Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
It looks GREAT! and it will be so much easier to clean than just a painted wall!

I grew up in an old (100 years +) home, and one of the things I loved about it was that in the kitchen, all the walls were covered with "milk glass" (opaque white glass) from the floor to about 5 feet. It made keeping the walls clean so easy- splashed on foods and grease just wiped off. I can just imagine how expensive doing that in a modern kitchen would be, lol


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
You done good, girl!

Ummm, I kinda sorta have one last project left in my kitchen before it's totally finished...Guess what it is? Now that you have practice you could probably knock mine out really quickly! ;)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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lol go with mosaic if you can afford it or find a cheap one. it reduces hving to cut tile lol. the smaller the tile the easier it is, since the hardest part is the cuts around fixtures ect, the mosaics are mesh backed so you just cut he holes as needed using the lines ect lol.
I realy don't like cutting tile and I only have a little hand cutter...if you've ot a tile saw, SOOO much easier. but honeslty I kinda enjoy doing the tile stuff...the cuts suck but the goopy and the putting them up and seeing it coming together, LOVE it!

I should have eough mastic to do the countertop for the bathroom vanity and mabe even enough left to do some crafty stuff...I love those gazing bals but there so expensive...thinking about making my own with broken dishes ect. :)

till got a lot of tiling to do,i want to tile the bathroom floor, and tile around the shower and the vanity counter top and backsplash.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I actually have a tile saw - but with the mosaics, I don't think I'd even need it. My whole hold-up is just deciding what I want!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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that was part of my issue lol.
I had an idea of the color scheme and what I wanted to aim for but

started the grout...ran out of grout about 1/3rd the way through...DOH! ifeel silly, but it doesnt give you coverage amounts on the little and it was the same sized tub s the adhesive which covered 15-30 sqft (depending on trowel notch size) well...shouldn't have assumed LOL!.
but I did what I could and now just need to get more to do the rest.
oh well mandatory rest period I guess lol.

mabe ill take a sleepy!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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gouting grouting getting finished grouting! lol.
ran out of grout yesterday, growly miscalculated, so picked some more up lastnight, got a big bag, and it should be enough to do the bathroom tile too :)
got the oven wall done, ust giving it time to "haze" then itll get sponged, then spinged again then about 15 ins to dry then polished with cheesecloth...then ican put the oven ack, move the toaster oven ck and clear off the sink side countertop and do that wall (which shouldn't take long at all!)
its looking nice :)

fiished up my morning chores to come round the corner to see the local PD offering tweedle dumber (neighbor jr.) some shiney new bracelets and a ride in their car.
I swear they pick him up once a quarter!
theyneed to instill a quota, that they get to keep him after so many times...would save them a fortune on gas and time comingout here every 3 months LOL!
no idea what they have him for this time but I doubt hell be gone much more than 24 hours max.

once the tiling is done and my kitchen back together I might break out the paint...ive got 1 cabinate I didnt finnish painting above the fridge so its still mustard yellow and it needs to be white.

im not going to touch up the walls just yet since I still want to pick up the black top strip to finnish it all off. once those are in and then ill come ac and give the whole kitchen a second coat of wall color.
im also now looking into cheapessiciemt ways to refinish the coutrtop, I could ust replace...I afterall only have about 8ft worth, but it would mean cutting in for the sinkwhich is tricky...
ilooked at those rustoleum counter top kits...$300 heck I could probaly have granite instaled for that lol
ive seen painted countertops that look realy nice though so that might be an option and would be relitivly inexpensive. primer coat, detail color and a pour on epoxy and tada, probably a $50 project that I think would makea world of difference.
add to that then refinishing the apliaces, or atleast the fridge asid like toreplace the stove) the kitchen would look brand new!

as you can see my ocd has shifted base lol.
goago polish this wall soi can move on to the next :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
And soooo....



gonna end up spending the rest of the day cleaning the kitchen now, need to remove trash, do dishes and clean the floor as theres grout powder all over the place thanks to one Ms Dusty. lol.

but im relay happy with how it came out.
and in all honesty the countertop realy doens tlook that bad, so mabe ill refrain from re-doing it until all the other jobs are done :)
ive still got major work to doputting shelving INTO the bottom cabinates so ive got more usable room (right now its ust 1 big long open box that runs the full length of counter, no shelve,s no dividers between im going to beinstalling pullout systems since they can bolt to the floor, cabinate by cabinate as i can afford.
itlltake a while, but right now eveythings just piled in under there and its not working well lol. id have plenty of room for everything if I had some shelves in there LOL!.

so yeah.
proud of myself, and now I think its lunch time..then cleaning time.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
thank you :)
I painted the pot myself :)
I want to bring more red in as that splash of color now, the soft green with the crisp white Is nice but it needs that something extra to bring it to life so im thinking red and sunny yellow to bring in that "Pop"


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
well I have a cold...or mabe its allergies..i wouldn't know because ive never had allergies before.
ll siussy and sore thoaty and YUCK :/
but life moves on!

modem died on Saturday...called charter, told em it wouldn't power up. no problems I could either take it in or wit for a service call weds...
took it in.
while on the phone I asked her if there were any current promotions that might lower the bill...and yup!
I now get DOUBLE the speed (was 15meg, now 30) and no rental fee on the modem for $5 a month less than I was paying before. $5 may seem piddly but I got Better for less. people have said some nasty things aboutcharter but ive had NO issues with teir internet dept at least.
I walked in today told her it wasn't working and immediately no questions asked she got me sorted with a new box.
got home, set up router, wouldn't let me connect called the tech support dept and within 5 mins everything was set up and working!

with no internet I spent last night watching season 1 of more current Dr.Who series. 6 episodes down, only 7 more left...I LOVE dr.who, always have always im rewatching thigns ive already seen, but I think you forget if its been long enough.
only problem is I don't own season 2...gonna have to put it on my Christmas list!

Saturday whent to an auction with E. he was going very specifically for bottle calves...I wanted to take a look for backyard bug control and since they don't make flightless guinea I was looking for either silkies or banty cochins.
I got a STEAL on a beautiful proven group of 4 banty mottled cochins, and then later E surprised me with a banty partridge hen whod bene in a mixed lot she actualy whent off and bought her off the guy that bought the whole batch lol.
they are currently holed up in the greenhouse with a gate across the oor to keep em in and air flowing and seem quite happy.
some point this week im going to demo the old rabit hutches then haul little red coop #2 into the back yard and the roll of partially destyed fencing form the back field upto make a small pen. I probably wont even use all the fecing...just want a small yard for them when im not home ect. they'll be in the fenced in backyard romaing the ret of the time.
there cute but make my young standard partridge cochins look even bigger lol.

Clyde whent to his new home yesterday too, I decided I couldn't feed 2 rapdly growing pry pups, especially since my future service dog should be old enough to come home very soon. hes gone to go be a chicken protector on a good sized plot of land with an older female pyr.
mbe once bonny is older I might get a 2nd to partner her with, but for now, she seems quite content not having to fight clyde for the food bowls lol.

otherwise not much going on around here.

mum and dad are officially NJ 5 acre home owners, they siged Friday, so probably coming to see me end of sept-beg of oct...and well probably spen a couple days neer the end taking a look at land for sale...gonna try and narrow down some areas for them, thinking north,closer to the nanchez trce park and Nashville (more boatable water up that direction) but we'll see.

and yeah, that's about alli got.
planning for next moths projects.
want to build the raised bed in the side yard, build the duck pen need the rabbitry and get them moved, and finnish the quail cages.
id also like to get the guest bedroom painted and the craft desk installed before the parentals come to visit and either replace the floor, or, at minimum hire a carpet cleaner for a couple days, its in serious need of help :sick

oh and I found out one of my fave places to buy tropical fish closed down...:( now im stuckwith buying fish from petco and petsmart unless I order online.