Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Same here!

I don't know what I ate wrong yesterday, but my IBS is acting up. I'm in a ton of pain. It woke me up at 5:00, and I was planning on sleeping in.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
So far, things still aren't moving along. I've been drinking plenty of liquids. All that's doing is making me pee! But I don't have the stomach pains as bad as I did, so hopefully things will be better today.

Today is going to be another cold day, but sunny so that should help to melt some of the snow. And by the end of the week, it's going to be close to 60! But, they're calling for it to be back down to the 30s by the beginning of next week. I hope they're wrong. I want spring. :(

Don't know what all I'm going to get done today since hubby's home. It's very hard for me to do stuff w/him around. He seems to think that if he's off work, I shouldn't do anything. But that means I just have to do it another day-which makes my life harder. :barnie

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Talk about false accusations! I should be really upset w/hubby.

I got home from the farm and he wanted to know why I threw out his glass lids. I had no idea what he was talking about and he was mad. He told me they're outside in the trash can. I haven't stuck anything in the trashcan since I took trash out last week. So I went and looked. Sure enough, there were some glass lids in there-along w/a couple of metal ones. I reached in and took a couple out and looked at them-and didn't recognize them. That's when I knew what they were. We very rarely fill our can up. Our 1 neighbor regularly fills theirs up and I've told them I don't care if they stick any extra in our can. And that's where these lids were from. He hasn't apologized.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Aww boo. I'm sorry to hear that.
How you're stomach feels better soon! As much as I want the warmth I'm not looking forward to the mud!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well, it's snowing again! And coming down fast. Hubby went out, cleaned off and started his car, them came back in to finish getting ready. And in that little bit of time, we got at LEAST an inch! I'm hoping this is the last of the snow. By Friday, it's supposed to be in the 60s w/rain. I want some warmer, dryer weather. I was not able to cover my RBs the way I had wanted, so I've been getting condensation on the hay. I want it to dry up so I can uncover them during the day and let them dry out a bit. Otherwise they're going to get all moldy. There is some mold now, but not much. I can't uncover them this week since they're calling for showers tomorrow and rain on Friday. Hopefully next week will be better.

I'm wondering how hard it's going to be to get down the farm lane today. I was able to get down it yesterday but didn't try the parking area. I have to get chicken feed today. If I can't get down very far, guess I'll have to unlock my big gate and take it thru that way. I'm so glad I got a sled a couple of years ago. It's been getting a work out this year. So, my list for today:

1. Practice piano
2. Wash a load of clothes-don't think I can hang them out
3. Run a couple of errands-including getting chicken feed
4. Feed animals and put out hay
5. Bag feed (My scale wouldn't work yesterday-it was too cold out)
6. Clean field
7. Clean out chicken house
8. Feed Stormy and take care of chickens.
9. Feed goats
10. Do firewood
11. Clean bathroom
12. Make and eat dinner
13. Dishes

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
They're not that expensive. But, I don't know that you'd be able to find one now.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
It's not worth it now, I think I'll just have to keep an eye out for one. Someday.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Maybe B4 next winter hits. It's great for putting out hay bales as well as moving bags of feed, shavings, etc in the snow.

I did not expect to be home at this time. But, I didn't get the e-mail that choir practice had been cancelled. I didn't check my e-mails last night, and never got on this morning. And, while I could have gone back to the farm, I decided to come home instead.

I was a bit late leaving for the farm this morning. For some reason, I was thinking that I needed to leave at 9:45 instead of 9:15. Meant I got more done than I would have, so that at least is good. They were calling for a chance of showers. It wasn't raining when I left the house. I took my rain coat w/me for just in case. I get to the farm, and it wasn't raining. I figured I had enough time to feed my horses, put out hay and check on my chickens B4 leaving for choir. I had JUST started to feed Stormy when it started to pour! There was no WAY I was going to go out in it to get the other 2 fed. So, I opened the gate between Stormy and Misty enough so I could get into her stall and fed her. Then did the same for Licky. Figured there was no way I could get out hay. So I ran to my tack shed, put down the bucket I use to transport the bags, grabbed my keys and ran over to the chicken pen so I could check for eggs. From there, I ran to the truck. Needless to say by then, I was pretty wet.

I head towards the church only to see a flash of lightening! OK, they were NOT calling for this type of weather when I checked the forecast this morning. And if anything, it started to rain even harder! I finally had to put the wipers on high just so I could see the road. I get to church, there's 2 cars there, but I was also a bit early. I changed my boots, grabbed my music and went in. That's when I found out that practice had been cancelled.

I decided to play the piano there a bit. I did for awhile, but it was cold in there! I thought about going to the local diner and getting some coffee and a piece of pie. Decided that was a waste of time and money. Plus, I figured I wouldn't really get dry. So instead, I came home. My jacket and my vest are down in front of the stove. It's not overly warm in here, so I turned on the electric heater and made myself a big cup of tea. I'm starting to feel warmer. Once I warm up a bit more, I'm going to get some work done. I'll be checking the radar frequently for a dryer patch of weather. I still have to feed CL's horses and put out hay for my guys. I'm glad I didn't yank their blankets yesterday. They would have been freezing today.

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