JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 9, 2008
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Hi there. Glad to see another Hoosier here.
Sounds like you'll have much to share. I look forward to hearing about your adventures.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Well, the plan for the "summer kitchen" will actually be under the deck. We have a split level home, and the deck is a small ( for now) breakfast deck off the dining room. No stairs leading off of it. When you exit the garage...into the back yard...the deck is above. So, this will be the foundation for our summer kitchen. I will be useing an older electric stove top..that we took out of this house when we bought it. Its just the stove top...counter mounted. Wierd...but works. DH said he will build a 4x4 frame for it, and get it up and running again. The plumbing will be easy as we have a MANA block system, with extra slots to add to. However, the drain will be a bigger problem. We have septic. UGH. DH said he will put in a long countertop with cabinets below for storage. Not sure yet what the countertop will be...if I can get one from freecycle.com I might do that. I dont see us haveing overhead storage...I want it ALL screened in except the wall with the stove. I will have a gravel floor...and room for a picnic table. Nothing fancy really...just some place to do my canning...and NOT heat the house. Oh, this will be on the EAST side of the house, nice and shady! Im not sure if there will be a wood burner in there or not...I really dont see a use for it..and I want this kitchen to be simple..basic for canning. I will have plastic panels to cover the screens for when the winds are too strong so my canning jars dont get a chill. I dont relish the idea of explodeing jars! LOL When we get started on this project..I will try to get many pictures...and HOPEFULLY we will get it all done before canning season starts. HOPEFULLY!


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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JEALOUS!!! Your outdoor canning kitchen sounds AWESOME!! I can't wait to see pictures!!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Well, today was a loooong day here, at Heavens Door Acres.
We had worked all morning to get the outside decorations down. I have a hen that needs physical therapy a few times a day. Not sure whats going on with her yet. She eats well...eyes clear..normal poo...just cant walk unless I balance her. So, bent over..I balance her to walk a few feet at a time..then prop her back up in the hay, close to her feed and water. Its soooooo muddy here from all the rain. Getting from point A to point B is more of a chore, in over the ankle deep mud and water. Sure wears out a person. I hear we were in for some hard winds...so had to get a few things tied down, and ready. My girls( the hens) are in full laying mode now...2 dozen a day! Oh, and I got the cutest little "hen fart" egg. Smaller than a hershey kiss.

Isnt that the cutest thing!? I am going to let it dry out..I just have to save it. ;)
Well, the weather man was right....sorta. He said " high winds after midnight" ok, well...the winds are here, and have been since around 8pm. Its really messin with the chickens..I have a baby monitor out in thier coop so I can listen for any trouble...they are nervous..and restless. Guess there wont be 2 dozen eggs tomorrow. LOL
On the brighter side...my babies are hatching...of course 2 days early. I am not ready for them. No brooder set up yet, and I need to go buy yet another heat lamp. I have 8 already...but all being used. UGH! So, tomorrow morning I need to get out early, and get what I need for the babies...then come home, set the brooder, and get my other eggs in the bator thats warming up. Oh, and I have duck eggs coming soon as well. MORE BABIES! DH just shakes his head. :rolleyes: If the weather holds out tomorrow, I am going to start tearing out the old hog pen, so we can get the new one up and ready for spring pigs! I need to dig out the corners and spread it on the gardens. There are 2 corners where they poo'd. I like " clean" pigs! LOL Guess its bedtime...long day tomorrow.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Well, its only a little after 3pm, and I am whooped! Woke up to the oh so promised high winds. Im just about over this freaky weather. It is 28 degrees today, light snow,( it wont stick) and W I N D Y ! Hang onto something heavy or tied down, windy. Had to run to town early as the banks and everything will be closed early. Gotta love a small town, that rolls up the sidewalks at 6 pm. :th With my forgetfullness...this is not a good thing. So, I went to town, picked up a few things, and headed home. On my way home...I was doing ohhhh about 55-58 mph, when a Australian Shephard decided to jump up out of the ditch. THANKFULLY, I missed the poor thing. I think we both lost a few years today. I can feel the grey hairs growing as I type! So, I got home and went to let the chickens out...yeah, it was late, but I didnt want them out in the 28 degree weather and high winds....so, I am walking out there, and here comes one of the barn cats. Now...its rained so much here, we literally have a "pond" in the front yard that I have to cross through. Not a problem for me, I have mud boots...BIG problem for a kitty! He is wailing for me to wait up...so I can carry him across the water. OK, stop...pick up the cat...and carry on through the water. Get to the other side....drop the cat...and head for the South coop. I looked up and something didnt seem quite right?? Start checking the runs, and one of the Turkey toms...had somehow gotten from his fenced in covered run, into the run with the White Leghorns, who are now cowering in the coop. Well, because or our own design flaw...there is no gate to the run..and only a small pop door to get from the coop to the run, :he and dont you know Mr Turkey will NOT come inside. OK, get in the coop....Leghorns freaking out because I am in thier pen...on hands and knees climb through the pop door..IN THE MUD and whatever else is out there...to grab a Tom that Number one, weighs about 25 pounds, and number two, does NOT want to be held! Get him cornered, grab him up...I get beat dreadfully by the wings of a MONSTER TURKEY...and find where he got through. Plop his lard butt through the hole, and get that fixed...then back on my hands and knees through the pop door, to FRANTIC Leghorns in the pen. Whew...ok, Im wet...muddy and whatevery...and my morning is just beginning. Oh, and dont you know...I didnt think about putting my hair in a ponytail before I went out there. My hair is about to my waiste. Well, I wasnt thinking I would be crawling in the muck! So, wet stinky hair too! OK, leghorns settled in...Turkeys settled in...everyone fed and watered in the South coop...time to go to the West Coop. Yup, another coop, 4 more pens. Out the door, grab up the howling cat who is now sitting on an island, surrounded by water. How he got there, I have no idea...the water is only a few inches deep, but to a cat, might as well be the ocean. Grab the now wet cat...throw him on my shoulder...and through the muck and water we go. Safely on the other side of ankle deep mud and slush...drop the cat...who by the way is NOT ammused that I put him down, clung to my coat...clawed my face..and luckily was not THROWN INTO the water. Got to the West coop..and yup, I forgot the keys. DANGIT! 200 yards BACK to the house...to get the keys. This time I left the darned cat...im not in a good mood by now. Get the keys...back to the coop...once inside I have 45 ticked off chickens complaining that they were not let out earlier. We exchange a few words...mine were not so sweet...and I start going in one pen after another to let them out. Get to the last pen..and ooops, I stepped on a hen. MAN can they scream!! She is alright..and out the door she runs to thier yard. OK, now to get some scratch....this will be easy. All feed is kept in galvanised trash cans, to keep the mice out. Well...it doesnt work when you dont put the lid on tight the night before. Open the lid, and a mouse jumps out, scared the beejeebers outta me. Threw scratch to all the pens..and grab the stinky wet cat..and head back to the house. Its now almost 10:00am. Get inside to a hubby that is up and getting ready for work...early?? OMG I forgot, he has to be at work at 11. No time to cook for him, he is grumbling...I throw together a quick lunch for his lunchbox....pack 9 dozen eggs in a box for him to take to work..and get him sent out the door. Whew...he wont be home till 9ish, so I have some time to rest...rihgt? Nope.. have to set up the brooder, I have chicks hatching right now! OK, so where did I put the chick waterers?? I KNOW I have about 5 of them. They are all lost..or put away in a " good spot so I can find them when I need them" wherever THAT is!
Set up the brooder....get my MUCH NEEDED shower..and came down stairs...brrrr, its chilly in here. DANG, the wood stove went out! UGH! Seems like the last day of the year is getting in every little poke it can. :tongue I am Sooooooo looking forward to a HAPPY New Year! COME ON MIDNIGHT!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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I thouroughly enjoyed reading about your day.
I was laughing thru most of it.....but I am sure as you were living it --it wasn't funny....LOL-LOL

I know what you mean. There is nothing like mud to make the barn work worse! I hear ya big time on that one!

I also "put things away safe" and forget where they are......I do it with Tony's stuff all the time....HA HA...he can't find anything, then he asks me and I say, I know I put it up somewhere....give me time, I will find it....maybe days later..HA HA

beat up by a tom turkey.....they can do damage--that's for sure!

your day was rough. maybe a new year will be drier for you. We had super high winds today also. laundry on the line dried fast in that wind. we were kinda warm today but temps dropping tonight...brr...

can't wait to see what happens to you tomorrow..LOL


Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
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You had quite a day Justasnak!!! Tomorrow IS going to go so much better I am sure!!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Ahhhhhhhh, 1 Jan 09 I cant believe its FINALLY here. I have to say..if the rest of this year goes like today..I will be a happy woman. My sister called last night and asked if they could come out and bring thier 2 girls. They live in L'ville...and are 100% absolutely CITY!!!!! I have baby chicks hatching and knew the girls would love seeing them. So, Of course I tell them to come on out.
Got up this morning..usuall outside chores...feed and water animals. Everything is iced over. Oh what fun. NOT! LOL
DH wanted to clean his workshop, so he and I head out there to move some scrap wood from the shop tp the lean/to...and just get a few things back in order. It went surpriseingly quick and easy. My son called, asked what was going o today, so I invited him, his wife, and son out, for dinner. Nothing big...one of our hens, rotisserie, a few pints of home canned green beans, some macNcheese for the kids, and a small pan of stuffing with dinner rolls. So, everyone gets here...and of course, there is a chick hatching. I call them all to the bator so they can watch. My sisters oldest girl is 8 and super girly,sensitive. As they all watch this little miracle...I hear weeping.??? I turn to see, my sister (45 yrs old) and the oldest girl Sarah...just BAWLING! I asked what wrong, and they just look at me like I had 3 heads. My sister said... " thats just so neat, to watch a chick hatch." Ok, I think this is wierd...my sister was raised in the country same as me, same house, same life.....but she has been away from it for so long, she just forgot I guess. So, after everyone ooohs and aaahhhs about the little one..I take them tp the brooder, and let the girls pet a few babies. They squealed with delight. We all go wash up, the kids play as I get supper done. We all sit to enjoy a meal..my sister and her partner keep telling me " how good everything is" Nothing special to me, we eat like this every day, just not as much! LOL
So, after dinner, we all go out to run off supper....feed the chickens and turkeys. The girls had fun makeing the Toms gobble. It was a great afternoon. Early evening, they all are getting things packed up to leave...when I hear my chickens makeing a ruckus in the coop. Of course I run out there, my sister on my heals....asking what could it be? I said...maybe a mink,possum, I dont know. She said" you got your gun"? I laughed and said no, so she ran back to the house to get it. When she caught me she said" whatever it is, I get to shoot it"!! Ohhh my..a city girl with a gun...scared! LOL I WAS SCARED at this point. I told her...DO NOT freak out, and shoot my chickens!! Thanksfully, nothing in the coops...we checked them all..and found no predators. Back to the house in the dark...her carrying the gun. We get to the house and everyone is outside waiting the news. Well...by this time they are all ready to go, and we are standing outside gazeing up at the clear skies. My sisters partner said" WOW, I didnt realise there were so many stars up there" I just giggled and said..."well, ya cant see them in the city" About this time, we hear something rustling in the dark, through the leaves, not 20 feet from us. Everyone stops talking, and my sister said.." what do you suppose THAT is"? I can hear the tiny bit of fear...and said..well, prolly the old barn cat. I called for kiki...no sound...whatever it is...stopped moveing. Hmmmmm. I said, "well, I dont think its the cat." The girls are scared now...my sis says"well, what do you think it is"? I said, could be coon, possum,skunk,stray cat or dog." So I start walking towards the noise. My sister said" are you crazy??" But, she is on my heels. I come on the noise...and there...sitting by the burn pile...is kiki...the barn cat!!! LOL My sister jumped back...then said" stupid cat"! I laughed so hard at her timidness. They all left...and there I was, holding the "big scarey cat" and it hit me......THIS is THE life!! This is EXACTLY where I want to be...forever!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
2 Jan...Ahhhhhhhhhh. Its a good life! Got up this morning, expecting a dreary grey day...nope! The sun broke through..what a beautifull day. When I go out to " just let the chickens out" There in the trees on the north side of the shop, is a hawk! A BIG HAWK! I just knew he was eyeballing my banties. We didnt get the top covered yet..and he was thinking " easy breakfast" I am sure. So, the sun is warm...Im already out there, I grab the pliers and head for the old turkey grow out pen. It is covered with chicken wire to keep the young poults in. Well, those are grown now, and in another larger pen, so this one is setting empty. I start taking the top wire off, so I can cover the banty pen, and the White Leghorn pen. Doing anything out here is a chore, with 2 barn cats that are super friendly. Every time I would bend over, a cat jumps on my back. OK, its cute the first few times. Get all the fencing dow that I am going to need....then realised...crapola! I have to crawl through those darned pop doors. Yup, THOSE WILL be replaced SOON! :lol:
Finally got those 2 pens covered...the sun felt so good on my back..so I decided to just sit down on a cinderblock, and talk to the kitty. I needed a break anyways..and the cat made sure I took one! So there we sit...on the cinderblock in the sun...him purring so loud it almost sounds like a weed eater! Me, smiling ear to ear. The chickens in the backround clucking softly, a crow from a boisterous rooster once in a while...the warm sun on my face, and a soft warm kitty in my lap...on my shoulder...down my back...back on my lap. :lol: The wierd thing is...most of my life I have been seriously allergic to cats...now that I am back out in the country...doesnt seem to bother me! Im so glad..I just love my 2 barn kitties. They are both strays..both males...one is fixed..and both are very loveable.
Come inside to get a few loads of laundry on the line, while we still have sunshine. Sit and talk with hubby for a little while, then get him off to work. Headed to town to get a few bags of bedding and feed....and came home. Ahh, I just KNOW the rest of 2009 will be a GREAT year. Think positive folks!