Pink Fox: its Raining...IN MY HOUSE! :/


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
Problem is, because you keep going THROUGH the pain, they figure you must not really hurt as bad as they do. Been there.

there's a lot of herbs that help with different types of pain. Nettle tea works well for us, and now I'm experimenting with turmeric.

Please be careful. What will happen to all the animals and plants that depend on you if you should go into a full fledged attack? I remember it happened to me once; I literally could not even get out of bed to use the bathroom-- had to use Depends for 3 weeks and my young son had to clean me up (not something I ever wanted to inflict on a young boy)


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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I know, you are 100% correct, (plus they just generally don't get it...depression comes up and its very much a "well just try and be happy" anxiety/social issues come up "well if you just got out more"...its an ongoing battle to get them to see that just because I don't let them se my cry doesn't mean I don't...
if I don't do it no one else will.
dad, at least, is appreciative even if he only says so after a glass of whiskey.
I did get to do something I realy kinda enjoyed yesterday, I spackled the entire was like icing a cake on a big giant scale...did NOT enjoy the sanding part...but id happily spackle all day, was kind of zen and its the stuff that goes on pink so it was realy fun...the walls were so bad that the entire kitchen had a pink shene to it until fully dry...but I did what dad thought impossible, the walls are smooth as dang glass right now...he realy thought wed have to start replacing sheetrock they were THAT bad.
im seeing a close end to my work at least. still need the bathroom downstars scrubing and spackling, and mum and dads bathroom needs completely stripping down, but since I highly doubt dad will get round to painting any of those spaces before the end of the weekend (he took this week off to get this stuff done) im not going ot kill myself any further to rush them out...and im planning on giving sister a soapy rag and making HER scrub the downstairs bathroom walls...she did nothing yesterday...

dads working on the hallway today, I think were going to go to town later and check out tile for the itchen backsplash and look at flooring options, so ive measured up for the wall tile at least...still need to measure the floor but my tapes not big enough lol.

ive managed to get my usual morning chores done and have milk in the crockpot for yogurt...
got another 1/2 gal going in tomorrow morning to double strain for greek for dad and another gallon im planning on turning into fromage blanc to eventually turn into a low carb cheesecake.
mum buys deserts all the time that I cant have (she seems to forget that if theres ANY form of sugar in it its not low carb) so I want to make some little single serving cheesecakes that I can freeze individually and pull out on desert days...
oh and I built brothers desk too...
but to be honest I think that's about all im gonna get done today.

got up this morning to the first thigns out of my mums mouth (after id done all the morning chores butnot yet had my coffee) were "(brothers) bed cant go there, doesn't give him any sall space for book cases...and why hasn't the duck pool water been changed yet?" (I scrubbed the pool yesterday and she doesn't seem to grasp the concept that ducks are its not on my "NEED" to do list since thye have a big bucket of clean DRINKIGN water and that's just for them to splash in...
no good morning, no how ou feeling, just immediate issues....
I put the bed where brother wanted the bed...theres things called WALL shelves which if hung in joists would be MUCH sturdier than any bookcases available on the market today...why do we need to move the bed to BLOCK the window and to go buy expensive book cases made of particleboard rom china when we can put up an adjustable industrial strength track system and use heavy duty brakets and real wood shelves for the same kind of price and have him able to move and adjust to fit everything perfectly?
I hate the idea of a bed infront of the window (and heater) as it is...but to be slammed with it first thing in the moring before coffee is like WHA TEH?! I put the bed where HE said he wanted it...theres plenty of wallspace for shelves...just not for bookcases without some modifications...

anywho...that's not happy posting, that's the not feeling good speaking, happy sunshine and lollipops and stuff...
gnna go get stuffs done.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
And we have broad virtual shoulders for you on those days when you can't find any happy sunshine and lollipops to write about....:hugs


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Hmmmm....might be time for you to dole out some tough love here, Pink. Why in the world are you building desks and moving the bed in your brothers room????? He's able bodied, right? (if not, I apologize in advance...) Does he have an outside job? Is there some reason why he can't do these things himself? Just seems like you are taking on an inordinate amount of the work and not getting much appreciation for all your efforts.

Maybe you SHOULD throw an all out, girly, crying fit right in front of all of them!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
hes physically disabled, he tries to help (and did help me move his bed) and I do what I can to encourage and even direct so he can do things himself (I try not to baby him like the rest of the family, because I know hes perfectly capable of a lot more than others seem to think...hes also smart and DOES take advantage of I cant im disabled" a I tell him "me too nw hop to" but with the desk he wa sin bed mum was doing her usual got to get this and this and this done, and I just said screw it, it was the easiest job on the list at the time lol

dad is at least showing a level of appreciation comfortable to him lol.
and we ARE making is getting painted today and we are almost finished, I ripped the backsplash out while dad did the ceiling paint then I spackled the gouge holes where the backspash had been glued while dad started on the im pretty much just on coffee and rag duty while he does the majority of the paint...I just occasionally grab the little brush for any shine throughs.
its drying very nicely so were both hopefull 1 coat will be enough.
were not gonna get the backspash done tonight obviously, but its progress and good progress

though I think even dad was a little bugged by my sisters complete lack of help yesterday, (shes working today) and mum and brothers complete lack of Interest in even asking if we needed help...
least im not the only one seeing it now...

anywho...things ARE moving along, its looking good, cant wait to see it with the new backspash, were also going to be tiling the floor, but that will come later...and then new counters will wait until next year, they arnt in bad shape and will probably actuallylook nice with everything else done since they'll match the floor tile color.

I am about 6" from a mini breakdown though lol, it wouldn't take much for the snap.

the good news though.
we are adding Doe #4 Demeter, to our herd, shes a first freshner pure Nigerian, and milking 1 1/2 lbs a milking :)
I go to pick her up tomorrow.
yes its 1 more thing for me to do each morning and night, but it doesn't take me long to milk, and this girls good on the stand too, and we are using the milk.
hoping to breed both her and Ruthie in the Fall, ruthie to Frodo and Demi to Bilbo, thatll give me them refreshning in the spring then merry and pippin will be ready to breed fall 2015.
looking to add 2 more does too, would love a total fo 3 mini nubs and 3 nigi...that should give me a good ratio.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Oh boy, I apologize! I hope I didn't sound too harsh, but that does explain things.

On the other hand - it also sounds like progress is being made! And that's a good thing. Hope you're getting lots of before and after pictures.

Don't you just love milking? I can't imagine ever going back to cow milk, especially commercial cow milk - UGH. Congrats on the new doe! We need PICS!

p.s. take a break girl! Disappear for a couple hours - hide in the pasture - float in the pool - or just take a nap! You're working yourself soooo hard!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I sometimes look at Gidget and wish I could have bred her. She's a Nigerian dwarf cross, and has nice sized teats. I would love to get away from store bought milk.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
You accomplish more than almost anybody I know of! I have good days but your days are all the time! Hang in there. We don't mind a grump session every now and then. It happens to all if us!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score

our new girl
Flowering Tree Demeter "Demi" for short.
shes Super cute and very sweet, a little spooked right now but even so once I got her on the stand she stood and let me milk her...caustiously, but let me. I didn't milk her completely dry (shes not used to being milked twice a day her old people were milking her morning only) but even still I took a good 1/2 pint in no time flat.
her nipples are a little small, theres no chance my dad could milk her, its gonna be a 2 inger kind of job but the flow is nice an her attatchment is beautiful too. just a little practice with my aim on the smaller teats and I think itll be just fine :D

I isolated her this afternoon once we got home then put her in with Ruthie at bedtime and she seems to be happier now with a buddy.
love her! and full registration too :D

getting her was interesting, tomtom decided the fastest route would be to add almost 40 miles to the rip and go down the took 2 hours...
on the way home I changed the route and it not only saved me that almost 40 miles but about 20 mins too...would have saved me more but there was construction on the highway AND some CRAZY weather.

rain started POURING...guy in front of me had no lights on, couldn't see anything even with other cars with their lights on so on whent the hazards then it got WORSE so I just flat out pulled as far over onto the hard shoulder as I could safely and waited (just so happened that it was rught under a large
cop pulled in behind me to make sure I was ok...
the convo whent something like "is everything ok miss?" me "yeah I just couldn't see enough to feel safe driving" him "i think that's the most intelligent thing ive ever heard...oh my goodness that's a beautiful Do....g...uh, that's not a dog..." me "no sir its my new goat" him "ive always wanted a goat " me "im not breaking any law waiting out this rain right here am I?" him "no, besides, much better for you to wait and be safe than risk an accident, just keep your hazards on" and off he whent...

then a little later I got stopped again, this time by a large black bear who stepped out of the trees (thankfully I was going super slow and could stop intime) she literally wandered right infront of my car (im pretty sure she was BIGGER than my car) she looked in the window looked at me for a few mins before wandering off. BEAUTIFUL
was definatly an adventure, but im aching and exhausted now so I think im going to go climb into bed and clal it a night.
got to re-figure the routein in the morning to manage 2 does lol.