Stocking Up, Putting Back, Prepping = Paranoia?


Power Conserver
Jan 21, 2011
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I LOVE this discussion...and see it started a Looooong time ago. And my brother is a ridiculous over consumer, know it all, no well as his whole family and I struggle with this idea too if I would turn them away. Both hubby and I are called crazy by our families but you know this is the first place they would ALL run. We are new preppers but work very hard with the $ we have. It is so expensive to store up! Im rural but am nervous about my proximity-only 20 miles-to a million people. Sigh. Not in a position to go farther right now. Im glad you are all here. Makes me feel less nuts.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 18, 2010
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eggrookie2010 said:
I LOVE this discussion...and see it started a Looooong time ago. And my brother is a ridiculous over consumer, know it all, no well as his whole family and I struggle with this idea too if I would turn them away. Both hubby and I are called crazy by our families but you know this is the first place they would ALL run. We are new preppers but work very hard with the $ we have. It is so expensive to store up! Im rural but am nervous about my proximity-only 20 miles-to a million people. Sigh. Not in a position to go farther right now. Im glad you are all here. Makes me feel less nuts.
Eggrookie - I think it would be perfectly OK if you informedd your brother and his family that you do not stock up on enough to take care of him. You might consider suggesting to him (them) that they find ssomewhere else to go if the SHTF. Do it in a friendly manor and try not to stir up hard feelings but also be firm and stick to your guns.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 18, 2011
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Southern NM
I've told those that say "I'm coming to your house" that they better show up with plenty of food and be ready to work hard. The animal pens don't clean themselves don't ya know. That always gets them because they don't want to go outside with those "nasty" animals. Especially the pig. He's the cleanest one on the place! One potty corner and the rest of his pen is clean.


Power Conserver
Jan 21, 2011
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Yeah thats just it! I work H*A*R*D and I like it just fine. I like the business. I like the end result. MOST people I know think we are nutty because we like it that way and they DO say they would show up here. Hey this isnt the Beverly Hilton. Im not your servant either.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 18, 2011
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Southern NM
My mother-in-law spent her entire youth trying to get off the farm and just doesn't understand why we are trying to get ON the farm. She would be one of the first here but she wouldn't be a lay about. All that early training on the farm has her "doing" all day.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
My closest friend claims when her family talks about hard times coming and every man for himself TSHTF situation....she says,"I tell you what; Rhoda will survive." Then she tells them, she is coming visit me when she runs outta food. I just tell her......"Yeah, I'm sure I can spare a plate of beans, especially if a good friend has showed up to help me pluck a few chickens." She figures its better than starving. What I'd like to see is more people tending to themselves, cuz things are getting kinda tight......slowly but surely.


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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Perhaps you might spend some well planned time explaining what will happen if they DO show up! From what I see there are only two choices for folks who "show up"at your place when they run out of food and wander out looking for a hand.

The first approach is to explain that you have carefully planned your resources to be able to care for those whom you love;family being your highest priority and that anyone who figures they are coming for a handout will get only ONE HANDOUT after which they will be expected to MOVE ON and not return. Since you mentioned the grasshopper and the ant, it will be important to remind them that it is easier to shoot a grasshopper than attempt to feed them all. I like the question " help me understand what you are thinking so I will know to shoot you after you have eaten my food or shoot you before you attempt to freeload?"

The other approach is to be very clear that anyone who shows up empty handed will not be welcomed. If they come to work and bring tools or resources that will enhance the survival of all, they will be welcomed and be allowed to stay as long as they are not a drain on the system. They either contribute to the survival system or they will be sent packing. Or in more serious circumstances, JUST SHOT!

Worded simply "you don't work, you don't eat!" if they are offended by that philosophy be sure to tell them to forget the way To your house and start looking in another direction immediately. Remember to explain that a parasite will consume the resources of the host until those resources are completely depleted and the host dies after which the parasite that continues to live simply moves to find another host and start the cycle all over again! That is why we make great effort to kill the parasite before it kills the host.

Once they understand your philosophy, you can let them decide how much serious consideration they might wish to put in to taking some affirmative action now before it becomes necessary to put YOUR philosophy into action. You might also remind them that on any ship, any and all mutineers are usually hanged from the yardarm just in case they want to come and complain about the manner in which you provide the resources and the manner in which you manage them!

It may sound harsh, but it will get them thinking about being a bit more proactive in making their own preparations. Tell them to be sure to have "oil in their lamps for when the wedding guest arrives!". If they don't know what you are talking about, it might be smart to tell them NOT TO COME TO YOUR PLACE IF ANYTHING HAPPENS! Because they won't be invited in to the celebration.
Trim sends


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 14, 2009
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Even something as simple as a sick child can keep you from getting to the store for things.I remember my mum drove an hour to bring us food and medicine ,because I could not go out and no one close to ask. First and last time. I stock up now for whatever may come. I think I said it before,but when there is a good deal on something I used to get just a few now I take most of it!


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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In our neck of the woods, most people are SS to a degree. Some hunt and have a garden. Others have livestock and don't garden. Then some just garden and can. But I hope that if our area was in harm during SHTF scenario that we would be able to create a community and trade products with one another, and then work for a common good. Most of the people I think of that would come here are SS to a degree, and would be welcome here. All of the people on my line of thinking garden and can. Which are skills we would need here, and supplies we would need. Most of our neighbors are SS as well. So I think we would be using each other's supplies because we each may have something the other needs.

Like our neighbors, we could trade eggs and (hopefully soon) milk for wild game and furs. Or maybe something else. Who knows. I've actually never had anyone who I personally know, say what we are doing is stupid. Only a few people know about our pantry, the most people see are the ducks and the chickens.

So I would say if the SHTF, we could cooperate easily for a common good :)

AND if not well that is another story :p

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