Farmfresh City Homesteader - the sound of falling oaks.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
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Eastern Kansas
Farmfresh said:
Well today is day 1 of Spring Break. Break? Somehow I just don't think so. I have been up over an hour already and the arthritis in my back is giving me fits!

It IS nice to be able to watch the sun come up this morning however. My "Dog Room" which is what we jokingly call the TV/office room faces east. I am talking to ya'll, watching the sun come up and motoring my back massager all at the same time!

This promises to be a BUSY few days.

First my truck is in the shop this morning getting a new heater core. (Pray this doesn't cost too much.) Today is also the day that my dad is getting moved from assisted living back to a nursing facility. He was never really assisted living material, but my sis had to try it. Now it looks like we will not be receiving any refund for the half month that is left that we prepaid. :/ That is about $700 down the crapper! :tongue

It is dawning to be a lovely Spring day - "Sunny highs in the upper 60's". With that info I need to get out and work on garden beds a bit. LOTS to do.. hope I can get at least something done.

Besides the garden stuff I desperately need to clean the pig hole that I call home. I am having my family over for St. Pat's day corned beef and cabbage with au gratin potatoes tomorrow AND a dear friend of mine over for dinner on Friday!!

On Saturday, National Poultry Day, I have a chicken clinic planned at our local TSC. I am going to bring lots of info and some hens to share for beginning chicken farmers. LOTS and LOTS to do getting ready for that!

Maybe by Sunday I can have a Spring Break at last! LOL
Saturday is National Poultry Day? And I have to work? Why didn't I know about this? And why am I not getting holiday pay for what is so obviously an important holiday?!!?
p.s. hope your back feels better and the move goes ok! :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
I love watching the sun come up. It's always so serene.

sorry to hear you back is bothering you. I hope it feels better soon.

TSC whoot, you go girl. Best of luck with your clinic. sounds like you have a great plan.

Have a great day.



Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
I know it is hard to "get away" from back pain. It seems like every little movement and you remember it bothers you. :hugs

How fun that you teach a chicken class! I bet it is really popular too. Everywhere I look now, people are suggesting urban chickens and having home gardens, even in the city. Of course I'm close to Portland where they say there is a "strong movement" along those lines, but I'm talking about things like television, magazines and books.

Isn't it neat when you do your own thing and everyone else thinks it is trendy? You can say you were ahead of the crowd.

I'm interested in what you teach in that class, and how you set up the arrangement to be the one teaching it.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Oh, I can totally picture you, now. There is a lady at our local feed store I always look for when I have a question. Most of the employees are kids that live in town (where the store is) and they don't really know anything about farm animals for the most part.

I hunt all over the whole store for her sometimes.....but she was invaluable this last time when I needed the right product for scours. What she had me choose was a cow product and I would never have selected it, but it did the trick very nicely, just like she said.

When I bought my first chickens there, I really knew nothing about chickens. I went down there looking for "rhode island reds" and selected 12 from the bin. I noticed some were different colors and picked them on purpose because I told the girl I hoped I would be able to tell them apart better as adults.

Well DUH. They were russian orloffs, not even RIRs. The employee did not know the difference and didn't realize when some of the "sexed pullets" RIR day old chicks had striped wings that they were Russian Orloffs on special order for someone else. When I sold some of them later they ended up with the person who originally ordered them, seven months later. I was able to identify what they were from posting photos of them on BYC.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I know when I was in a TSC around here, I had to tell the employee what woody pet was. Someone was asking about it, and he didn't have a clue. :/


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
I don't know what a woody pet is, and I'm not going to describe what my guess would be. :gig

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