Turn Off Your Cell Phones....

homestead jenna

Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 2, 2008
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I've been away from here for a while but I can chime in here in SPADES.

A few years ago I spent some time in a financial counseling agency and I got to see a lot of families' spending reports. They would fill out a fairly comprehensive worksheet of how they spent their money.

We had folks spending 200+ a month on cable, extra phone services, whathaveyou, and then couldn't keep their rent paid. And these weren't all low-incomes...our all-time high income service was for a $124,000/year ACCOUNTANT.

And then I love to tell the story of how I was a newly single-mom making $8.79 an hour (18,283.20/yr). I called this lady up about her appointment - had to tell her something about it - and eventually she got around to saying how she had had a job offer...but that she wasn't gonna "go to work for no $25,000 a year!" I dearly wanted to ask her where that was so I could apply.

And then my BEST story from then was when I got called into my supervisor's office. She had me shut the door and sit down. I thought it was firing time. No - she goes, "You know you could have more money on welfare than you do working, don't you?" She then said, "I should let you go so you can do that...but I'll let you decide." I decided to stay and bust a gut earning my money.

Money - the 8th wonder of the world.
Jan 24, 2009
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I'm sure everybody has heard about the woman in California who had 6 kids at home and got invitro fert for 8 more. Turns out the 1st 6 are also invitro fert. Cal medicare is footing the bill which has to be in the millions.

I'm amazed that people that don't need help get it but people that do need help don't get it. Programs like that need to be better regulated and obviously they need to be restructured.

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