lupinfarm's journal: a pretty little wilderness


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario
roosmom said:
Lupinfarm, I love old houses. There is so much I want to say about your house. But I will just say, I looks really good. They have such character, style and proudness to them.
I can tell ya how to strip that floor real easy if you want. Why are you painting it? Wood floors are so warm.
Love it....keep us updated. If you have any questions just ask us, maybe we can help.
We're painting them cause they're in rough shape, and also the flooring down by my brothers room (right now its like stick on tile) under the plywood and stick on there is more floorboards, but they're the thin strip like ones typical to the late victorian era, and they run in a different direction LOL so we're painting, and then painting... like a farmer would have had, a hallway runner on. If you couldn't afford a rug, you painted it :)

If we get the big barrel sander and it does a good job, smoothing them out, etc, we MAY keep the wood floor look rather than painting, but its all an IF... plus, in the spare room, i don't know if you can see it in the photo, but between the windows on the floor is a big grey patch, that is where a fireplace used to run through, theres a corresponding hole in the ceiling downstairs with bricks in it, it's a huge shame they took the fireplace out but they put that monstrosity of a window in to replace it :( there's a chimney brest in my room, but we're not sure if there is a fireplace behind it, and there was one at the end of my room where the bathroom is now which would have been the cooker for downstairs. There also used to be a woodburner in the living room, which was removed before the last owners moved in and totally neglected the house. We're ambitious people LOL or just crazy, because it's not just the house that needs overhauling, the ice shed was remodled for the chicken coop (cost nearly $3000 to do, but it was worth preserving the history of an 85 year old ice shed (aka refridgerator lol)), the barn needs renovating, we have four or so more fields to fence in, the sacrifice paddock in front of the barn to fence in, the old hackney shed to overhaul, move, and re build, ............. the list goes on and on and on, plus the driveshed to pull straight again and preserve.. turning it into a huge run-in shed for the upper field with a stall and tackroom in it, we also have to pour a new slab for both the garage and barn, build 2 100 sq. ft. dog kennels (we're skirting the building laws here lol, we can do it as long as they're under 108 sq. ft. they will be built from coop plans and adjusted for dogs, just for the summer months when they can be outside full time), re-gravel the driveway, sand the roundpen a bit, fence in the poultry yard, *finish the duck house* which is my current project, AND fence in the grass riding ring up at the house.

Yep... lots to do lol.


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
This post is in response to your post about your ghost on the financial management area.

I am always completely amazed by stories of other presences out and about. I personally have only ever had one experience but would love to come sleep in your haunted room. As long as your current resident is friendly or 'just there" there is no reason to be concerned.
Try placing your fear in another room and vist this room with an open mind and really explore the feelings you get there. You may discover that the fear is unfounded. See if you feel anything mean or troubling or if the feelings are sad, mischevious, loving, or maybe frightened. If you think that you might be afraid what is the possiblility that your famlies presence scares whoever is there. Possibly some reassurance from your family could take care of those feelings.

I know, I know, people think I am off my rocker because I do believe in other worldly spirits. I guess having had one experience personally and KNOWING that it was totally real caused me to do major research for several years.

Spirits from the past are not harmful. They may cause you to hurt yourself trying to get away from them with your own fear but in themselves can not hurt you. Disclaimer: These are my personal beliefs and these conclusions are not scientific.


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
At the isk of offending some, I am going to share this anyway, because it is very important. From a Biblical perspective we are not to speak to the dead, or show any interest in them. They are dead and that is that, they cannot hear you or speak to you, or guide you, or contact you. They are in another place and they cannot cross over. Other things can and can fool you into believing all kinds of things that are lies Yes, there are spirits in the world, I cannot deny that...but they ARE NOT the souls of people who have lived here. Please don't ever be fooled into thinking that. I have had various experiences through my life...I am one of those 'sensitives' who sould be 'psychic' if I open myself to it...which I did and I won't go there:>)
My advice to you, from a Christian AND and experienced perspective, is to claim the blood of Jesus on your property and ask him to cleanse the place of anything that is not of him. And BELIEVE that He did. Pay no attention to these things...they ARE there to cause harm...if not in a physical way, they will draw you away from what is important...following God, and allowing him to be the only spirit that has any impact on your life.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
Disclaimer: These are my personal beliefs and these conclusions are not scientific.

LOL-LOL 2 dream
I laughed that you put a disclaimer on your post..HA HA HA

yea we chatted about this before on the forum....I love the paranormal type stuff. Never had an experience, but do look into these things cause I am fascinated and watch shows that lean toward this, like ghost hunters and such.

But if there is residual energy in the home it is probably never harmful....just the unknown of anything is what gets us hurt just like 2 dream said. We are here. We are now. This is our life and we occupy the space. Claim your space and be fine with that.

Any other type experiences? Older homes sure have their share of life

and remember, everyone has a personal belief on this type of situation. however you feel about it, just run with your own belief system....but it is fun to chat about..LOL


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario
FarmerChick said:
Disclaimer: These are my personal beliefs and these conclusions are not scientific.

LOL-LOL 2 dream
I laughed that you put a disclaimer on your post..HA HA HA

yea we chatted about this before on the forum....I love the paranormal type stuff. Never had an experience, but do look into these things cause I am fascinated and watch shows that lean toward this, like ghost hunters and such.

But if there is residual energy in the home it is probably never harmful....just the unknown of anything is what gets us hurt just like 2 dream said. We are here. We are now. This is our life and we occupy the space. Claim your space and be fine with that.

Any other type experiences? Older homes sure have their share of life

and remember, everyone has a personal belief on this type of situation. however you feel about it, just run with your own belief system....but it is fun to chat about..LOL
LOL LOL I watch paranormal state, and rescue mediums ( 1. because the ladies are fantastic lol, 2. because it is in Canada and I've been close to many of the houses and places they visit).

Because my parents are English and Welsh, my brother and I were always exposed to the ideas that the supernatural can exist, my mum lived in a 18th century farmhouse back in England, which stood on top of an old Roman ruin, and has always taught us that if it bothers you, you can get over it, if not, then just live with it.

We've had other things happen here, everytime we uncover a piece of history about the house, we have odd things happen. It started off with things going missing when I uncovered the original cedar siding on the porch, a screwdriver, or keys, or something would go missing...for days, sometimes weeks, and we'd find them in a spot we hadn't been, like the screwdriver that went missing and was later found in the hay loft of the barn.

We don't believe they're harmful, they're just THERE, stuck in the in between, lonely, wandering.

I love old houses, and history, and the paranormal, everything. It facsinates me a great deal, it always has.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario
2dream said:
This post is in response to your post about your ghost on the financial management area.

I am always completely amazed by stories of other presences out and about. I personally have only ever had one experience but would love to come sleep in your haunted room. As long as your current resident is friendly or 'just there" there is no reason to be concerned.
Try placing your fear in another room and vist this room with an open mind and really explore the feelings you get there. You may discover that the fear is unfounded. See if you feel anything mean or troubling or if the feelings are sad, mischevious, loving, or maybe frightened. If you think that you might be afraid what is the possiblility that your famlies presence scares whoever is there. Possibly some reassurance from your family could take care of those feelings.

I know, I know, people think I am off my rocker because I do believe in other worldly spirits. I guess having had one experience personally and KNOWING that it was totally real caused me to do major research for several years.

Spirits from the past are not harmful. They may cause you to hurt yourself trying to get away from them with your own fear but in themselves can not hurt you. Disclaimer: These are my personal beliefs and these conclusions are not scientific.
I don't think I'm SCARED of what it is, It just makes me uncomfortable being in there a lone. Clearly I am going to have to live with it, as in about 2 weeks I will be moving out of my bedroom while the floor is sanded and moving into the north bedroom until my room is painted, the floor sanded, etc.

I embrace the paranormal, and those left behind, because in reality when you face all the facts, when these people disappear from our streets, and their familiy disappears, what else is left to distinguish them from another faceless soul? This ghostly encounter gives them a face, an identity, and they are no longer forgotten.

I'm going to the Historical society and to the county Library over the Chrimbo Holls to see what I can find out about the property, so far though we have encountered at least two 'people,' an older man, who smokes cigars, and a woman who walks up and down the stairs (and by stairs, what I mean is... the stairs in the kitchen, which you can see if you go back in my journal to the photos, were not always there, they were moved from where the office is right now, sometime in the 80s, there is an outline of the stairs in the floor of my room, which we thought we'd plank in with floorboards to keep that little bit of history, I hear footsteps on those 'stairs,' at night and occasionally during the day), as well as the distinct scent of Lily of the valley, a plant we do not have on the property, aside from one small plant that we found while renovating the old ice shed, it was being smothered by a jungle of weeds and had not flowered, and since it is winter, is not flowering.

I knew something was up when one of our puppy buyers came with his sister and daughter, and the sister said she could smell Lily of the valley, these are people who had never been to our property, and did not know of the weird things that had been happening. She said she sensed a woman, and the Lily of the valley was her scent, or favourite flower, etc. The footsteps and scent had been happening for at least a few weeks prior to this moment, and all those weird things increased in frequency after we restored the front porch to the original open air covered porch.


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
I am glad that your house has you and your family. People to understand and try and find out what all has happened in its rooms and hallways over the years.
Even the leaf blowing in the wind has something to tell us. All we have to do is listen and pay attention. It may tell us nothing but which way the wind is blowing but it still has a story.

I do know that not very many people feel as I do. And that is perfectly ok. No two people are going to think the exact same thing on any subject. If they did husbands and wives would not argue, there would be no need for wars to be fought over so many different issues. And not to hijack your journal but to respond to Morel. There are indeed many evil spirits about. That was one reason I ask you to sit with an open mind. To see what feelings you might get. Now that I know you have taken all this into consideration and are dealing with this in a way that works for you I feel much better.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
well you sound quite comfortable with all this happening and that is a great thing.

I love that show paranormal state. they have some woozeys happening..LOL

I saw the rescue mediums a few times. I think it is missing in the tv lineup now, at least I can't seem to find it and that is cool you know where some of those homes are.

they say when you renovate an older home you can stir things up...who knows right?

Lily of the Valley---wow...that is one of my fav scents. Just heavenly fragrance! :)


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Here's another take on it....old houses have odd noises and smells! I have lived in several and they all have their own creaks, sighs, thuds and shuffles. As for smells? Yep!

I'm with Morel on this one....there are angels and demons on this Earth, of this we know from the Bible. Ghosts of humans past? Don't give the stories any house, you know what I mean! :lol:

The only thing to fear is fear itself! Yep...I made that one up...that was me, no matter what anyone else claims! :D :lol: :p


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
Springbrook, Ontario
Unfortunately, or fortunately...however you look at it, I'm not religious, haven't been for many years now, there are some traumatic things that religion can't fix, if you dig me. I know old houses have odd smells, etc. I won't try to convince you, but there is no possible way for the house to have smelt like Lily of the valley, it's honestly impossible. The front door used to whistle, but that was only because the wind rushed through it at night, we replaced it. But again, I'm not religious, and I do believe that in special cases people are left behind, I don't believe in a heaven or a hell per se, I just believe that there is somewhere else, and while our souls go elsewhere, in reality our bodies just end up worm food in the ground.

Religion is a very touchy subject, but I WILL say... before my dad's brain tumor diagnosis I spent all and every sunday morning at St. Josephs church, I didn't go to the easter mass, or anything special, but after my dad was diagnosed I felt betrayed, he was given 6 months to live, and I was only 9, he lost all feeling in his right side, and had to have two brain biopsies and months of Chemo. However, the Reay's are never willing to die lol, and my dad is still living almost 12 years later. I don't believe god has anything to do with his survival, just that his cancer was caught earlier enough, and it was just a fluke. Sometimes I still feel betrayed by god, when you're young and you put so much trust in something you can't see, or hear, or understand, and something happens that is beyond your control, you feel different, betrayed, and it's horrible.

ANYHOWWWWW, I love everyone's take on the supernatural/paranormal, it's very interesting :) I suppose I believe in things that are 'bad,' and , ' good, ' but I won't say I believe in Angels or Demons. Once my horse saved my mums life, it was not an angel, it was just a horse that felt it's master or owner was in danger. My mum worked at a large riding stable where she turned in and out 45 horses every day, two of which were ours boarded there. In the winter months the horses would charge the gate opening, and the ice made it incredibly dangerous. One day, she went to bring them in and the biggest horses (Mandarin, an 18hh traditional warhorse type Hanovarian and Skip a very large foundation QH) charged the gate with the others in tow, our horse Pal a HaflingerXBelgian put himself in the line of fire, walking straight infront of them guarding my mum from the horses running at her.

LOL now I realize that has nothing to do with the paranomal, but what the hey... you got a story out of it anyway :)