Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Got my RBs all ordered for the year! Only problem being, he's not starting to cut yet. He was going to cut this week, but the weather is just too iffy. So, I'll be going to the hay auction on Tuesday, and hope I can get some sbs. I'm almost out of hay completely. If I can't get any, I'm going to talk to RU and see if I can buy some off of her.

Worked some more on my asparagus patch. And, I'm almost done it! I'll work on it more on Monday, and that should be it! Come fall, the asparagus and rhubarb will be transplanted to in front of the house. I have a bunch of wild strawberries, raspberries and violets that have also come up. I'll be moving them as well, just not sure where I'm putting everything.

Since hubby worked this morning, I was able to do some long overdue house work. I got my bathroom cleaned, and ironed a bunch of shirts. Monday, I'll be doing more laundry, and hopefully more cleaning. It's supposed to be unsettled all week, so I just might get a lot of baking done. Then, I'll freeze what I can so I have it on hand when I want it.

I'm too tired to cook, but I had potato soup in the freezer. So, I hauled out a bag of it, thawed it out, heated it up, and I have dinner! I need to get even more meals made up. Made dinner so easy to get.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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If you've been reading my journal, you know that KN had her horse's feed in my trailer. And, I've been wanting it out. And, her horse was in the area that RU wants for a garden since the roof blew off of her stall. RU wanted her out of there.

Well, there's still 1 bag of feed left in the trailer, but it's no longer KN's-it's mine. And, her horse has been moved, but not in the way that we wanted. She wasn't doing good over the weekend, but didn't seem to be really sick. I got out to feed this morning and found her dead. I hated having to call her and let her know. It's one of the hardest phone calls I've ever had to make. I didn't get done most of what I wanted to do because even though she drives me nuts at times, KN is still my friend. And, today she needed me. I know if the shoe had been on the other foot, she would have done the same for me.


Enjoys Recycling
May 18, 2013
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That sucks. I was the one to find a horse at my barn, but he wasn't quite dead yet. I got him up and moving, but he had to be PTS. The owner didn't need any comforting though... "Thank god! I thought that horse would never die!" (The horse was 40 at this time, and still rideable)
Horses are very sensitive critters for their size.1000 pounds, but jsut a pound of the wrong stuff could kill them...

Whats the difference between a Healthy horse and a dead horse? 30 minutes.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Thanks. She was still warm when I got there, so she hadn't been gone long. And, the spot I found her is where she liked to sleep. We were thinking colic, but she didn't really have the symptoms, plus I found fresh manure. She was older, at least in her upper 20s if not her 30s, and KN had already decided that if she wasn't better, she'd put her down. I'm glad for her sake that the horse went the way she did. It's never easy to make that call.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
That is the most graceful passing any of us could ever wish for. What a hard phone call to make. I'm glad you were able to support her in her time of need.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Went to the hay auction yesterday. I'm almost completely out of hay! And w/the weather, my guy hasn't started to cut it yet. So I was hoping for either a few square bales, or a couple of smaller RBs. Well, the hay was going for waaaaay more than I'm willing to spend. So, I called up RU on the way back. I got a sb from her which I took home for the goats, and if I run out of hay for the horses B4 I get mine, I'm going to get one of her RBs, then when I get mine, I'll give her one of mine.

Had an interesting happening last night. Tuesday evenings are when the group I was riding (motorcycles) with normally rides. But, I've heard nothing this year. My brother called me up Monday evening and wanted to know if I had heard anything cuz he hasn't either. So, I decided to take a chance and go over to the church to see if they were riding. I get there, and no one was there. Called my brother up since he had said he might come by to see if he was coming. Well, he couldn't make it. So, I called RU up to see if she was busy and wanted to go for a ride. She was busy. It was a beautiful evening, so I decided to go for a ride by myself.

I did some exploring, went down roads I had never been on B4. I wasn't worried about getting lost because I'm familiar enough w/the area to eventually recognize where I was. Rode for about 20 miles, and wasn't too far from an ice cream place I knew. I had planned on riding farther, but was getting a little saddle sore. I hadn't ridden that long for a few months. So, I turned to go to that ice cream place. I figured I'd get my ice cream, then head on home. Since I had to ride into the sun, I didn't see all the other bikes until I was turning in. Parked, got off and took a look at the bikes. That's when I saw that many of the helmets had Christian sayings on them. Then, one of the guys from the group came over and introduced himself. For those that have heard of Christian Motorcycle Association, this was the local chapter! They ride the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month, and have a monthly meeting the 3rd Saturday at a local diner. So, it looks like I've found a new group to ride with. And, I knew one of the guys many years ago. We used to go the church together. His wife had come to my SIL's funeral. And, they had invited my brother to ride w/them, but it was too soon after her funeral. He wasn't ready to. He might now though. I don't believe anything happens by chance. So, I believe that I was led to go there at that time just so I could meet this group.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 21, 2010
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That is awesome! Love it when God throws us these little glimpses of him in charge.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Wonderful, Deb!! What happened to the other group? Glad you found a replacement so easily :) I know you'll enjoy that!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
hqueen13 said:
Wonderful, Deb!! What happened to the other group? Glad you found a replacement so easily :) I know you'll enjoy that!
I have no idea. My brother was hoping I'd know something since he didn't, and I was hoping he'd know something since I didn't. :lol: If he hadn't called me, I was going to call him.

It's HOT out there today. I worked on my broody pen today-and got it done! I just want something better in there for a house. That's going to happen over the weekend. In fact it HAS to happen! Far as I can tell, I have a broody! :weee She sat on eggs almost the entire time I was there. I didn't see her off until I went to give them the scratch grains. So, I'm hoping she'll be on the eggs long enough to accept the chicks I'm hoping to hatch out at the beginning of June. I'd much rather let her raise them than have them in the house!

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