Coronavirus Concern Up

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Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
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Shenandoah Valley, Va
I was on BYC a few times and got aggravated with the silliness, stupidity, lack of common sense, lack of practicality, and arrogance of some of them. I have had purebreds and show chickens for over 50 years. Different breeds over the years. Have had alot of sex-link type of layers when I was selling free range eggs. Some of the extremes people go to to "save" a pet hen is beyond me. And some of the advice was way out in left field in my opinion.
BUT.... that is my opinion. So they can do their thing and I will do mine....but I sometimes hate that people that don't know any better go on that site and get "misinformation"..... OH WELL, it is the same with everything, people hear or read one thing and then they believe it without looking for more or other opinions or points of view. I'm as guilty as anyone but have tried more and more to look at different sides and realize that sometimes I am right on with my thoughts, and other times there are some things that I could/should consider from other sides.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
I fully expect the government to bring the hammer down on homeschooling and christian-based schools
That’s already in the works. The $&@?%# ( I can’t say what I’m really thinking) won’t stop until they have complete control. VOTE IN THE MID TERMS TO STOP THIS.
Don’t voters realize that socialism means no private property? No home ownership, no business ownership, everything belongs to the state.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
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Central Maine, Zone 4B
I think you will see an "explosion" of people wanting their kids to go to private, and christian based schools.... so that the parents have a "say so" in the way their kids are taught, and the things that are and ARE NOT forced upon them like these "vaccines" that are gene therapy and not true vaccines.
Just a couple weeks ago, we had an impromptu meeting in Church office. (just a few of us who happened to pop in to the office at the time, so... no clout, no decision making, just pushing a few ideas around) We were discussing the state government and school board over reach, and "How should we as a church respond to this in order to be good stewards of our resources and train up our children as God intends us to do?" The building sits empty all week long, for the most part. There are lots of class rooms, and public space. Even a small play ground, a bit of a field, a big parking lot. It would be a fantastic opportunity for parents to develop teaching/home school co-ops and use local church buildings as base of operations. In the past, we tried setting up a church based day care, but it failed for a number of reasons. The only way this school co-op would work is if PARENTS stepped up to the plate and took ownership of their kid's education. I would love to see such a thing happen, and would be willing to donate 1 - 2 mornings/week to see it happen.

An other thing that local churches could do is sponsor kids to get them into the already existing and well functioning Christian schools. Perhaps local churches could become satellite locations for the already functioning Christian schools. The time to act is now. If we don't take care of our kids and give them a well grounded education, the current battle is already lost.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
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Central Maine, Zone 4B
I fully expect the government to bring the hammer down on homeschooling and christian-based schools
Of course they will. They will drive the church underground. We can expect government over reach even to the point of determining that any Christian parents are unfit, and removing children from the home. And, this will be sooner than we imagine.


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 16, 2021
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Kenai Peninsula
The only way this school co-op would work is if PARENTS stepped up to the plate and took ownership of their kid's education
The newer parents, in the main stream, want little involvement with their kids.

I find it both fascinating and horrifying.

My kids have been in scouts for years... and as years march on, the younger parents do NOT want to help with the troop, camp outs, etc.

They just want a dump and run.

On another note:

For some insane reason, socialism is no longer a dirty word. People can now be all pro-socialist and think it just means that some invisible "1 percent" will pay for the rest of us to sit on our rears and get money. They have NO IDEA that money has to come from someplace.

And, on another note:

Alaska is really good with homeschooling. I get public school money to homeschool my kids. At the end they get a diploma that looks like they graduated from a regular public high school. And... I get to teach them any way I want. The state will not pay for religious based books, but they will pay for all of the rest. So printers, internet,computers, pens and paper, etc.

Alaska, like the rest of the country is going nuts with jumping onto the leftwing socialism bandwagon. But luckily it looks like the homeschooling will not be messed with.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
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Central Maine, Zone 4B
I'm glad that things are better for you in Alaska. I wish it were so, here in Maine. Our state is totally socialist, insanely so. Sadly, i agree with you regarding the current generation of parents. Dump and run is their MO. I fear that it will become the rule of the day, there will be small nuclei of families that band together into the underground, while the luke warm church, and the rest of the world continues to march into oblivion.


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 16, 2021
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula
I'm glad that things are better for you in Alaska. I wish it were so, here in Maine. Our state is totally socialist, insanely so. Sadly, i agree with you regarding the current generation of parents. Dump and run is their MO. I fear that it will become the rule of the day, there will be small nuclei of families that band together into the underground, while the luke warm church, and the rest of the world continues to march into oblivion.
Sadly, I agree. :(
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