make you a great caregiver. You obviously care a great deal about people. Thank you for being there for them.

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
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Puget Sound, WA
You are a Saint!

If getting a calf to lead is anything like a colt, try this: Give her firm pressure to walk forward, you know, pull her lead rope with gentle but firm pressure, no yanking. Increase this pressure just a bit if she does not step forward. The instant she steps forward (and you have to be quick) release all pressure (pulling) as a reward. One step at a time, but it happens quick. Try this for a few one steppers and praise her too when she makes that little one step forward. Now do two steps before you release pressure, praise and try again. Work your way up and end on a positive note even if it is just one step that she gives you, make sure the lesson ends postively.

Hope this helps.


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
And have someone guiding from or two of those beefy boys of yours!

And extra :hugs for today.... and ice your back!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I'm on it, free! :D Icing as we speak! Thanks for the hug...I needed that! Hey....saw you over there, standing up...good for you! :)

Brown Horse, thanks for the tip....never really had to teach an animal to lead before. Very frustrating and I don't want her to hate it. She's too little to go for any treats as a reward and I was wracking my brains to find some way of making this easier for her! Thanks!

Aiden, I've heard that the day you die is the most important day of your life. I've come to believe that this is so in a lot of ways, for families that don't get much time together. I'm glad you got that time with your grandmother.

I will tell you this, though....I have a lot of families who act as caregivers for these folks, day in and day out. We just provide the support..they do the real hard job every day. Faithful, never tiring, always waking up again to hit the floor running and thinking nothing of it.

On the last day, they refuse to go to bed and sleep, will hardly even go to the bathroom for fear of not being there when their loved one dies. I always tell them that it is not the last day that was important, nor that last moment they breath. It was every moment filled with love and caring that they had given them right up til then.....THOSE was the important times. If you have those, the last breath is not so very important and significant.

Lot of heroes out there, but I am not one of them....I'm just fluttering around the light that they give out, trying not to get in the way. :)


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 16, 2008
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Well, Bee, I've been away for a while and you are still a shining star. I love to read your posts and progress. I have been having trouble of my own because my mother has been really sick. I am so thankful for people like you.

Don't ever give up what you do. It's people like you who help people like me cope. I have a sister who could be you if she wasn't a natural slob. She is the best nurse for my mom.

I work in a job where I deal with other's misery, law enforcement. I can handle all kinds of tragedy but not my own. When I thought my mother would die shamefully I fainted. My sister who worked in nursing homes and group homes for years handled mom, the docs, nurses and her hysterical sisters with class and kid gloves.

It takes special people to support others like you do. You are a gift to the planet. Don't ever forget that.


P.S. Remember I told you that you would get all the things you wanted when you had your car accident? See God provides for his earthly angels.

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