FarmerDenise's journal - full on harvest time = busy, busy, busy


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Oh my goodness! Sooo cute!!! I just love the ears. :love So how is Blossom feeling today?


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 1, 2010
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I have to quit clicking the links that show the lil baby goatlets. I want one so bad. :hit


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
Though I would give an update on how things are going on our little farm.
Little Billy Bud is growing like crazy and is soo much fun. Grandson loves grabbing his face. But little Bud likes to pctise bucking, so I always have to be very carefull he doesn't do it to GS. I have GS 3 full days a week and he keeps me occupied. I love having the goat's milk and we have been supplementing the baby's formula with it. GS has also started to eat solid food and he loves the carrots, zucchini, peaches and egg yolk. He liso likes the yogurt, which we mix with either peaches or organic bananas.

I spend most of my time picking weeds and other greens for the critters, so as to keep the feed bill down and then I try to proccess the food from he garden and help SO make dinner.

I have very little time to mess around on the computer and when I do, I just want to zone out for a while so I usually play FB games :lol:

My keyboard is also giving me trouble, so it takes me 2x as long to type anything up. I cleaned it recently and removed a full sized extended dust bunny family and all manner sticky stuff, left - no doubt- by my frequent spewing of beverages, while reading someones funny post... :p

I think I need to clean it again though and see if I cannot find why it isn't always typing all the letters....

Now off to pull more weeds to fed the critters

Oh, almost forgot, we got four little chicks hatched this weekend. Two hens shared the nest, they fought over the eggs, now they're fighting over the chicks :lol:

framing fowl

On a mission
Oct 30, 2009
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:frow Hey FD! Sounds like you have your hands full! How's the weather out by you lately? I bet you are in the thick of it with gardening and preserving right now.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
Overall we have had a cool summer so far. It is hot today, in the 80's.
We have been freezing green beans, blackberries and zucchini. Since our peach tree didn't prduce much this year, I haven't had to can them. I am pleased that I have been able to freeze some strawberries.
SO has been doing most of the harvesting and we both proces the produce to freeze it. He is looking forward to deer hunting season and I really hope he gets his deer. It'll make him feel really good to fill the freezer again wth meat. Alhough I keep reminding him that we have plenty of chickens running round to fill the freezer with.

I also have been going to our local Goodwill outlet store on a fairly regular basis. I look for baby and toddler stuff for GS and for a couple of other folks, who cannot go there for various reasons . I get reimbursed for what I spend. The parents are thrilled with the deals I have been able to find there, not to mention cool stuff for their kids.
This afternoon I went looking for shorts for myself. All of mine are way too big. I came home with an assortment of baby clothes instead. The only shorts I found, were super short shorts....not my style :p So I came home with baby oshkosh's intead and bibs :lol:
I did find a pair of decent tennis shoes for myself though. I only have one pair right now, so that will help get me through winter with shoes. I have other pair, but the sole came off. I don't know if I can fix them. I might have to duc tape them, so can get some more use out of them :lol:

Now I am wanting some wine, but don't have any, I might have to go out and get some, but I really shouldn't coz I don't have that much money. It would also be nice to have an avocado to go with tonight's dinner.....
I think I'll just add some sugar to my ice tea and pour it into a wine glass and I'll make a cucumber salad to go with our mexican dinner instead of the avocado.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
I suppose any fruit can be made into wine. Not a bad thought ;) we have a bumper crop of blackberries, but soon we will have grapes too, they are table grapes, but I wonder if I could mix the grapes and the sweet blackberries....... :)

Our two little guys seem to adore each other, but then everyone loves the little guys too.


Our dog loves all babies, here she is checking on little Bud.


Here is one view of the garden. Our corn is taller than ever and oh so yummy! The pepper plants aren't that filled out yet, but they are loaded with peppers, so that is ok.



Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
I have been in a state of shock since Sunday.
My hometown suffered flooding like never before. I am looking at picturs and videos of destruction. Homes washed away, cattle, chickens, farms under water, silt everywere, stuff caught in the electic wires, roads and bridges washed washed out.
My friends and neighbors working tgethr to clean the town and put things back together. Many lost everything. They had very little warning, before needing to evacuate. Many thought the dam had broken. It didn't. The water just rushed in so fast and furious it filled the dam and then went right over it. The water rose 5-8 feet higher than ever before and fast. Farmers who had just brought in their hay are loosing it to fire now. The damp hay is catching fire and at least one farmer lost his barn due to the hay catching on fire. This guy lost his cattle, most of his 250 chickens, his soy and corn crop and now his hay and barn.

I was finally able to get through to my parents this morning. They were ok up on the hill. They were without power and did not know what had happened in the valley until my sister spoke to them on monday. They have a good support system with the neighbors on the hill. So they took some things to one neighbor and put it in their freezer, because they have a generator, another neighbor had water to share etc. My parents are usually well stocked and can handle being without power for a while. Mom had lots of bottled water for just such an occasion. Besides with all that rain, water really was not an issue ;)
The roads surroundng them were washed out though. So they were kind of stuck on the hill. DD had to go to the doctor though on tuesday, because he has been sick with the flu and DM figured out a way to get him there. My sister was able to tell her which roads were unpassable and which bridges were still usable.
DS and I and a few other friends created a chain of information on facebook. So we knew more about what was going on than most of the locals.

Now we are trying to get the word out that much help is needed. I have contacted a tv news station and our newspaper. I cannot spare much time and hope that they will just do a little human interest story and post the information on the site that coordinates the clean up effort.


Apr 4, 2009
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There are an awful lot of towns around here that are in the same boat. Hiking is the only way in or out of some of them. My thoughts are with your family.