Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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So glad your stuff is on its way! Prayers said for a safe and uneventful journey home!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks its a huge relif to know that my stuff is now safely packed and soon to be on its way...havent recived a call from the depot thogh to confirm the space...*grumbles*
Oh well.

i set up my tv and internet today should get an email tomorrow with a confo number, then i call them and tell them that i need instalation on or after the 15th due to that whole not being there untill friday evening part lol.
i get a $50 gift card for signing up...yay, thatll go towards my new fridge!, an additional $5 off my bill once i link my celpone account to it...woot there too! and i might get an additional 18% off the whole thing if dads corporate discount (which i can use legally) applies to internet and tv too, but i have to talk to customer service about those.

talked to the bank...
that ones going to be fun.
i cant cancel my next direct deposit check in time so i cant close the account untill nov 3rd...whihc ill deal with, i can close the account over the phone but i have to zero out the balance ill either have to find an ATM and pay the fee, or write myself an online check to my new address for the balance of the account, wait till it arrives, deposit it in my new account wait for it to clear then call them and close the account...
wuite honestly despite it sounding more complicated, i think ill probbaly do it that way LOL.

sorted my direct deposit out for the future and untill i tell them diferently theyll be sending a physical check directly to my new address for each one after november 3rd...yup it takes that long for the system to process!

been a busy day...
making tilapia for dinner, im excited, i like Tilapia!
and after dinner...i think im going to have a HOT bath to soothe my back which is currently calling me all kinds of horrible names lol.
and going to bed godess im tired!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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aparently things just arnt planning on being smooth for this one...

so after being told by about 8 different people that dslwas availabe at my new adress and geting all signed up to have everything installed i now find out it is NOT available...
*head desk* it resulted in baout 3 hours on the phone to try and figure this out, and me getting tearfully frustrated again. yup, shoot me now.

so now im back to square one on the internet search...

ive got a few options.

option 1: stay screw it and get a home phone and a dial up connection. the upside to this is its the cheapest option and dial up IS available for certain. the downside is its not exactly fast (56K with a 758kbps) and id have to plug my laptop in whenever i wanted to check the internet, not to meniton paying $20 a month for a phone i cant see myself using often...what constitues as "local" calling, town, county? a 100 mile radus, its not too bad if it coveres the areas i cn se emyself having to call for bills ect, but if not...i dont realy know anyone "local"...BUT the upside is its in its semi reliable and its a little friendlier on the budget. and i wouldnt have to worry about skype speed because the parents can call me for free from thier vonage phone on the land line...

option 2: limit myself to 5G a month at $50 for the privledge and go with a wireless hotspot...
Downside, its expensive and i have to be very carefull about my internet not even sure how id track how much im using it...the upside is its wireless and i could use it anywhere form home and away...

option 3: satalite internet...its the most expensive choice, about as fast as low mid level DSL (which honeslty isnt much faster than the dial up lol). the down side is its more expsnvie, not only monthly but has additional cost for equiptment...the upside is well i honestly cant see one other than being able to use my laptop online wirelessly.

right now dial up is winning as theres a company called localnet that is NO contract...and at some point in the semi neer futire a company called whisper (a tower based system)is comming in which is a better choice than satalite too...(there in the midst of building the tower servicing the are now aprently and it could be 2 weeks to 2 months before its online...

im also looking into other local phone companies ot see if anyone could do me a better deal than $20 a month for local calling...


Sustainable Newbie
Apr 25, 2011
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Your option 4 would be with a cell data/wifi reseller. I had internet service for 2 years through Sprint and Verizon with a company called Millenicom.
There are a few different plans from the basic like the cell company provides to a 79/mo unlimited access plan.
The first plan I got was byod (bring your own device) where I bought an aircard that would work on sprints network and they provided the access. For my second plan I purchased an aircard from Millenicom for use on the Verizon network.

If you go to the Sprint and/or Verizon webpages, you can see if you are in their data (3G) coverage area and if so check them out.
I would post a link but can't because I'm new. google is your friend :)

fwiw: There are other resellers out there, I just used this companies service for a long time and had NO issues whatsoever. It is faster than dialup and much more stable than satellite internet.

gl on your move


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thanks, the cheapest one of those i could find was $70 a month and ontop of everything else thats just not an option for my budget.

gone with a basic home phone from ATT, and a cheap LOCAL dial up internet company (att wanted $25 a month for dial up (plus taxes and fees), localnet wants $14.95 inc everything...with NO contract...) once whisper is up and running ill make the switch to them for essentially the same service that ipads and such run off..(tower based) no realy equiptment fees but just as fast as satalite.
since i have a home phone and the parents have vonage they can call me for free whenever they want so that works out well enough and 56K is officially fast enough to skype if i realy wanted to...have to deal with the dial up dundrums, but i figure once things get moving how often am i realy going to be online anyway...check in once a day and ta-da done.

reserved my motel room for tomorrow night...need to make a run to the bank and chang some of the cash for the tolls...
then set up my "in the car" bag and i also need a walmart stop for space bags for my case... *deep breath*

im leaving tomorrow morning! this is it folks!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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ok, prepping for tomorrow, i have cash for the tolls and the motel room reserved, my gastank is full, and i had an oilchange last week...
need to re-pack the case, clean the birds cages and cats litterbox, repack my "on the road" bag with snacks/food, charge my old cellphone (always good to have a backup cell)

what am i forgetting?!
i feel like im going to forget everything lol.
gonna pack the car tonight with everything but the critters so i can be on the road by 7am...hoping to drive 5 hours before a lunch/potty break, then another 5 to the motel. (3 different online mappers have it as anythign from a 9 hour to a 10 hour trip...
then set out the next morning and repeat, should be at the new house by late afternoon on friday.

i do have a back up motel a little closer to CT should i get held up, or too tired, but id rather just buckle down and get there.
gonna have dad run it through his route planner again with the motel stop and see what it has to say about it all and we'll go from there. but otherwise,i think were good to go...
this is actually happening!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Hope it all works out for you now!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 2, 2011
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pinkfox said:
ok, prepping for tomorrow, i have cash for the tolls and the motel room reserved, my gastank is full, and i had an oilchange last week...
need to re-pack the case, clean the birds cages and cats litterbox, repack my "on the road" bag with snacks/food, charge my old cellphone (always good to have a backup cell)

what am i forgetting?!
i feel like im going to forget everything lol.
gonna pack the car tonight with everything but the critters so i can be on the road by 7am...hoping to drive 5 hours before a lunch/potty break, then another 5 to the motel. (3 different online mappers have it as anythign from a 9 hour to a 10 hour trip...
then set out the next morning and repeat, should be at the new house by late afternoon on friday.

i do have a back up motel a little closer to CT should i get held up, or too tired, but id rather just buckle down and get there.
gonna have dad run it through his route planner again with the motel stop and see what it has to say about it all and we'll go from there. but otherwise,i think were good to go...
this is actually happening!