Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Grands are gone home. :( I survived the motorcycle races - so did they! Two days in a row a rider behind GS wiped out. He never saw it and I'm so glad he didn't know. Might have messed with his confidence in a big way. However, I don't want him to be overconfident, lol. I want him to race slowly and safely, lol.

I'm relaxing tonight with an adult beverage. Tomorrow will be back to the grind. Need to think about mowing the jungle that once was my yard. Crazy how a lot of rain and some sunshine made it jump into overdrive.

Should have some does due soon. Probably have several go within several days. Or not, lol. Nobody is sticking to the schedule this year.

Better go do a last check before dark.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Back to real life this morning. Need to decide which, of many, projects I need to tackle. Tired just thinking about it.

Glad my back problem seems to be under control now - I've got too much to do to have that issue. Looks like the cortisone shot is doing its job and I'm almost pain free. Just a little stiff, but that should work out easily enough.

I managed to get almost 3 miles in steps yesterday. Not even sure how, lol. Lots of walking at the track, and more when I got home. Guess I could be proactive and get lots of steps if I mow with the walk behind mower instead of the rider. Ground is still a little too soft in some places to use the heavy rider. Maybe use both in appropriate places.

Presto canner was delivered late last week and I haven't even opened it yet. Hope I can get to that soon. Weekend was pretty much non-stop so it just sat in its big ol' box taking up a corner of the dining room.

Nothing is getting done with me sitting here. Gonna slurp down this last cuppa and get busy.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Woke up too early, as usual. Was up, showered and downstairs by 5:30a. Slept well last night, probably because I worked outside quite a bit yesterday. I got some fence repaired - that's off my plate now. One of my walk-through gates had the support post rotted off at ground level. I managed to patch that. I wasn't up for taking the fence off the post, the gate off the post, pulling that one up and planting a new post and then rehanging the gate - soooo a patch it was, lol. I'd rather fix it right the first time, but hanging a gate by myself is not a skill I've perfected yet.

Our windy winter hadn't been nice to my front yard. It was full of small to medium size branches. I desperately needed to mow yesterday so picking up all the sticks was mandatory. Got that done and mowed. Looks so much better now. My neighbor had mowed so my yard was looking pretty scruffy in comparison.

Got the stack of branches/sticks piled up and lit a match. Rounded up a couple of rotten pallets and burned them too. That freed up some space against a fence where they had been stored so I need to get the mower or weed whacker out and get that spot trimmed up.

Moved the myotonic does into a separate pen. One of them is due next week and just can't compete against the bigger girls for feed any more. She's half their size, lol. The other myotonic gal kidded in December so she got pulled out of the general population to start the weaning process.

More chores on the agenda today. May have to make a town run, but I'm going to try very hard not to!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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in comparison you've run a marathon.
Story of my life these days...

It's not so bad - It keeps my mind and body occupied. I look at it as the only way to keep from sitting on the couch all day ruminating on my problems and eating bon bons, lol!

I'm feeling pissy :mad: this morning. Better get outside before I start taking it out on DH!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I didn't accomplish much today. I did get a buck moved into the trailer pending sale. Or at least pending someone expressing an interest in him. I'd really like this guy to go! He's a cutie patootey, but aggressive as heck. Not towards people, but towards the other bucks. He just won't calm down - everything is a challenge to him. He can go be a PIA at somebody else's barn!

Pulled most of the rutabaga's today. One of them is on the stove right now. One - just one! I grew these in the holes of cinderblocks. This one, and several others, took up the entire space. One of them was so big I can't even get it out. I'll let that one go to seed.

DH had PT today. Went ok. He has an upcoming appt with his neurologist. Months ago they basically told him that his big problem was neuropathy. The therapists have been urging him to follow up with the neurologist after his CPR incident. Don't know what they can do for him, but we're going to go find out.

No new babies - but I'm getting antsy. I want this kidding season over with!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Why? Why? Why? I don't understand people. I listed two young bucks for sale. Got a response from someone. Talked to him on the phone and the first thing he told me was that he's 70 miles away and he'd need me to deliver. Uh - NO! Ok, if he has to drive here he needs me to drop the price $50 on each. I listed them for $125 each and would go down to $100 apiece if he takes both. Nope - he wants them for $75 apiece. HUH? Hey, here's an idea....come on down and I'll give you a dozen or so goats along with a years supply of food and meds! When should you come? How about the 12th of NEVER! Have another response to my posting so maybe that person won't be quite as ridiculous.

Up early again. DH's nocturnal bathroom breaks are he// on me. He woke up at 3:30a, did his business and came back to bed. I woke up at 3:30 and can't get back to sleep - so here I am. I even TRIED to go to bed early last night. I was done at 7p, ready to call it a night. DH sweetly offered to stay up and do bathroom duty with the dogs and come up a little later. I literally slept like a log from 7 to 9p when my phone rang. It was DH calling from downstairs. He'd fallen... I got him back on his feet and helped him do meds and get up to bed. Not much sleep for me after that.

Woke up to 70 degrees. Supposed to have a bit of a cool front this morning with some gusty winds. Temps won't drop terribly, but a definite dip. Ok - it IS still Feb.