Coffee's Ready, Come and Sit on the Porch

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
You might mix up some DIY gatorade or electrolytes for them. Basic ingredients are salt, baking soda, and sugar. You can find recipes on line that use juice, koolaid, or jello as a flavoring, if you are going to be drinking it yourself. I always be sure to give plain water in addition to the electrolytes, if providing it for the chickens. One year, I had youngsters that were stumbling all over themselves. Mixed up some lytes, and they were fine within 1/2 hour.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
Onions, potatoes, corn are all heavy feeders. I would say the same about cabbage too. But, I tend to hold the fresh poo back from veggies that will be eaten raw. Onions would be ok, cause you are removing the outer skin. Of course, home garden practice is much more lenient than "growing for sale" production.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
I like grandma's cabin, so while we're all hanging out I have a surprise for you all. I just need to verify a few facts first, so I don't tell a lie mistakenly.

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
I would like you to meet our miracle. Her name is Laura, she's my grand daughter. Laura is 14 years old. Keep reading to understand why I call her our miracle.

My daughter wed a US Marine. I love my son in law, he is truly a man of honor. But being a US Marine means the Corp comes first. He deployed to Afghanistan and my daughter came to live with us while he deployed. My daughter was pregnant with Laura.

It wasn't long afterward maybe 4 weeks my daughter woke me up in the middle of the night saying daddy will you please drive me to the hospital? I said sure hunny, I got dressed quickly and we were out the door on the way to the hospital.

She didn't know what was wrong but she was in a lot of pain. I got her to the emergency room as quick as I could, only to find out she was in labor. The hospital did all they could to stop the labor but couldn't stop it. They told me she was getting a quick ride to Duke Hospital in North Carolina. They put my daughter in a ambulance and I got in my truck followed the ambulance with state police infront of the ambulance and behind me. We got to Duke and everything just happened so fast...

I recall the exact words of the doctor at Duke. He said to my daughter "Do you want us to do everything we possibly can to save your babies life?" My daughter said Yes everything. The doctor the said OK we will do everything possible. Then they quickly pushed my daughter on a gurney out of the room. Then a nurse came in the room after it seemed like just a few mins later to me and said my daughter gave birth to 1lb 5oz baby girl. I still remember being stunned, it's a feeling I've never had before and I'll never forget. I said 1lb 5oz? She said Yes.

Here are the pictures from 14 years ago. Laura lost 6oz and weighed 15oz, two days after birth. My daughter was 24 weeks pregnant when she gave birth to laura

That's my daughter's hand.

This is also my daughter wedding ring on Laura's arm.

I remember being at the hospital when laura first opened her eyes, I'll never forget that moment either. Is she a miracle? Absolutely she is!

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Good morning, been catching up on BYH and drinking my coffee. How nice to have a morning of leisure. But that won't last, have animals calling my name. MAA! MAA! I need to get outside and feed, turn sheep to pasture and get the day going. Hot. Hot and more Hot. July hasn't even started yet, much less August. Blah. September used to be cool, but is hardly a blip on the radar now. Some call it global warming, nobody acknowledges chem trails and what they may be doing to the atmosphere.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
I would like you to meet our miracle. Her name is Laura, she's my grand daughter. Laura is 14 years old. Keep reading to understand why I call her our miracle.
View attachment 16219

My daughter wed a US Marine. I love my son in law, he is truly a man of honor. But being a US Marine means the Corp comes first. He deployed to Afghanistan and my daughter came to live with us while he deployed. My daughter was pregnant with Laura.

It wasn't long afterward maybe 4 weeks my daughter woke me up in the middle of the night saying daddy will you please drive me to the hospital? I said sure hunny, I got dressed quickly and we were out the door on the way to the hospital.

She didn't know what was wrong but she was in a lot of pain. I got her to the emergency room as quick as I could, only to find out she was in labor. The hospital did all they could to stop the labor but couldn't stop it. They told me she was getting a quick ride to Duke Hospital in North Carolina. They put my daughter in a ambulance and I got in my truck followed the ambulance with state police infront of the ambulance and behind me. We got to Duke and everything just happened so fast...

I recall the exact words of the doctor at Duke. He said to my daughter "Do you want us to do everything we possibly can to save your babies life?" My daughter said Yes everything. The doctor the said OK we will do everything possible. Then they quickly pushed my daughter on a gurney out of the room. Then a nurse came in the room after it seemed like just a few mins later to me and said my daughter gave birth to 1lb 5oz baby girl. I still remember being stunned, it's a feeling I've never had before and I'll never forget. I said 1lb 5oz? She said Yes.

Here are the pictures from 14 years ago. Laura lost 6oz and weighed 15oz, two days after birth. My daughter was 24 weeks pregnant when she gave birth to laura

That's my daughter's hand.
View attachment 16221

This is also my daughter wedding ring on Laura's arm.
View attachment 16222

I remember being at the hospital when laura first opened her eyes, I'll never forget that moment either. Is she a miracle? Absolutely she is!

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
And, babies much older than her are torn to shreds, and tossed in the trash, for the sake of convenience. Yes, Creal, she is truly a miracle. You are blessed. When I think of the American baby holocaust, it makes me weep with sadness. It also makes me wildly angry. Our nation does not deserve God's blessing. Even so, Lord Jesus, come.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Paint that U-Haul! Paint flowers all over it, make it a fun project.

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