Do you wear long skirts?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
Well, I like very long skirts, because I'm really tall and have trouble finding panty hose to fit me, and even if I do, they aren't worth the money I pay for them, because I expect more than one use out of them......was really unlucky with my purchases this summer.
If I have a few pair of knee highs, and a really long dress, I don't have to worry about hosery.
I was thinking about getting only long dresses for that and a few other reasons. One is that with a dress, I have a top, attached to a bottom and it can take less room in my closet. Another is because when I'm walking away from a group of men, I'm always afraid one of them is looking at my butt....they would have a harder time appreciating it with a dress. I can make a dress faster than a pants suit.
I would still need a few pants in the closet to work with the bees though.
I was teased enough in my childhood and I now live to please my God, family and myself. If I please anyone else, good; if not....oh well. Let them get a life. But I think I got old enough to develope a certain character and my particular character would probably dare someone to ridicule me.
Dress like you want......someone tells you something, smile and say,"Thankyou!!!"


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
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lee&lyric said:
Seven Hens Farm said:
I have had the feeling for a few years now that I need to wear long skirts. I tried a couple years ago, but got teased from the people at work.

Did any of you choose to wear a skirt or dress? How did the people around you react? What advise would you give someone who wants to make the switch?
I have recently decided to convert my wardrobe to long skirts and dresses as the result of reading this blog: I have secured several historical patterns and will be making my wardrobe on my treadle sewing machine. Mia, the blogger, states that working and wearing skirts is actually cooler than wearing pants/jeans. That was all I needed to read. I live in Central FL and it is hot as a witches tit here in the Summer, thus my sewing machine will be smoking as I work to catch up.

Mia also mentioned noticing a difference in how she is treated since she gave up wearing jeans (keeping up with the girls in her old neighborhood) and began immulating her Mom who did not coerce them to wear skirts.

So, if anyone has fabric they would like to donate to my cause I will gladly take it off your hands as I build my long skirt wardrobe. I'm looking forward to the difference in how I may be treated as I dress like a lady vs. the more masculine pant wearing style.
I looked at her blog..and bookmarked it. It is a very sweet and informative blog.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 17, 2011
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Lovin' country life!
Beekissed said:
My mom used to wear dresses and skirts exclusively and she always said she felt different while wearing them...more ladylike and feminine. Even while wearing them to work in the garden and the woods.
Now THAT'S a mamma after my own heart. ;);)


Sustainable Newbie
Feb 5, 2012
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I wear both. I often wear a dress or skirt over a pair of linen or cotton pants. It's mainly a pocket issue. I have a bunch of great dresses and skirts that either have pockets or I can bunch up to use to carry something (because it is really asking too much that I remember to bring a basket with me). If I'm wearing JUST a skirt and do this the neighbors would get a bit of a view so I wear pants under them. The majority of my dresses are a line and loose and tank style so I usually have a shirt of some kind to act as sun protection for my cheap Irish skin that tends to burn in candlelight.

My husband came home during the summer to find me knee deep in butchering a rabbit in a sun bonnet, a linen shirt, a stretchy cotton maternity jumper, cotton pants, my work apron and no shoes. Shoes and I do not get along. He didn't even bat an eye except to say that it was a classic outfit for me and that I had a bit of blood on my nose.