Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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We hardly saw any birds this morning. A couple of Canada geese, some blue jays, some unidentified birds and heard a red bellied woodpecker. It was just too miserable out. It was supposed to clear up today, it didn't. So we had more rain and wind today. I did find my bug collection and talked some about bugs. They were going out to see if they could find any bugs. I had no desire to spend more time in the wet, so I went home and took a nap.

I got some of the basement cleaned up. I can now start a fire. I'll be doing that in just a bit. I did take some shavings and light them. I wanted to be sure the fire would burn. They burned fine, so I'm good to go.

Because of the weather, no one gave Stormy his lunch. I can't say I really blame them. I didn't want to be out there myself. So, I fed him, then killed some time, gave him his dinner and left.

I finally remembered to stop and get apples, so in the morning, I'll make apple crisp for breakfast. If I had some chocolate chips, I'd make chocolate chip banana bread tonight. I want some munchies, and don't really have anything but some walnuts and pecans. Maybe I need to make some popcorn

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I had a chocolate bar instead.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It's still supposed to be cloud and windy today but at least the rain has stopped. I still need to put away laundry and do dishes. I'll probably get them done today.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Yes, I vote for the chocolate bar:ya

Part of my SS stockpile is powdered cocoa. Won't melt, lots of my chocolate!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Temps aren't too bad. I won't need a fire for the rest of the week. In fact, it's going to be gorgeous out! I hope to get a lot done this week-especially since we're supposed to go for a weekend trail ride next Saturday.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Don't know if it was the weather or what, but I didn't get anything done yesterday. I just couldn't get moving. But at least the weather has finally cleared up. They're calling for sun today! Now we just need the mud to all dry up. I'm hoping to get a lot done. I don't know that I'll be able to work on the pit any, so I don't know that I'll try. I might work some on the baling twine instead. I know there's still quite a bit of that in the field.

I also need to finally get started on my goat/chicken house and firewood. Hubby has finally gotten my chains sharpened, so I can cut up what I brought home. I also want to do some more cleaning up next to the woodshed. I want to get another wood shed built soon. And while I don't need it this week, I want to get my wood holder in the basement put back, then fill it up. That way, I'll be ready next time I need a fire.

Since it's stopped raining and it's warmer out, I'll take the rain sheets off of the horses. They'll probably be happy about that. And, I'm going to wash their blankets. I may not get them all done today, but I'll at least get Misty's done. Hers needs to be fixed. This way, as soon as I have time, I can fix it. I need some material, but don't know if I'll have time to get it today or not. If it's a smaller tear, I just use an iron on patch. If it's too big for that, I make a patch out of duck cloth. I don't think I have any duck cloth, so I need to run to Hobby Lobby and don't know that I'll have time today. I may wait and go tomorrow or Wednesday afternoon.

I also need to clean my field, and work w/both Misty and Licorice. If there's anyone around, I'll ride Licorice. I won't ride Misty today since I have my lesson on Thursday and we're going on a weekend trail ride-weather permitting-on Saturday. I figure that's enough riding for her for the week.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Rode Licorice yesterday, but not for long. I rode her in my field and I could tell she wasn't happy about it. As I had no desire to get bucked off, I did a lot of mounting, ride for a bit, then dismount and repeat. I don't know what all I'll be able to do w/her this week. And I don't know that I'll have my lesson. My truck has a problem, so hubby doesn't want me to drive it. They're now calling for showers on Saturday, so we may not have the trail ride.

RU called me yesterday. Someone she knows has hay. It's supposed to be nice bales and heavy. And while it's more than I want to spend, w/the hay situation this year, I don't expect to get it for any cheaper. Since I can't use my truck, she offered to go w/me to get it. So, we'll hook my trailer to her truck, get the hay, then drop the trailer at my house since I'm putting it in my hay shelter at home. I don't have room for that many bales at the farm, and it will make switching the fields easier. I hope this will be enough hay to get me thru to next year's 1st cutting.

I got Misty's blanket washed yesterday and checked all of them over. Hers is the only one that needs fixing, so I'll get the others washed this week and see if I have time to get what I need for hers. If I don't have time to get the material this week, I'll get it next after my appointments. There's a Joanne's near my allergist's.

I still have a load of clothes to put away, and need to clean my kitchen. So, I'm going to get that done B4 I leave. I need to move some stuff around outside so I can get my trailer in the driveway far enough for it to not be in the way-that is if hubby has my truck moved by the time I get home. If not, I'll have to park it differently than I wanted to. I think I have room to park it elsewhere. I doubt I'll get it all unloaded today.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
We didn't get the hay yesterday until much later than I was expecting. So, while we were waiting, I worked some more on the pit. I have almost everything out that I need to take out.

I had 3 pieces of OSB at the farm that I need for the new goat/chicken house. W/RU's help I got them loaded in the trailer. Since it was late and she had someplace she needed to be, once we got the hay, I dropped her off at her house, took her truck home, let hubby park my trailer-I know hubby, so asked him to do it, dropped the trailer, fed animals, got changed, went back to the farm, dropped off RU's truck, rounded up my chickens then left. It was the night of my motorcycle club's fellowship run, so I went right there.

Needless to say, by the time I got home, I was beat. And today is going to be another busy day. I'm working, plus have stuff to do at the farm plus unload the hay. If I have time, I'll work on the goat/chicken house.

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