The Pagan Circle


Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
I want to thank each and everyone of you for shareing. I have totally gotten away from any attempt at any practices over the last 4 years. Funny how things work. A few weeks ago I was outside walking the dog. My 3 year old granddaughter insisted that she help me and begrudingly (I was in a hurry) I let her go. The hunters moon was just rising above the tree line. She squealed LOOK Granny. Her excitement made me excited. We stayed outside for a while looking up and chatting. Chatting with a 3 year old is quite interesting and enlightening at times. I realized that due to family illness and being a care giver for the last 4 years plus working a full time job had made me rather indifferent. I have totally placed myself and any and everything about myself on hold to take care of somone elses needs. I almost felt invisible. Nonexistant. First my mother, now my husband. But Miss Emma with all her 3 year old knowledge ask the right questions. Now she walks the dog with me everynight. And we talk and look up. Then a few days ago someone from here saw me online on Facebook and was sweet enough to ask me where I had been and what was going on. (I know she has no clue that she lifited my cloak of invisibality). That was the first time I had signed into my facebook account in over a month and I was just looking to see if I had any messages. We chatted for a while and she ask me several questions about my faith. Again, I had to think before I answered. I mean, I know what I believe and I know why I believe it but I just have not given it much thought over the last few years. I seem to have been moving in a fog and doing things that need to be done with no thought involved then moving on to the next thing that has to be done.
And now this thread with all of your thoughts and feelings layed out there. How wonderful it is to actually be forced to return to this world and put my mind back to what should have been important all along. And what a perfect time of year for it all to happen.
Blessings to each and everyone of you.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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agreed...while i was with my ex i was in a similar place, so worried about everything for everyone else that the spirtual got lost in the fog...but when that fog lifts and the moon shines clear...isnt it a wonderfull feeling.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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This is great. :D

I feel like for the longest time I have been struggling to find my place, so to speak, in this world and the religion thing keeps getting thrown in my face. I had a very negative experience with being open about my beliefs so when my dad asked me several weeks ago if I had given any thought to committing my soul to christ I felt like someone had lit my hair on fire. He did it while we were in the car and I had no way to escape. Usually I just find an excuse to leave the room. I don't know what to tell him. Religion is fairly new to him and I'm happy that he has found something to believe in but it just isn't a good fit for ME. It never has been and I don't think it ever will be. The first time I went to church with my husband at his family's church I had a panic attack. I find myself "spacing out" during church services...I feel like I'm being condemned as soon as I walk in the door. I have a hard time finding other homeschooling parents to talk to as well because most homeschoolers around here do so because of religious beliefs.

I don't feel comfortable enough in my abilities to start practicing again and honestly I don't know if I could explain it to my husband cause he would think I'm crazy. I haven't read my tarot in a long time....I think I still have them but I would have to search for them. I just feel like I'm wandering sometimes. I guess I just need to read up on things some more and tiptoe back in slowly.

I made dream catchers for my children a little while back and I felt so at peace when I was doing it.....maybe I was an indian in a previous life, huh?


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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dream catchers always catch my focus, i find making them almost a form of meditation.

honestly if your trying to find your way back but not sure in yourself, start with the basics, meditate, find those cards and just sit with them, look them over, reconnect with the images and the feelings...
I dont read often, but it still gives me a nice grounding feeling to just sit and reflect on the cards, the runes ect...

the nice thing with most branches of paganism is its fairly free the little things that help you reconnect and go from there as your comfort level allows...
never be afraid to just look up at the moon or sit in the dirt or stare into the fire and feel the magik.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Just an observation, but I am Christian, and some...SOME of the things you all believe in are things I believe in too. Ya'll freak me out about the moon thing, and worshipping the elements or mother nature or whatever, but I have always believed in recycling and giving back to the earth. I call it stewardship, where you all are calling it worship, but the act is the same. Just thought it was interesting :hu

I don't agree with ya'll, but ya'll don't even agree with each other on half of it! Sounds a little like Christianity to me :lol: Sorry, I gotta poke a bit of fun, because the parallels are just hillarious. :hide

Hope everyone has a great day, just wanted to drop in and say Hi! Hope ya'll don't mind! :frow


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
Wannabefree said:
Just an observation, but I am Christian, and some...SOME of the things you all believe in are things I believe in too. Ya'll freak me out about the moon thing, and worshipping the elements or mother nature or whatever, but I have always believed in recycling and giving back to the earth. I call it stewardship, where you all are calling it worship, but the act is the same. Just thought it was interesting :hu

I don't agree with ya'll, but ya'll don't even agree with each other on half of it! Sounds a little like Christianity to me :lol: Sorry, I gotta poke a bit of fun, because the parallels are just hillarious. :hide

Hope everyone has a great day, just wanted to drop in and say Hi! Hope ya'll don't mind! :frow
You are correct about the simularities and there is a reason for that. The Christian faiths that I am aware of took root from Pagan beliefs. Kind of like once upon a time before Christianity. :)

Its not that we disagree. Its simply a difference in the way we worship. Differences we all accept. Plus by discussing the differences it affords us the opportunity to do a bit of exploring and learning.

I personally am not very thinned skin and don't mind a little poking here and there. Everyone else will have to speak for themselves.

I think anyone wanting to know more - or ask questions is welcome.


Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Brandon, MS
I can't answer your questions at this time Rathbone and I think we should use caution here to avoid this thread being closed. Because I personally love this new thread. So comparisons with the Bible or other religions may need to be left alone. I apologize. I started that particular line of thought in my response to Wannabe to let her know that I was not offended by her post.

Just wanted to throw that out there first while I think about your post further. Where or where is the OP?


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 16, 2010
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Santa Barbara
Im a science brain, I fully believe in the big bang theory (of course it's deeper then that, but in general) :/ Where the god(s) come in, I'm not sure. But I do believe the earth is alive, if that makes sense.

I believe in deities, I guess I'm more shamanistic then anything else. When I was in elementary school, I fully believed In the Greek gods. I don't disregard them now, but my sense of higher beings is still developing. When I pray, it depends on the intent because again I'm more shamanistic ;)

I believe in multiple lives, in rebirth, I have a deep sense of "soul age". I'm def in the early middle, but I've been around since BC and I'm STILL with my trusty Arabian lol! He's been with me for a long time. I also believe that when we come back, we have stuff to finish from our past. I worked through something major with my old pony, and couldn't be happier in how we finished. Why you are here, you have to figure that out. I'm a voice, my destiny is in being a voice for those that can not speak. On a large scale so to speak lol, I'm going into conservation :p Smaller scale, My sense is in the living (I don't believe in just 5 senses!) I can feel others emotions, hear thoughts (hate that) and see future/pasts, which can really suck. While I believe most of our life is mapped out and guided, of course stuff changes. But it's when I stop listening, and bull head through stuff that I get into trouble. But hey, that's how we learn right?

Hope that helped and didn't scare anyone!

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