Obama will be speaking to all the school children of America this week


Sourdough Slave
Oct 30, 2008
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reinbeau said:
When I was doing my gardening business I was too tired to keep up my own place, but working outdoors beats a desk job any time.
I totally agree with you.

Like I said, I would work a farm job, but I don't think most Americans are cut out for it. I recently found out that about 1/3 of my generation and younger are living with their parents! That, I'm afraid, is a more typical solution that young people are seeking to the current economy. If 1/3 are going back to live with their parents, how many of the remaining 2/3 are choosing to work in the fields? My guess is most of the rest have desk jobs or are working in the "service economy." And yes, I'm guessing.
Jan 24, 2009
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Actually a lot of illegals have gone back to Mexico. It is not widely publicized but the current administration is enforcing the immigration laws to a much larger degree than the prior admin ever did. Employers are being held accountable for having illegals working for them and as a result tey are being more diligent about being sure everybody has a ss card ven if it is stolen. They are also sending illegals home when hey get busted for minor offenses. If an illegal has a social security card it means they are paying taxes and Fica. So the only free program they are sucking on is emergency rooms and the education system.

As far as Americans picking that lettuce for 5.00 an hour. I doubt you'll see much of that. Call it whatever you want, but most Americans aren't going to bend over for 8 to 10 hours a day picking crops. 100 years ago yes. Now? No way. Sure, some will. Those illegals are some of the hardest workers I've ever seen. I guess they just have a better work ethic. They know what it is to actually be starving.

The real problem with illegals are the jobs that Americans have been traditionally over paid at. Things like drywall and roofing. Semi low skill jobs that they really excell at with their good work ethic. Drywallers used to make ain the 18.00 an hour range. Illegals will do it for 8.00 an hour and get it done in half the time. It's no wonder that contractors higher them whenever they can.


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
You can shade the argument anyway you want, BD, but the facts are there isn't more enforcement going on on the federal level at all, perhaps by specific states - but they're going home because the economy is in the tank here, and it isn't profitable for them to stay. Why are you ignoring what I've said about workers around here? They're white Americans. Even my son's friends work on a local farm, they're 24-26 year olds. That's all the work they can get right now (thankfully my son is working as an electrician's apprentice and is employed - for the moment). I don't know where you live, or how much farming is done near you, here in MA it's a growing field, and up in Maine, it's still pretty big. For the East Coast. The most employment around here now for illegals is still house cleaning, office cleaning, etc. but that's drying up, too. We get mainly Brazilians around here, they're nice, hard working people, but still illegal.


Recycled Spunk
Dec 1, 2008
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I live in a strong agricultural area. We have the majority of agricultural acreage dedicated to landscape plants. A huge number of green card migrants work these nursery jobs.

There is a new problem of displaced workers who are US citizens applying for these same jobs. They are former office managers, lab techs, offset press operators, you name it and they are being turned away because the nursery owners filled the positions with migrants.

We have employment agencies from the next county over attempting to send these people who need the jobs to keep their homes and pay property taxes to our nurseries.
I realize that if the economy gets better these office workers, etc. will quit in a second to work their preferred job. The fact remains that they are not able to get the lower wage field jobs because seasonal non US citizens are filling them.

My Dh's first job was digging trees for a local nursery when he was 15. The high school kids don't have a shot at these jobs anymore because they are filled with migrants. I see more migrants now than I did 10 years ago, by a large apparent margin.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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yea I saw in an article somewhere that said the illegals were heading back to Mexico for the time being---cause of our crappy economy.

Gee--fair weather people huh?

I think alot of it has to definitely do with location.
And the type of cities are near you etc. I just don't see tons of LA and Hollywood people fighting to get into the fields.

But near me, sure workers are mainly whites and a few of the latino types working the seasonal apple orchards etc.

I agree with Quail.....what is wrong with working!

When that unemployment wears out and you have nothing, a job a the local store or burger king or janitor or whatever the heck you can get---2-3 jobs if needed...YOU DO!! This would never be questioned in the older times. You worked! And hard and earned every dime.

now, show me the money first, oh not enough...see ya! Even in extreme terrible financial times people won't do what they should. Ugh


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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I am against illegals, from anywhere.

I am never against someone coming from wherever and become LEGAL---TAX-PAYING citizens.

You want to be here, you pony up the cash to support the system you so desperately want to live!!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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There's NO SHAME in asking someone, "Want fries with that" because it's an HONEST job.

You know, McDonald's does offer benefits to full time employees and their managers are paid fairly well!

Not bad for fast food.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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yea I heard that...even the fast food places are offering actual liveable decent companies to work!

Of course the lowest fry cook or whoever probably isn't happy with their pay....but one thing, jobs turn over alot and overtimes is basically always offered....that means more money per hour.

I go to Hardees down here cause Nicole loves their gravy biscuits. When we go I chat with a lady I know working there...a long time. She said she loves the "kids" leaving cause all that means overtime for her and at a good pay!! :)

I might not eat the food to support it mostly, but I say good for them!!:)