Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Nope. I just didn't have time. I may make another one though for a party in January. That's when the farm has their Christmas party. That way, we're not trying to fit it in around everyone's Christmas plans.

Today is going to be another busy day. But, if I push hard this week, I think I'll be all ready for Christmas by the end of the week. And, they've changed the forecast! They're not calling for as much rain, so that's good. I should be able to get done a lot outside. And, if we don't get too much rain after tomorrow's storm, I may even be able to get rid of Mt. Manure next week. That would be great. So, my list for today is:

1. Laundry
2. Housework
3. Tree
4. Normal farm chores
5. Feed stall
6. Clean field and spread manure
7. Goat pen
8. Feed animals
9. Yard/garden/orchard
10. Firewood
11. Dinner
12. Dishes

I'm hoping to see a big difference in the house by the time I go to bed.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
We only have rain in the forecast tomorrow too, then its clear for a while. I am SO glad. Maybe the mud will disappear and we can spread the pile of stone dust we've had waiting for over a week now! Its just been TOO muddy to spread it!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It hasn't started to rain yet. But, w/as cold as it is right now, I wouldn't be surprised to see snow to start.

I got a lot done today. My tree is decorated. Since it's not as big of a tree, I couldn't put all of my ornaments on it, but that's OK. I cleaned my field, but didn't even attempt to spread it. Instead, I used my dump cart. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get it all up-it was below freezing out there! If they weren't calling for rain tomorrow into Wednesday, I would have been able to get rid of Mt. Manure this wek. Hopefully, I can do it next week.

I got part of my feed stall cleaned out. What I really want to do is haul everything out of there, then rearrange how I have it all. I have wood in there that I'd like moved. It would make my life easier. Of course, if hubby ever built the lean to for my mower, I wouldn't have the wood in there. And, that would be even better. I just may get to the point where I figure out how to build it on my own. It would make my life easier.

Doing wood today was much easier. I didn't have to worry about making sure the wood was dry. And, I managed to get most of the area cleaned up in front of the wood shed. I have a pile of fairly dry wood that I need to use the splitter on, but didn't have time to do it today. So, I piled all of that wood in the wood shed for now. Hopefully, I can get it all split on Wednesday.

Got some of the dishes done, but not all. Hopefully I can finish them up in the morning.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Once again, it's raining. I'm so glad that I have Bible study. Otherwise, I'd be sitting around the farm doing nothing. I need to do a bit of work to my tack shed, and the feed stall. Once I have that done, I'll be able to sit comfortably in my tack shed and take stuff w/me to do.

Since my chiropractor is near a major shopping area, I'll be doing some shopping up there. I need some supplies to make a Christmas gift. I've found some, and am working on it, but it's a bit difficult since I don't have everything I need. Hopefully, I'll be able to find what I need up in that area. I'll also do some Christmas shopping. I have a feeling it will be after dark B4 I get home. I hate getting home after dark when it's raining, but it can't be helped. One thing I will do though, is come home a different way. I've found it's easier on me to do so.

Since I want to get some stuff done this morning B4 I leave, I'd better get started. So, my list for today is:

1. Housework
2. Normal farm chores
3. Bible study
4. Appointments
5. Errands
6. Feed animals
7. Laundry
8. Dinner
9. Dishes

This is good enough for today. I may also get the trash and recyclables out. At the very least, I'll probably put the cans out by the road.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Yup, raining again here too. And now there are snow flakes on tomorrow's forecast. Good news is after this is speed to get better for a while! This weekend is supposed to be in the 40s and have a little sun!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I hope so. I have so much to get done, and just can't do it.

Today wasn't a bad day. We got done Bible study early enough that I was able to leave the farm super early. So, I stopped at Joanne's hoping to get the supplies for a gift I'm making. They didn't have it, but suggested AC Moore. I was already planning on stopping there.

Went to my allergist, then stopped at Wally World since it's between my appointments. Hubby called. He's been working super late, but was getting done at the normal time tonight. And, he suggested meeting me after my chiropractor's appointment so we could eat dinner. That sounded like a good idea to me, so we ate out. Then, I headed over to AC Moore. They no longer sell the supplies. So, I'm going to have to improvise. I thought about doing this B4, but had hoped to not have to do that. Now, I don't have a choice. If I'm going to get this gift done so I can get it mailed out, I need to get it done.

Driving home was fun. It was dark and rainy. I hate driving in those kinds of conditions-especially on some of the roads I normally need to drive on. They're not marked very well. It's fine if the weather is good, but not when it's nasty out. So, I went home a slightly different way. It was much better.

Got home, got a fire going, got the animals taken care of, then did the trash. Hubby got home after I did and promptly got drunk. I was hoping he'd fall asleep real early. Didn't happen. But, I was still able to get the dishes done, put away a load of towels (I needed a clean one), and get a shower.

I've worked some more on the gift I'm making, and am now relaxing on the computer for a bit. I might work on the gift a bit more, then I'll be stuffing the stove and going to bed.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
They've changed the forecast yet again. They had been calling for rain today and clear tomorrow. They're now calling for clean and windy today w/rain and snow showers tomorrow. I just hope that we don't get any rain until tomorrow afternoon. If it's snowing a bit, as long as it doesn't stick and make a mess, I can hopefully still have my lesson. If not, I won't have a lesson this week since EH is busy on Friday. And, I'm not planning on trying to get stuff done outside until Friday. Between the cold, showers and wind, I just don't want to spend the time doing more than I have to. I'll be hiding in my tack shed today working on my gift. At least I should get a lot done in the house. So, my list for today is:

1. Housework
2. Laundry
3. Normal farm chores
4. Work on gift
5. Feed animals at home
6. Dinner
7. Dishes

I might even make it to bed on time tonight.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
We might get some flurries tonight as well as the chance of some showers or flurries tomorrow late, but that's it. I'm just as glad to have it miss us.

I'm beat! But, I got everything I need to finish the gift, and worked on it for awhile. And, I got everything on the list done. I might get to bed early. I'm having trouble staying awake.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I had a horrible dream last night. I dreamed we moved to a place sight unseen. It was supposed to be 3 acres w/a nice orchard, garden, etc. It was only 2, and the ground was horrible, no orchard, and there were nasty buildings on it. I was glad to wake up from that dream!

Got another busy day planned for today. I have my lesson this morning. We might have some light snow, but that doesn't bother me. At least it's not rain. Then, they're calling for several days of nice weather! If they're right, I'll be getting rid of Mt. Manure next week!

I'll be going to the Nature Center tonight. Every year, we have a free wreath making class. So, I'll take a wire coat hanger, and come home w/a wreath to hang on my front door. I kind of wish I wasn't going since I have this gift I'm making, but I already said I'd help, and I want the wreath, so I'm going to go. I also need to do some wood this afternoon. Since it's not going to rain, I'll split up all the stuff I put in the wood shed to stay dry. Then, I'll use that first. If there's extra, I'll put it in the shed. If not, I'll take some out of the shed. And I think what I'm going to do is when I cut it, I'll leave it all there. Then, when I fill the shed, I'll use that wood. If I have extra, it will go in the shed.

I also need to do some laundry. I'd better get busy. So, my list for today is:

1. Housework
2. Normal farm chores
3. Lesson
4. Work
5. Firewood
6. Laundry
7. Feed animals
8. Dinner
9. Dishes
10. Make wreath
11. Work on gift

That's plenty for today and I'd better get started.