Lazy Gardener's Little Town Farm

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
Today, I planted Egg Plant, and peppers. I only had enough space to plant 3 of each variety of peppers, so... there will be a lot of left over plants. Same with tomatoes. As usual, I did a poor job labeling them. (DIDN'T!!!) So, I'm planting the most of the varieties I know for certain, what they are, and only planting a few of the mystery tomatoes. It's a struggle to get everything into the ground. Some year, I'll cut back on the number of seeds that I sprout. Some year, I'll learn! But... this was not the year!!!

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
Wonderful garden day. Cool enough to get some work done. I continue to transplant tomatoes. When pulling weeds by the coop, I picked up an old plastic chicken waterer base. Underneath, was a beautiful garter snake, about 12" long. So, I grabbed him to put in the garden. He was a feisty bugger. Would have bit me if I was within biting range. I deposited him in the garden, then... as an after thought, I went back to get his little red snake hut. I set it down near where he was still scoping out the territory. Half an hour later, he was curled up under his snake hut. Since it's a cool day, I hope he'll settle in, and accept the transfer to the new area. Unfortunately, when I transfer reptiles to the garden, they rarely stay.

Chic Rustler

Super Self-Sufficient
May 10, 2017
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Wonderful garden day. Cool enough to get some work done. I continue to transplant tomatoes. When pulling weeds by the coop, I picked up an old plastic chicken waterer base. Underneath, was a beautiful garter snake, about 12" long. So, I grabbed him to put in the garden. He was a feisty bugger. Would have bit me if I was within biting range. I deposited him in the garden, then... as an after thought, I went back to get his little red snake hut. I set it down near where he was still scoping out the territory. Half an hour later, he was curled up under his snake hut. Since it's a cool day, I hope he'll settle in, and accept the transfer to the new area. Unfortunately, when I transfer reptiles to the garden, they rarely stay.
i catch alot of toads off the back porch and move them to the garden. the bugs like the porch light, the toads like the bugs. but a couple have stuck around a while. they like to bury up in the raised beds.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
That's a great idea, Mini. Why didn't I think of that???? I'll have to get right on it! The garden would look good with some illumination, anyways. When I checked on my snake later on, yesterday, he was no where to be found. I especially hate it when the dog or the mower catches those reptiles. Same results, either way.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Epsom salt...snake and slugs, many insects, don't like but, helps if you don't want them around. Plants do like it. Groundhogs do not...coon, skunk are not fans, so a non chemical help for many uses. Plus, if eaten by a pet or livestock, won't be bad as rarely will they eat large amounts. In fact, little they may eat can be helpful. Plus you use it lightly or spray a dilution.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
I use epsom salt with all seedlings, and when ever garden plants look a bit peaked. I also use it when planting tomatoes, peppers, and egg plants, and dose them several times during the growing season, especially at blossom set. I consider it to be too costly to use as an insect repellant. Hubby mixed up a herbicide based on epsom salt, Dawn, and vinegar for poison ivy last summer. The poison ivy just laughed in his general direction and continued it's march to rule my yard. For slugs, I use ducks and Sluggo, which is iron phosphate. Totally harmless to plants and animals, but deathly to slugs.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
Last night I blanched some fiddle heads. Since hubby won't eat them, they were vac sealed in tiny packages. 7 bags for later, and a single container in fridge for now. This week, I need to harvest my spinach. Bumper crop from tiny little 4' rows. I think I'll be freezing that as well, since I don't want to fire up the pressure canner for what will amount to about a qt. of product after the boil down!!! Will replace that planting with Swiss Chard. Have seeded row of that that needs thinning! Sugar snaps are now blooming.
@Chic Rustler put a couple of those solar lights in he garden...
I notice that June bugs fall into a bucket placed under the back door light. I think I should expand on that and place a little tub of water just under the light to collect chicken/duck snacks.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
We went back to that plant nursery this morning. I bought a Baptisia to go at the SE corner of the house where we took out a dying arborvitae last spring. I wanted a tall perennial at that corner, and hope this plant will fill the spot nicely. Of course, I had to buy a few more things as well. They had a nice assortment of perennials @ 1.45 each. So... I couldn't pass up the opportunity to buy some plants that will provide color for years to come. This afternoon, I got the swing set strung up with jute so the Fortex can climb. This is the first year I've got that job accomplished before the beans actually start reaching for the sky! Hubby helped me to put up a CP trellis at the end of the swing set for the Giant Buttercup to grow on. Will grow Butternut on the CP around edges of the garden. I have a few tomatoes left to plant. Need to find a spot for a couple more potatoes, then will turn my attention to the flowers. I hope to get the entire garden mulched with either aged chips or hay this year.