Farmfresh City Homesteader - the sound of falling oaks.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
We just shelled out about $300.00 for emergency vet care for our cat. He had discharge from his eye and swelling on his cheek. Our regular vet had no appointments available til monday. So we took kitty in to someone who could take care of him the same day. I had to put the payment on my credit card, because we didn't have the money, but we are glad we got our cat taken care of. It was an absess by the way.
Yup, gotta take care of those critters in our care.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
east central Ohio
Farmfresh said:
I am pretty sure the Countryside Reunion is going to be held over the 4th of July weekend in Evansville Indiana next year. I wish you all would join me there it would make it even more fun!
How interesting! Evansville doesn't sound like too awfully far away. Is there a website (may have missed it)? Do remind us about it next spring.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Farmfresh said:
The hardest money I ever spent was on a rat. Yes .. I know a $2.00 fancy RAT.

This particular rat was a pet of my daughters and the whole family was really attached to the little begger. My daughter used to dress it up (hula skirt, tiny vest, Santa hat etc..), she even used to brush it's teeth! So when this rat (who was only a year old) developed cancer - to an exotics vet she went. When they told me her surgery was going to cost $120.00 I just could NOT justify the cost. Then after talking to hubby we decided to go ahead. He told me the only reason I was balking at the cost was the fact that she was a rat. Any one of our other pets and that cost would have been minimal. ($120 is ALWAYS a lot of money to us, but check out the vet bill for a Sunday afternoon stitch job on a lacerated horse and you will see what I mean!) She was still a pet, all of the kids (and us too) were attached, so surgery it was.

Everything came out great and she lived another 2 years which is a long rat life. When she finally did die everyone (and I mean everyone) cried.

I try to be realistic with animals. I want them to be healthy and happy, but I do put them to sleep when necessary.
I with you on that, FF! I'll pay money at the vet to get an animal out of pain....that is one thing I can't stand. Either to fix it or to put them down if I cannot bear to do it myself. Small animals I can do myself. Bigger animals I can also do if they are suffering too bad to get to a vet.

I think I made a discovery, though, two years ago that changed my mind about vet care. I'm never one to run to the vet unless an animal is in great pain or really sick. Two years ago, my older dog couldn't poop but really needed to do so and she was also peeing blood. This was the same time they found melamine in the brand of food I was it got me worried and then I tore off to the vet.

Now, before she had those symptoms she had found an old pile of deer bones in the woods and had eaten some. I was so worried about her that I didn't take the time to sit down, assess the situation, and do some investigation.

Well.......a $400 vet bill later....for 2 enemas and a bottle of Amoxicillin (which I didn't even use).......I started to realize that I am a nurse. I could have checked her for an obstruction myself, given an enema or two myself and treated her right at home.

The next time she got into some bones and couldn't poop, I donned some gloves, checked her, removed the offending stoppage and saved myself $400.

Now I don't let my mind get carried away before I try some problem solving. My younger dog had an abcess on his face. We squeezed it, slapped on some Bag Balm and it healed right up.


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
FF, I would love to see pictures of your sun shades when you are done.

That is some beautiful fruit you have there! :drool