Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I wouldn't mind the snow so much if I had all of my animals at home. At least if it's too bad out, RU will call and tell me not to come, that she'll feed. I'll be leaving hay in the feed stall for just in case. I just won't be able to collect eggs. I'm not worried about the chickens. I'll top off their feeders on Friday, and they can eat snow if they have to.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today is going to be busy. They're calling for 12-18" of snow as well as 25-35 mph winds w/higher gusts! So, we may be w/out power. I have a lot to get done today.

I have the following to do B4 the storm hits:

1. I need to wash 2 loads of laundry, and iron 1 load. I have a basket of clothes that needs to be put away, but I figure I can do that, as well as the 2 I wash today tomorrow. The load that needs to get ironed will be done this morning. If I don't finish it all, it will get done this evening.

2. Clean some of the basement so I can get some jugs of water down there. I have enough for drinking, but want it for the animals, flushing toilets, etc.

3. Hubby put the tire on my mower yesterday, so I want to get my field as clean as possible. There's not a whole lot else I can do w/the frozen ground.

4. Top off my stock tank. I'll have to leave it plug in, but know if the power goes out, it will freeze. I'll also fill up the chicken feeders and put their water dishes under the houses so I can find them on Sunday!

5. Collect all the posts I have for my RP and stick them in my trailer. That way, I can work on getting old staples, etc. out of them next week w/out having to dig thru the snow. I put my straw in there, and I want to stack that a bit neater and cover it w/a tarp. I'll probably put them up on some shorter pieces of 4x4.

6. Stick some hay in my feed stall so it's easy for RU to feed tomorrow.

7. Put straw in for the goats and put a piece of wood over the door into their old house. I don't think they'll use the new house until I do that. I forgot to look for feeders I can use in the new house the other day, so I need to run to TSC this morning and look. I also need to do the gates a bit better so I can get in there tomorrow.

8. Get as much of the wood done as I can. I filled the wood holder yesterday, I want to top it off today.

9. Make bread.

I think I'm going to be busy. I need to get off of here and get started.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm beat! I got most of my list done, but not all of it.

I worked on the goat pen this morning, and got the wood over the door to the old house. I had to take it off. The goats weren't going in the new house, and w/the weather forecast, I didn't want to take a chance on them not going in. And, they were brats! They managed to get out UNDER the gates! Hubby got home early, so he was able to round them up. I secured the gates a bit better when I got home. I didn't have time this morning to go to TSC, so went this afternoon. I got some heavy clips for the gate as well. So hopefully, they won't get out again.

I got some of the laundry ironed, but not all of it. If we don't lose power overnight, I'll finish them in the morning. I got both loads in the washer, but the 2nd one isn't quite done yet. When it is, it will go in the dryer.

Got some of the basement cleaned up, but didn't fill up any jugs. I figure if we lose power, I can melt some snow if I have to for dishes and animals.

Couldn't get my mower started, so I used LF's. I did a spreader load out of each field. And, I got the posts that I have for the RP in my trailer. I also got the straw stacked in there better, and covered it w/a tarp. And, I got some hay in the feed stall for tomorrow and Sunday. I had trouble topping off my tank. The other day it was so cold that my hose froze to the hydrant. I was finally able to get it off. I thought I had drained it completely, but hadn't. It took awhile B4 I was able to get it to work. But, it's topped off and all my feeders are full.

I got all the wood done that was easy to do. The rest needs to be cut and/or split w/a splitter. It's all covered.

I didn't get my bread made. If we don't lose power, I'll be doing that in the morning. I'll also be doing dishes.

One thing I did that wasn't on the list was to put a new tarp on my hay shelter at home. The one I had got some holes in it. I was afraid that it would rip completely w/the wind they're calling for.

I'm tired now and think I'm going to go to bed. I just need to put the clothes in the dryer and stuff the stove for overnight.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I don't know how many inches of snow we've gotten so far. KN tried to make it to the farm by taking main roads. But, she got to where there was a downed wire. And all the rest of the roads were not plowed, so she turned around and went home. Hopefully RU will be OK feeding everyone today.

I made my bread this morning and got my clothes ironed. I also filled some jugs w/water. I forgot we had them. We had 4-5 gallon jugs. I have 3 smaller jugs I need to fill as well.

Hubby's doing some cooking right now. Once he's done, I'm going to do the dishes. Then I think I'm going to go and work on the basement. I want my snowshoes, and can't get to them. The snow came over the top of my boots when I gave the goats, chickens and Thumper water, so I think I need to dig them out.

They're already cancelled church for tomorrow. KN is going to try and make it out in the morning. Then, I'll go out in the afternoon, feed Stormy, then do some digging out in my area and LF's, then feed Stormy again and go home. At least I should get a lot done inside this weekend.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Inside?? You mean inside a shed or barn?:hide

I never get much done inside my house :lol:

We don't have a lot of snow right now -- although it is currently snowing for the second round -- because the rain came late and into early morning ( midnight to 4ish) and the winds, wow what winds! Then cold again, so there is some snow, covered in ice and the ice has waves in it. Any low spot is now full of water that is iced over. They say snow, 1-4" this time.

The rain was so heavy that I didn't have to carry much this AM, just bust into it at each tank. I had gates and fence that had been glazed with ice. Hooks & clips on gate openings were frozen. Slow going but, done. Now I am mentally prepping self for next round.

I pulled out some ski pants (bought yrs ago at 2nd hand) and wore those. Very warm, lightweight and extremely flexible. New boots kept feet so, so cozy, new jacket. I got the boots & jacket on sale, so $65 for $150 worth it!! Actually didn't mind the snow so much today. Slow to dress, don't drink a lot of coffee first !!:p

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I did almost nothing inside today-except take a nap. I think I really needed it.

I wore my Carhartts today, but they're getting old. I'm seriously thinking of saving up for a new set next year. And I got a pair of boots on clearance at TSC the other day for $15.00. They kept my feet nice and warm. Only problem being, the snow was over the top of them!

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Got my boots & jacket at TSC...Itasca boots, Carhartt jacket.
Both very warm! We think alike.
Glad you got a nap.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I have a feeling we have the same boots! And yes, they are warm. I almost didn't buy them. They're more comfortable than I was expecting. If they still have them the next time I go in, I may get a spare pair.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Yes, more comfy, excellent "tread"....and my feet haven't been so warm in years. I love mine for this weather. They came in two heights of top, I got shorter as we rarely get real deep snow.
They aren't for deep water....LOL.

These old ski pants are so, so warm & lightweight. Been hanging in a closet for years. Wish I had thought about them way back.
Hope the jacket softens, I am not of fan of carhartt as they are stiff...but, they ARE warm. My first one. Needed sm and had to get med as selection not great. Will check other TSC further out for another.