DianeS - Listeria spreading, culling the rabbits


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
Since you explained, that sounds like a wonderful opportunity for your husband and you too! What an adventure! Have fun, learn a lot and come home safe. :)


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 20, 2010
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I am ranting today.

I've been in the Philippines for just over a month. Hubby is with me. We live with a wonderful host family, and have everything we need. But I am going slowly crazy here, not being able to do anything by myself or even for myself!

The father in the host family is VERY protective. I get it. We are his guests, the good friends of a VERY close friend of his. He does not want to have to call his friend and say he "lost" us. I get that. But does that really mean he has to take off work every time we want to go somewhere and drive us there? We were not driven by him to ONE destination ONE time last week - and he got a guide from the church to take us where we were going because he didn't want us going by ourselves.

Yesterday was lovely. He was tied up all day and couldn't leave. So hubby and I went out - on our own! We took a tricycle (bicycle with sidecar, driven by a local, you pay about 18 cents to ride in the sidecar), and a jeepney (local bus, the kind people sit on the roof of and hang off the sides when there is no room inside it, about 21 cents to ride) and a taxi to get where we were going. We went to a museum, and out to lunch, and then shopping. Then we took a taxi home.

We proved we could do it. Nothing bad happened. We didn't even get lost. But that didn't change his mind, and today he took off work to pick us up and drive us around because we needed to get something photocopied. AAAAAGGGGHH!

I'm INDEPENDENT, darn it! They won't let me help with making food or taking care of their 2 year old. (I understand that, they have live-in people for those things, but STILL!) We are served at meals, not even supposed to get our own drinks. When the water cooler (the only source of clean drinking water) got empty, hubby picked up the next jug of water for it, and was told to put it down because it was someone else's job to change it!

It has been more than a month since I've cooked. It's been more than a month since I swept my own floor. Those things sounded really nice at first, and they were for maybe the first two weeks. But I'm bored! I'm going nuts here! Sure, we all fantasize about not having to do the chores we don't like, but to not be able to do anything at all???

Remember the problem with the laundry? Yeah, I don't even use the washing machine now. I'm supposed to give my laundry to one of the girls, and she'll do it for me. I've been stubborn, giving her the stuff like socks but insisting on hand-washing my own shirts just for something to do that feels productive.

I've managed to teach their 2 year old a little English. He now says things like "Eat! Table!" when it's dinner time, and knows the words for "rice" and "noodles". And he's picked up my expression of "Wow" when I'm surprised by something (which is often, here). And he knows the word "shoes" because he sees me put mine on most mornings. I really think that's the most productive thing I've done at the house since I've been here.

I'm glad my husband was able to use me in doing his research. I'd be completely stir-crazy by now if I didn't get to do that.

OK, rant over. He's being nice, I'm sure this is how you show hospitality here, etc, etc, etc. It just is driving me crazy. I think when I get home I'm going to go walk in the woods by myself for a whole day - just because I can!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'd go nuts too! I'm used to doing what I want when I want and by myself. I don't want someone taking me places or doing things for me. I'd make a lousy millionaire. :hide


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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Get a copy of the DVD "Downton Abbey". You can learn how they did it...LOL


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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Having him take off work to shepherd you around must certainly be aggravating, but remember that you are Americans - much of the rest of the world feels that we live in a golden land, and believe that we aren't able to handle the realities of the third world. Of course, for the most part they are correct ;). Just because you are of the minority that can doesn't mean that your host is willing to take that chance - especially if you are friends of a friend. And letting their staff do your washing and sweeping - think of it as work they wouldn't have if you weren't there, and which they are probably glad to have.
When I was still in school my family lived in Ireland for 3 years. At that time Ireland was still essentially a third world country. My mother hired the young daughter of a local family to *do* for us - clean, watch out for the smaller brothers, do some cooking. It made me very uncomfortable, having a servant in the house - and one not much older than I! But it was a job that she needed, and wouldn't have had if we had not been there. It wasn't laziness on my mother's part; it was a form of helping the local community - or at least this one family.


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 20, 2010
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I've been home about three hours (and awake for more than 26 since I didn't sleep on the plane). Welcome home, me!

Since I've been home, I managed to accidentally let the chickens out of their run (finally got them back in), accidentally ran into at least half a dozen thick spider webs (I think I know where all of the webs are now), and got peed on by one of my rabbits.

On the plus side, I found the hens' nest that the housesitter couldn't locate, and have 37 eggs from the chickens she didn't think were laying yet! I knew they had to be laying by this time, I just had to hunt for it. I'll do the float test tomorrow to see which need thrown out, the rest will be delicious.

After checking out things at the house, hubby and I went directly to Chili's for dinner. Cheese! Steak! Potatoes! Free Coke refills! Ahhhh.... we definately missed those things!

It's good to be back!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Welcome home! I'm sure it feels great to be home again.


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
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I was reading your blog Diane. Although I am aware of how things are in the Philipines, it is nice to read about your perspective on it. As an American. And as a woman. I had many Filipina women as friends while I was a Navy wife, and knew many active duty people who were stationed there. But, not many to explain things as well as you did in your blog.