Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I don't know why he thinks I want to him him gripe and complain. If I start to complain about something, he gets mad and tells me to stop whining. Next time he starts to gripe and complain, I'm going to tell him the same thing and see what happens. It will probably start a fight, but I don't care.

I did not plan on being up early today. I planned on sleeping in. Around 4:30, hubby starts making a bunch of noise in the bathroom. I ignore it and try to stay asleep. Then, I hear the shower running. OK, so that meant either I get up and see what's going on, or he's going to be waking me up anyway because he needs clothes. So I get up. He has to go to work. I don't know if I should be happy or sad. We were going to put the new windows in my tack shed today. I can't see that happening now. And, there's no way I could go back to sleep. So, I got a fire going, and sorted out 3 loads of laundry. One's in the washer, one will get done tomorrow, and the last one will be done on Monday. I'm thinking I might get some more housework done cuz I can't really do anything outside until later. Don't want to wake up the neighbors. So, my list for today:

1. Wash and hang out a load of clothes (they're in the washer)
2. Do some housework-just not sure what I want to do
3. Work in flower garden-I need to get that done so I can finally move the asparagus
4. Do wood
5. Butcher chicken
6. Feed Stormy, take care of chickens and put out hay
7. Feed goats
8. Make and eat dinner
9. Do dishes
10. Put away clothes

I'd like to get my truck cleaned out, but don't know how windy it's going to be. If it's not, then that will get done B4 I start to work on the garden.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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And THIS is why I have trouble getting stuff done when hubby is home.

He calls me around 9:00. He's done and is coming home. He had a few places he wanted to go, so we'd go to the places, go out to lunch, then come home. So rather than go out and start on the wood, I worked on some junk in the living room. He gets home at just B4 10:00. KN calls. She had been out to the farm, but forgot her phone, but wanted me to know that she fed and let the chickens out. I asked if she put the hay out. Her response? No, she didn't see any. OK, it was trying to rain when I left yesterday, so I had the hay under the tarp w/the bales that wouldn't fit in the hay shelter in a clean muck bucket. And, the bottom of the bucket was visible. I could only hope they had enough hay left from yesterday to last until I got there.

I kept waiting and waiting for hubby to be ready to leave. It wasn't until around 12:00, that he was finally ready. And, he decides that he wants to go to a flea market first. Since the flea market was past the farm, I suggested we stop at the farm on the way back. So, we're heading towards the flea market. Going this way, we have to go thru a circle. One road goes to the farm, the other road to the flea market. Hubby forgot where we were going and took the wrong road. So, since we were on this road already, rather than turn around and take the other road, we just head for the farm. I get Stormy fed, get hay out, round up the chickens, set everything up for the morning and we leave. We get to the flea market and I get a call. It's CL. She got to the farm late, and didn't think my horses had been taken care of. So, she goes to feed them, but they weren't interested. So, she shut the doors and called me. And, she let the chickens out. :he It's supposed to get windy, and I really didn't want the horses locked out of the run in. But, I also didn't want to go back to the farm, or have them eat that food. So, I told her to take the buckets, stick them in my tack shed and open the doors. And, not to worry about the chickens. Hopefully, they'll be fine overnight.

Once we're done at the flea market, we head the other direction. First order of business was food. So, we went to the Longhorn. Ordered dinner and waited a long time to get it. We finally get it, eat and leave. The only other place we went was TSC. I am tired of putting up w/the stupid ram out at the farm. I wanted to see if I could get a cattle prod or something to handle him. Found the prods, but you need a handle for them, and they cost MORE than I want to spend.

By the time we got home, it was 4:30. So, I fed the goats, got the clothes off the line and cut enough wood for tonight. We didn't do the rooster. It's supposed to be cold and windy tomorrow, so I doubt that he'll get done then. I'm hauling horses on Monday, so have no time to do it then. So, instead, he'll be going back to the farm on Monday. I did find some chick feed here, so I gave him that and some water.

Hopefully, I can get to bed early. I thought of doing more wood, but didn't really feel like doing it at that time of day. So, I'm going to have to do it tomorrow. After I get home from hauling the horses on Monday, I'm going to have to try and get a load of wood. They're calling for showers on Tuesday and rain on Wednesday, so I don't have a choice.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It's cold out there and windy to boot! I just want to hide in the house, but I can't. When I get home from church, I'm going to have to go out and do wood. And, I'm going to have to do more tomorrow. The rooster is going back to the farm tomorrow. If it's not windy on Thursday, all 3 of them will be coming home plus I'll have to do more wood then.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm not going to church tonight. After spending so much time out in the cold, I just don't want to move. I had to try and get my tarp over the RBs tied down better. The wind was so strong that it was almost getting it off. I'll be putting more ropes over the top tomorrow, but w/the wind, there was just no way I could do it today. And, I also need to take the tarp off of the hay shelter. They don't make them the correct size for what I needed, so I had to cut one down to size. So that means there's no grommets on the one side. I was going to put them in B4 I put it up-but was missing half the tool I needed. I found it the other day, just haven't had time to take it down and put the grommets in.

I managed to get the wood holder in the basement full. I had planned on getting a load of wood yesterday since the majority of the wood is small. So, I used some of the smaller stuff I brought home earlier in the year. I just hope it's dry enough to burn properly.

I had breakfast this morning, but didn't get home until after 2:00. There was no lunch, and hubby was fooling around at the stove. So that meant I couldn't get in there. It's 5:13, and I'm getting hungrier and hungrier. I had a couple of small donuts in the truck that I ate on my way to the farm this afternoon. Now I'm eating pretzels. I just want to eat and go to sleep.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm going to be quite busy today. As much as I don't feel like getting wood, I have no choice. If we get the rain they're calling for, I won't be able to get any dry stuff for a few days. But, I'm hauling horses today, so that cuts down on the time I have. So, my list for today:

1. Wash and hang out a load of clothes (they're done washing)
2. Fold and put away a load of laundry (done)
3. Clean the living room (I've gotten part of it done. Either tonight or tomorrow night, hubby is going to have to help me move everything around. And, I'll give the floor a good vacuuming then)
4. Feed animals and put out hay
5. Pick field
6. Fix tarp and put it back up
7. Work w/Stormy
8. Feed Stormy, bag feed and take care of chickens
9. Haul horses
10. Get at least 1 load of wood
11. Feed goats
12. Make and eat dinner
13. Do dishes
14. Collapse

W/all that I need to do, I don't have time to practice the piano-unless hubby gets home late.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I did not think that today was going to be a good day. First off, the farrier was coming for LF. Normally for both the farrier and the dentist, I make a loaf of chocolate chip banana bread for Christmas. They both like it and look forward to getting it. So since this is the last time the farrier will be out B4 Christmas, I went ahead and made it this morning. I get to the farm and realize that I left it home. :barnie And I didn't have the time to go home and get it.

I get everyone fed, get hay out and get the field picked-or at least most of it. And I had the cart all hooked up to the truck. Normally, I dump it last thing since I can't back the cart in, so I unhook it and put it next to my fence. This way, I'm not parking my truck in the lane. Well the farrier didn't show up until I was ready to go down the lane, so that meant the lane was blocked down by LF's field. Plus, I wasn't sure how her horses would react to the rattling noise I'd make going down there. So I unhooked the cart and will have to dump it tomorrow first thing. Since it's going to rain on Wednesday, I'll be picking the field tomorrow instead.

I was able to get the tarp down, put the grommets in it and get it back up. It was a bit windier than I was hoping for, but I was able to do it. But by the time I got everything done, it was getting late. I still wanted to work w/Stormy some, so I did that, gave him a quick grooming, fed him, bagged feed and took care of the chickens. Then I left.

Once I got home, I put some wood in the stove, grabbed some leftover pizza to take w/me, hooked up the trailer and went to pick up the horses. I had 4 to pick up. Normally, I won't haul 4, but since these were mini horses, I made an exception. I thought it was going to be easy. But what I didn't know was that one was a stud and the other 3 were mares. So that meant I couldn't put them in the way I wanted. I was going to put 2 in the nose, then just tie the other 2 along the left side. Instead, it meant that I had to put the stud by himself, then shut that compartment off, and have the girls in the other section.

The first indication that there was going to be a problem was when I watched the guy lead the stud towards me. I was going to put him in the front. I figured it would be easier to tie the girls in the back. Horses are herd animals, and if you don't take the lead, the horse will. If the horse is the leader, and doesn't want to go in a trailer, it can be very difficult to get them on. I could tell just by how they were walking that the horse was the leader. And he could not get him on. I tried, even worked w/him for several minutes and STILL couldn't get him on. So, we decided to get the girls on. I was hoping that once he saw them get on, he'd be willing to get on to be w/them.

We go to get the girls. I take one, the wife takes one. She heads out first. I honestly don't know if it was her, or the horse, but she couldn't not get it on. I got the one I was leading on w/no problem and go back for the last one. I get her on, no problem. The one is still not getting on. She's pulling back and rearing. So I take the lead. The wife grabs her tail to try and get her to get her butt on if I can get her close enough when she rears. And she basically picked up the back end of her. We get her in, close the divider and tie her to that. There's a side door out of that area, so we leave that way.

Now there's just the stud. And even w/the girls, he wanted no part of the trailer. But now we knew what to do. I grabbed the lead. The owners got on either side of him and when I pulled, they grabbed the tail and lifted. He found himself on the trailer. I tied him to the divider gate, we closed the door and left.

Get to where we were going. They were all quite happy to get off. The wife's mother just bought the place where we went to. I know her, she's from my church. So she has to show me the house. It's getting late, and I still had to do wood, but I figured I could spare a few minutes to see the house. She shows me all over the downstairs. There's a fireplace in the living room. I asked her if she needed wood. (She's old enough to be my mother) If she needed some, I wasn't sure where I would get it from, but I was going to get some for her. Not only did she not need wood-she's having it converted to a gas fireplace, but there's a huge pile of cut, split and seasoned wood that she told me I could have!!!!!!!!!!!!! I filled up my truck and barely made a dent in the pile! When I got home, I topped off the holder in the basement. There's some that's too long for my stove, so it's all piled on a pallet and covered w/a tarp. It will probably fill the wood holder another time. The rest I stacked in the wood shed.

This weekend, I'm planning on having hubby help me get the area I want to put another wood shed cleaned up. The only reason it hasn't been done already is because there's a ton of stuff there. But, once it's cleaned out and we have another shed there, I'll be going back for more until that shed is filled. I still have a ton of wood that I need to cut and split. It should fill the one wood shed up. Then, I'll burn just what I'm getting from this lady for the rest of the year. And, I'll have both woodsheds FULL when I stop burning for the year. That should mean that I don't have to worry about wood next year either!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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The next few days are not going to be nice. At some point in time today, it's going to start raining. So that means I have to use the dryer for a load of clothes. And, I'm going to have to blanket my horses. I'm hoping they're still waterproof. I couldn't find the stuff I wanted for waterproofing, so I finally just bought a can of the spray on stuff. But, since I've gotten it, it hasn't been warm enough to use. I'm missing leg straps, so for now, I'll just use baling twine. It's going to rain from sometime today to sometime tomorrow. Then, it's going to get windy and stay windy at least until sometime on Thursday. So that means I need to be sure my tarps over my RBs are tied down really tight. My hay shelter at home has no door. I had to make a new one, and I haven't gotten the grommets in it. I'll see if I can take it w/me to the farm, and get the grommets in there, then put it up when I get home. As long as it's not pouring or too windy, I should be able to. But, I'm afraid that if I don't get it up, the wind will destroy that hay shelter. So, my list for today:

1. Clean bathroom (done)
2. Work on ironing shirts (got about 1/2 the basket done!)
3. Practice piano (done)
4. Wash and dry a load of clothes (they're in the washer right now)
5. Feed everybody and put out hay-I also want to fill the hay nets and get them up
6. Blanket everybody
7. Pick field
8. If it's not too bad out, work w/Misty
9. Feed Stormy, bag feed and take care of chickens-I need to move the feeder for the roosters. Otherwise, the feed will get soaked.
10. Go to my appointments
11. Go to a couple of stores-including the local supermarket. I need to pick up my free turkey. I don't need it, but will be donating it to the church
12. Feed goats
13. If it's not too windy, put up door for hay shelter
14. Make and eat dinner
15. Do dishes

While it looks like a lot, this list isn't actually that bad.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Forecast was wrong. It started to rain a lot earlier than they called for. So, I didn't do as much as I wanted. And, I got cold and wet. Now I'm home, warm, fed and comfy. I'm hoping to get to bed early tonight so I can get a good night's sleep. Hopefully, I can get a ton of stuff done tomorrow.

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